Your DVD list

I have a small list compared to the others:

1. Speed
2. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
3. Terminator 2 Judgement Day: The Ultimate Edition DVD
4. Taken
5. Fawlty Towers: The Complete Series
6. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Special Edition
7. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers: Special Edition
8. Die Another Day
9. Beast Wars: The Complete First Season
10. Shadow Raiders: Uncommon Hero (Vol. 1)
11. Shadow Raiders: A Dangerous Enemy (Vol. 2)
12. Shadow Raiders: Final Hours (Vol. 3)
13. Shadow Raiders: Alliance Attack (Vol. 4)
14. Shadow Raiders: Brave New World (Vol. 5)
15. Shadow Raiders: Final Conflict (Vol. 6)
16. The Birdcage
17. The Matrix Revisited
18. The Matrix Reloaded
19. Total Recall
20. The Big Chill
21. The 6th Day
22. Spider-Man
23. Robin Williams Live on Broadway
24. Gold Rush 2002
25. DVD Clean Sweep: Laser Lens Cleaner For DVD

25 DVDs, who would have thought. There are a few more that I will be getting later on...

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Special Edition
The Matrix Revolutions
Secret WIndow
Beast Wars: The Complete Second Season
Sliders: The First and Second Seasons

I like DVDs a ton better than VHS, but I only end up getting DVDs for either movie collections or for movies that I really like and therefore wish to see all the extras.
Dedalus said:
i used to smoke weed in my room but that was ages ago. they're the old fashioned dvd boxes that open 'sideways' anyway.

i'm a star wars fan so shush!

old fashioned meaning the cheapo warner brothers boxes... which no one else produced due to the shitness factor.

Edit: you have Episode 1 & 2 and you call yourself a Star Wars fan?? Psssh!
if it weren't for file-sharing, i'd have a lot more (take that mpaa!!) i go for quality over quantity. that way, i feel supeior to people with more dvds than myself. actually, i feel superior to people with less dvds too.

barton fink
beauty & the beast
blue velvet
bowling for columbine
capturing the friedmans
cinema paradiso
the city of lost children
conan the barbarian
crouching tiger, hidden dragon
edward scissorhands
firefly - the complete series
fog of war
ghost dog
the good, the bad & the ugly
grave of the fireflies
lotr 1 extended
lotr 2 extended
monty python and the holy grail
mosquito coast
mr. show seasons 1&2
mr. show season 3
never cry wolf
the pianist
the red violin
remains of the day
the secret of roan inish
six-string samurai
smilla's sense of snow
the star maker
the thin red line
the unbearable lightness of being
waking life
waking ned devine
Holy shit, Lil' Timmy. Alot of unknown movies there but most of them are great. :)
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
LOTR: Followship
Boondock Saints
The Big Lebowski (just got it, FINALLY!)
A Bronx Tale
Wag The Dog
The Beatles Anthology
Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same
A Bridge Too Far
Gone with the Wind
Enemy at the Gates
Saving Private Ryan
Band of Brothers
This is Spinal Tap (great movie)
Stalag 14
here are pictures of my DVD collection. i had to fit everything on several shelves.
the only dvd that wouldn't show up was "lock, stock, and two smoking barrels." it SHOULD be on the second image.
Here's my DVD Collection:

MST3K Collection Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
MST3K Ep. 106 "The Crawling Hand"
MST3K Ep. 512 "Mtchell"
MST3K Ep. 619 "Red Zone Cuba"
The Future is Wild
Stargate SG1 Seasons 1-3
Star Trek Deep Space 9 Seasons 1 and 5
The Simpsons Season 1
CSI Season 1
Upright Citizens Brigade Season 1
The Living Planet
Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean
Star Trek The Motion Picture
Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn
Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home
Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier
Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek 7: Generations
Star Trek 8: First Contact
Star Trek 9: Insurection
Star Trek 10: Nemesis
Bruce Almighty
Rat Race
Tommy Boy
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Ace Ventura Pet Detective: When Nature Calls
The Man Who Knew Too Little
Dumb & Dumber
Johnny English
Scary Movie 3
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Indiana Jones Box Set
Jurassic Park
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park 3
The Thing
The Hunt for Red October
Patriot Games
Clear and Present Danger
The Sum of All Fears
Independence Day
The Pirates of the Carribean
28 Days Later
Walking with Dinosaurs
Walking with Prehistoric Beasts
Finding Nemo
Monsters, Inc.
Ice Age
Back to the Future Box Set
The War of the Worlds
Men in Black
Eight Legged Freaks
The Mummy (1999)*
The Time Machine (2002)*
Me, Myself & Irene
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure
Liar Liar
The Christmas Carol
Titan A.E.
Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius*
Man on the Moon
See Spot Run*
Godzilla (The American One)*
The Sixth Sense
Osmosis Jones*
Stuart Little*
Inspector Gadget*
Rush Hour 2*
Wild Wild West*
Dr. Doolittle 2*
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen*

*These are movies that I don't understand why I bought them, some of them I don't remeber buying. Also, alot of the Crappy Movies are tucked away in the deep corners of my DVD collection rarely ever seen.