Your eye colour


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I'm just waiting for some people with different coloured eyes to vote, so i can point and laugh calling them a mutant. The girl at college likes it.....what?
Mixture...mainly blue with redish/orange color around the pupil or as they call it "starburst" eyes.
Mine are a blue-grey. Really amazing eyes you can get lost in. :LOL:
My eyes are a red-brown color. Something like a tiger's eye (the gemstone).
Really Dark brown. I thought they were black until i was 9. Then i stared at a mirror really closely and realised they were brown.
I have green eyes. I'm a freak!

one thing interests me though, why are humans' eyes different colors? Does having green eyes make me look different than having grey eyes?
morningstar said:

one thing interests me though, why are humans' eyes different colors? Does having green eyes make me look different than having grey eyes?
It has got to do with genes. Brown is dominant. So if your mother has blue eyes and you father brown your eyes will be brown. Except if your grandfather's/grandmother's eyes were blue, then it would be 50/50. Are you following me?
The_Monkey said:
It has got to do with genes. Brown is dominant. So if your mother has blue eyes and you father brown your eyes will be brown. Except if your grandfather's/grandmother's eyes were blue, then it would be 50/50. Are you following me?

Aaah, the joys of Biology. Thank God that's over :D
Lets go into heterozygous and homozygous alleles, maybe you'll understand that better? How about the dominant and resessive parts. Its too long to explain tbh...
Hectic Glenn said:
Lets go into heterozygous and homozygous alleles, maybe you'll understand that better? How about the dominant and resessive parts. Its too long to explain tbh...
Codominant. You forgot Codominant.
Everyone's always told me mine are blue, but looking in the mirror they look more green, but I'm awful with colours so meh :p
SHIPPI said:
Everyone's always told me mine are blue, but looking in the mirror they look more green, but I'm awful with colours so meh :p
It's called 'to be colourblind' :p
The_Monkey said:
It has got to do with genes. Brown is dominant. So if your mother has blue eyes and you father brown your eyes will be brown. Except if your grandfather's/grandmother's eyes were blue, then it would be 50/50. Are you following me?

yeah thanks but, why are some organisms' eyes different color? is it like a form of adaptation? meh i wonder too much
I have different colour eyes.

My left eye is blue / white wave pattern, with this eye i can see loads of colour but detail is slightly lower.

My right eye is orange/red and green flame pattern, with this eye i can see extreme detail but less colour than the other eye.

Both eyes together give me ****ing extremely good eyesight.
Shows my right eye, normal colour just the rest of the picture desaturated.

It's yet another one of my amazing traits.
Really really really light blue.

700th post \o/
short recoil said:
I have different colour eyes.

My left eye is blue / white wave pattern, with this eye i can see loads of colour but detail is slightly lower.

My right eye is orange/red and green flame pattern, with this eye i can see extreme detail but less colour than the other eye.

Both eyes together give me ****ing extremely good eyesight.
Shows my right eye, normal colour just the rest of the picture desaturated.

It's yet another one of my amazing traits.

interesting, but i can't see the pic
Mine seem to range from a solid, dark brown to a mix of army green around the outer edge and light khaki around the inner edge... depending on when you see them. So, ummm... I guess I'll vote for a mix of colors.
I got a friend whose eyes change from blue to green to brown to gray and then back to blue. The whole cycle takes about two days.
The_Monkey said:
I got a friend whose eyes change from blue to green to brown to gray and then back to blue. The whole cycle takes about two days.
I can change the intensity of my right eyes fire patterning in just a few seconds by concentrating blood flow to it.
The pattern intensifies from the outside inwards, my eyesight becomes more crisp when i do this.
hmm... my eyes are really weird. Around the edges, they're a deep black, which goes into a marbled green-blueish gray.Then there's a 2 or 3 mm ring around my pupils that's, oddly enough, mottled drab yellow. But the weirdest thing is, there are small spots of bright orange all over the greyish areas.

Also, my vision is 20:15, and I'm the only one in my extended family without glasses.