Your facial hair?

What facial hair do you have?

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Apr 26, 2006
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What kind of facial hair do you have?

Personally I am letting everything grow, but for now I voted clean shaven.
i've played around with various combinations, but in the end, it either gets too annoying to maintain, or too uncomfortable to wear. so, clean-shaved now.
I actually had a dream not long ago that i had a beard. Needless to say I was incredibly relieved when I woke up and realised that it wasn't real!!! :E
I haven't shaved ever. I'm far too lazy. It's a bit of a mess, but eh, zzzzzz.
I *could* let it grow in all directions, but I prefer a moustache/beard look (trimmed sideburns). But I don't have the right hair type to let it grow very large. I have to shave when it gets about a half inch thick.
My face is cleanly shaven and shall remain that was forever.
I have a small goatie.
Rest is shaven.
I'm almost 18 but my facial hair still grows very slowly. It's a genetic thing I got from my father. All the men in our family are late bloomers plus our facial hair grows slowly anyway. Useful as I don't want any beard or 'tache for now.
Moustache + Goatee combo. I look far too young with no facial hair.
I've got a patch of hair growing off my lower lip.

I've actually had this growing for about 5 years now, haven't shaved it since, I always just shave around it.
Of course I do trim it at the end of every month, because if I don't it sort of grows out of control.
I've just got general stubble as I've not had to shave for work this weekend
Shit, lol, I meant to vote beard. I voted mustache. Damn confusions. I blame the poll. It's all the poll's fault. ****. **** you atomic piggy. God damn it to hell.
I'm either clean shaven or have a beard going. No inbetweens.
Shit, lol, I meant to vote beard. I voted mustache. Damn confusions. I blame the poll. It's all the poll's fault. ****. **** you atomic piggy. God damn it to hell.

You are going to have to grow a mustache now.
I usually shave every 6-12 days or so. Currently I'm growing it a bit in preparation for trying to go Handlebar.
Stash and beard. I lol'd hard at xlucidx btw. five years for that? LAWL.
Big ol' sideburns. Not down to my mouth though, where they should be. I also have a general thin beard, as I haven't shaved all week. I actually don't have to shave until next saturday.
WTF is a moustache + beard? I think that's called A BEARD.

I have a Russell Brand-esque slightly shaven thing because I'm lazy.
I've just recently got me some side burns, and can't grow enough other facial hair to have a mustache/beard. Damn my dad having bad facial hair genes. I shave my face 1nce a week D:
How'd you classify that?


I trim everyday to the lowest setting my electric razor provides (1mm?). Plus, every week or so I shave my moustache and chin area clean, cause that's where my facial hair are the thickest - so the next day, for a few days, the shade of the shorter, but thicker hair matches the shade of the rest on the cheeks.

I wouldn't call it a full-blown moustache and beard though. Just a shade. Depends on the lightning as well. In the pic it might look darker than it is.
I shave everyday or every other day in an attempt to foil my chin and lip from growing the goatee/moustache they apparently desire
I can't believe there isn't a goatee option.

Shaved mine off recently though because it was bugging me and sometimes I do that.
Usually shave 2 times a week to keep it clean, but if I cba I just wait a month or two.
I like to remain clean shaven, it looks better and is more pleasant to bear. Currently, however, I have not been shaving often. This is because I have many exams. And, upon observing my unkempt chin, I thought to myself: 'well, I shall grow an exam beard. I shall not let a razor touch my face until the conclusion of my studies - perhaps even until several days afterwards'. I want to see what happens, as I've never really gone without shaving for very long before losing my nerve - better to have no beard at all than to have half a beard. There's a twighlight time during which one is not clean-shaven but has not yet achieved anything approaching optimal beard thickness. I have never been able to brave that time - until now.

I'm not going to keep the beard. I can give it up any time.
I personally like the light stubble look better than clean shaven. I think clean shaven looks ridiculous.

I like the rough and rugged look that having light stubble offers, while being sure to avoid unkempt shaggy stubble that looks more hobo like.
I just noticed I'm getting so hairy I can see my beard out of my peripheral vision.

Edit - I'm with Raziaar on the stubble. Certain people can pull off being clean-shaven, people with what I like to call a "pretty mouth" (and who, optionally, can squeal like a piggeh). Others can't. Personally I need something there to distract from the fact that my head looks so massive on it's own. It's actually not at all disproportionate, but for some reason it just looks that way. :(
I try to be clean shaven, but my hair grows so fast that I've generally got that grizzled "I haven't shaved in two days" look, even though I shave twice a day.
Wait, Sulkdodds, who's going to be giving you an exam-time ban? :)