your favorite artists

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Sorry, Im not taking a personal dig at you. I just find Limp Bizkit, Staind, Linkin Park and the like to be devoid of any songwriting ability or musicianship, resorting to laying down uncreative power chord laced riffs laden with distortion in order to cover up the glaring holes in talent.
Originally posted by Bass
Sorry, Im not taking a personal dig at you. I just find Limp Bizkit, Staind, Linkin Park and the like to be devoid of any songwriting ability or musicianship, resorting to laying down uncreative power chord laced riffs laden with distortion in order to cover up the glaring holes in talent.

Your use of big words is impressive. GG WIN YOU>

I guesss its safe to presume that you can play at least one musical instrument?
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Your use of big words is impressive. GG WIN YOU>

I guesss its safe to presume that you can play at least one musical instrument?

Yeah I play guitar. Dont get me wrong Im not calling myself a great songwriter or some kind of virtuoso. Just the music seems so....manufactured.
whats up with all that music bashing?

everyone can have their own musical taste......relax ;)
Mozart was good, but Beethoven ownz him. Beethoven was a student of his for a while. My favourite work of Mozart: Turkish March.
Beethoven: Beethoven's 5th
NIGHT by eli wiezel is REAL good... if you ever want to read an accurate interpritation of a concentration camp.. read that book its pretty horrible but its a good book
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Mozart was good, but Beethoven ownz him. Beethoven was a student of his for a while. My favourite work of Mozart: Turkish March.
Beethoven: Beethoven's 5th

Stfu dood, beethoven only owned because he used wallhack, mozart would so fux him up if beethoven wasn't a lamer.
Sry, had to when you use beethoven, mozart and ownz in a sentence.
Mozart vs. Beethoven -they were both great, but Beethoven was the greates-he was deaf-that's hard to compose music. My dad's a composer himself, he conducted the Vancouver Opera called: Go for me to China-that's how I got hooked on this classical stuff. How did u guys get hooked on you music?
I like Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, and the minuet badinerie the most.
Oh and pachelbel's cannon.

And I just thought it would be nice for a change. Besides I really liked the cellphones' ringtones :)
Originally posted by Bass
Yeah I play guitar. Dont get me wrong Im not calling myself a great songwriter or some kind of virtuoso. Just the music seems so....manufactured.

Yeah , I couldnt argue back because I dont play an instrument , kinda sucked lol.
I also really like classical music in the right situation. Frank Sinatra is great as well if youre in the right place/restaurant.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Yeah , I couldnt argue back because I dont play an instrument , kinda sucked lol.

Hahah its cool man, everyone has their own tastes
If all you classical music lovers have never listend to the New World Symphony by Dvorak, then you've missed a majorly influenal piece.

Soooooo many modern symphonic works take off on the themes present in it.

For instance, the beginning minute of the fourth movement has themes reminicent of both the Jaws theme and the Imperial March.
Originally posted by Morbo
Wagner was great too.
"I can't listen to Wagner for too long. It gives me the urge to invade Poland." - Woody Allen

Smetana's great, Bach's very good also, but Erik Satie's just wonderful... SO good.

Am I the only jazz fan here?
I really like The Seatbelts and Janis Seigel are my favourites
DC Talk
The Tribe
... Just to name a few.

I'll listen to anything Christian and love it.

Oh, and yes, Rage Against the Machine are awesome. Not sure about a favourite track, probably Bombtrack, Sleep Now in the Fire, Guerilla Radio.
:thumbs: to those who mentioned Ayreon, Dream Theater/Liquid Tension, Symphony X...

Oh, and some of you accidentally listed NAS, DMX, Tupac as artists...

Current classical preferences are Tchaikovsky and Chopin.

Everything else:
Dream Theater
Symphony X
David Bowie
Willy Porter
Cyndi Lauper
Isao Tomita
Malice Mizer
Marilyn Manson (excluding recent album)
Pink Floyd
Jethro Tull
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones
Smashing Pumpkins
The Beatles
Apoptygma Berzerk
Janne Da Arc
And one
Aphex Twin
VNV Nation

I'll stop there for now...
my groups:
Cross Canadian Ragweed
Pat Green
John Price
Cory Morrow
Robert Earl Keen
Jerry Jeff Walker
Dave Matthews Band

haha and if you wanna listen to something really funny listen to the Icy Hot Stuntaz. There a bunch of white rappers.
Originally posted by alb1221
metallica bothers me... first there whole anti napster thing... and now they think there soo cool on mtv and stuf

there old..

i agree, people need to get over there metallica stage, i also wanna see the drumer get his ass kicked by someone.

anyway i like

the foo fighters
white stripes
chili peppers
smashing pumpkins !
Originally posted by nw909
The Pillows
The White Stripes
Kurihara Masaware

You may be a forum nazi but mad props for "The Pillows" love it.
Nine Inch Nails
Alice In Chains
Type O Negative
The Mars Volta
Dead Hand System
Indian Ropeman
Juno Reactor
Zero 7
Fear Factory
The Mounain Goats
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Telefon Tel Aviv
Dead Hollywood Stars
Corrosion of Conformity
Mad Season
No One
Primer 55
Rage Against The Machine
Spacetime Continuum
Art Of Noise
The Bowling Green
Soundgarden/Chris Cornell/Audioslave
Soul Coughing

And I'm probably forgetting some =P