your favorite AUDIO player


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sry, didn't want to jack skeletor's thread :(

I'm getting quite sick of iTunes. I love how it organizes songs and such, but it's too bulky, runs too many BG processes, takes up too much ram, and is just generally slow. Not to mention, there's no way to make it preload songs.

So, I was wondering, what is your favorite audio player?
Windows Media Player 11 owns. I love the new library and how it organizes the music instead of just a huge list of songs like in previous Media Player versions.
Why doesn't everyone just shut up and use winamp? :P
iTunes 7 tyvm.

Edit: And what do you mean by "runs too many BG processes" and "there's no way to make it preload songs"?
I'm on OS X (macbook) so itunes runs just dandy for me.
itunes it is.....
I use Amarok, it's by far the best music player program I've used. Integrated lyrics finder, album art finder, fast database and keyword searching, clean styling. Might be available for Windows someday heh....

On Windows I used to use musikCube, because it was very very light on system resources. And I also used Winamp if I needed any flashy functionality like Bluetooth remote control or visualisations.
I use iTunes and leave it minimized since I use my G15 keyboard to control playback and view the song playing. I have a nano as well so I sync with iTunes although I rarely use the nano. iTunes is just simplistic yet has nice features for playback and good organization of the songs.
I like mine the best, current using 3.4 megs of memory and is staying out of my way.

Vertigo - U2 is playing. Good song.
I use iTunes, primarily because it fufills my needs and I've got an iPod, but I used Winamp for a good five years before that