Your favorite game, again


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

My answers

1. Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay / Resident Evil 4

2. Half-Life

3. Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay

4. Super Mario

5. Silent Hill 2
1. Halflife series - Hl1 and 2 et al
2. Battlefield 2 recently - All time Tetris, Halflife, Quake?
3. Halflife 2 _ damn you Steam - at this exact moment i cannot play hl2 because i didnt open it the last time i updated it grrr
4. Space Invaders/ Centipede - greatest game ever
5. Operation Flashpoint - pant browningly scary (resident evils or silent hills dont even come close
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most
1. Like most: Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne/Love most: Grand Theft Auto III

2. I've spent the most time playing Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. Just never grows old.

3. Probably Far Cry or Gunvalkyrie for the Xbox. Both very difficult and ungodly challenging games.

4. Hmmm... as far as I can remember, I think it was either Sonic the Hedgehog or Vectorman for the Sega Genesis.

5. The original Resident Evil for the PlayStation.
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most
1. Hard one, but I'd have to go between Deus Ex and Operation Flashpoint.
2. Ut2k4
3. Hidden and Dangerous, simply because it's the buggiest bloody thing in the world.
4. Wolfenstein 3D
5. The original Half-Life did a good job of scaring the hell out of me, simply because of the zombies. The way they sound and move really freaked me out. However, I'll agree with john3571000 in that Op Flash provides unparalleled 'tension' fear - nothing scarier than losing your whole squad, while having to run a few clicks to the safezone with the enemy close on your heels, taking potshots.
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

1.) Hmmm, have to be Zelda - Ocarina of Time or Goldeneye 007

2.) Goldeneye 007

3.) Super Smash Brothers Melee/Manhunt

4.) Last Ninja 2 (An all time classic)

5.) I doubt many will remember it, but many moons ago there was a game version of Jurassic Park for the Amiga. The darkened raptor level scared me. ;(
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most
1) Operation Flashpoint/Marathon
2)Total: Rise of Nations Currently: Marathon
3)Half Life 2(gfx issues)
4)Jurassic Park for Genesis
5)Doom 3 demo/Jurassic Park(those T Rexes scared me :()
1: Deus Ex 1/2, Half-Life 1/2, Metal Gear Solid
2: MP: CS,CSS SP: Deus Ex
3: None
4: For console no idea, For pc it was Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
5: Doom 3 made me jump a lot.
1. Half-Life 1 and 2.
2. Counter-Strike...sadly. 5 years is too long, glad I'm out of it.
3. Starcraft. Not techical issues, but in game issues. I used to suck pretty hardcore.
4. Police Quest or Mars. The first game that got me INTO gaming though, The Blizzard pack with Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft II in it.
5. Aliens Vs Predator 2
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

1. Hard to say really... Hm... UT2004, Best game I've ever played.

2. Jedi Academy Multiplayer

3. Battlefield 1942, crashes ahoy.

4. Commander Keen

5. Clive Barker's Undying
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

1. Half-Life 1 and Battlefield 2

2. Think BF2 is now edging into the lead over CS:S and GTA 3

3. BF2, pretty buggy to start with

4. Battlezone (First non arcade-PC port game)

5. Thief 3-Cradle level and Doom 3
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

1. Rome: TW, although I*m starting to fall in love with DoD: Source.
2. GTA 2 :x
3. GTA 2 :x
4. I can't remember the name, but you played as Gorillas and was shooting bananas on other gorillas from buildings.
5. Don't play horror games.
1. MGS/Psychonauts, MGS is my favoritee, but Psychonauts is so so close, it deserved a mention.

2. Counter-strike mp, sp: GTA:VC or FFVIII

3. Farcry

4. Zelda NES, but didn't even know it was zelda, untill I saw it on a game show and rememebrd my first time playing.

5. Silent Hill
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

1. Deus ex, Half-life 1/2, MGS series, Riddick, GTA series...could go on for awhile :p

2. No idea.

3. None.

4. Can't remember.

5. Erm...Resident evil 2.
1. Three Way Tie: Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy 7, and the MGS games

2. Guild Wars (millions of hours invested into that one)

3. Devil May Cry 3... which is odd because Ninja Gaiden gave me no problem

4. Super Mario World

5. Tie: Fatal Frame series and F.E.A.R. demo... both made/make me jump
Garfield_ said:
1. do you like most, or love most
2. have you spent most time on
3. had most issues, difficulties etc
4. which game was your first game you ever played
5. have scared you most

1. Half Life 2
2. Day Of Defeat (From Beta 2 to Source.. Over 5000 Hours)
3. Republic Commando.. god damn.
4. Wolfenstein 3D, I was 3
5. Dino Crisis on Playstation.. those were the days.
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most
1. metal gear solid series

2. prolly the pro evolution soccer series, atm battlefield2

3.DEVIL MAY FOOKIN CRY 3- it'll make you its bitch..

4. erm.......:sleep:

mario? dunno...

5. silent hill 3, visually shocking and disturbing(alternate hospital anyone?), havent played the others but reading about 1 & 2 was freaky enough....sh3 though i have and that weirded me out a bit alright...;(

yeah the cradle in thief 3 too
1. Black and White
2. Black and White
3. Black and White
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. F.E.A.R. (Demo).
1. DOD Source
2. DOD Source
3. DOD Source
4. DOD Source
5. DOD Source
Ocarina of Time
Super Mario 64
Final Fantasy 7/8/9
Chrono Cross
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II / Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid II: Sons of Liberty
Perfect Dark
Banjo Kazooie
Day of Defeat 3.1
Deus Ex
Mario Kart 64
World of Warcraft
Unreal Tournament
Alien Versus Predetor 2
Battlefield 1942
Half-Life + HLDM
Pokeman Snap (huge guilty pleasure)
Pokemon gameboy games (red/blue silver/gold)
Age of Empires II
Super Smash Brothers
Tony Hawks Pro Skater (original)
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Duke Nuken 3D
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Quake III
Quake II
Neverwinter Nights
Baldurs Gate
Baldurs Gate II
Phantasy Star Online
Pod Racer (n64)
Diddy Kong Racing (n64)
Super Mario Brothers 1-3
Chrono Trigger
Devil May Cry 1
Crazy Taxi
Sonic The Hedgehog (dream-cast)
Jet Grind Radio (dream cast)
Soldier of Fortune
Soldier of Fortune II
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Call of Duty
Diablo II
Ghost Recon
Rainbow Six 1-3
Bushido Blade II
Tenchu II
Dead or Alive 2
Tekken Tag Tournament
Power Stone (dreamcast)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Tomb Raider
Pilot Wings (n64)
Grand Theft Auto II
Grand Theft Auto III
Hospital Tycoon
Sim City 2000
Sim Town
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Sim Safari
Sim Helicopter
Half-Life 2
No One Lives Forever

and many many more :) I have lots of favorite games heh, now that I think about it.. modern games dont compare to any of these :(
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most
1. Caesar 3, I always go back to it every few months.

2. Championship Manager 3.

3. None I can remember.

4. Dizzy for the ZX Spectrum.

5. Probably Alone in the Dark, or the first Resident Evil when it first came out.
1. Ocarina of time, C-S 1.6, Legend of Dragoon

2. C-S 1.6 or any Zelda game

3. FF7? not sure

4. Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt combo

5. Resident Evil 2 from back in the day
1. No One Lives Forever 2: A spy in HARMs way
2. proabably Starcraft
3. The last Zerg mission in BroodWar
4. Super Mario Bros.
5. Thief: The Dark Project
1. do you like most, or love most
I've got a lot of love for the Battlefield series.

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc
Hmmmmm, dunno really.

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most
The FEAR demo
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

1.I would say Half Life 2, or Golden Eye 007.

2.Counter Strike Source by far.:E

3.Hard to say...But I would go with Viewtiful Joe for the Gamecube. (Played it on hard.)

4.Either Super Mario, or Sonic the Hedgehog....Too long ago to remember.

5.Doom 3 made me jump the most. FEAR (based on the demo) was pretty freaky too.
1. do you like most, or love most

Secret of Mana, Golden Eye, Mario 64, RTCW (multiplayer)

2. have you spent most time on


3. had most issues, difficulties etc


4. which game was your first game you ever played

Probably a version of Space Invaders.

5. have scared you most

System Shock 2
1. I really can't answer this question. There are so many games I've loved to bits it's almost sacrilege to put one above the rest.

2. I probably spent the most time with Morrowind or Heroes III.

3. Battlefield: Vietnam. I gave it away to a friend because I hated it so much.

4. I'm pretty sure my first game was Aladin. I still play it.

5. System Shock 2 is easily the scariest game I have ever played.
1. Half-life 2 / Vietcong / MOH:AA


3. All Battlefield games

4. Super Mario / Duck Hunt

5. Far Cry
1. do you like most, or love most
Black and White, HL1 and HL2, BattleField DC
2. have you spent most time on
Half Life 1
3. had most issues, difficulties etc
Black and White, my graphics card had the wrong drivers and would shut down the comp now and then :(
4. which game was your first game you ever played
I think lemmings (anyone have a copy, want to play it again), or Keen
5. have scared you most
Half Life 1, The first 5 minutes of the Flood level in Halo 1, Ravenholm
1. Morrowind, Riven, Medieval Total War
2. Morrowind (over a year off 'n on)
3. HL2, Outcast
4. 80's - C64: Shadowfire, Elite
90's - Amiga: Populous
late 90's - PC: 7th Guest and Gabriel Knight Sins of the fathers
5. AvP, FEAR demo

zelda : windwaker, half life2


Champ Man 3, Champ Man 4, Football Manager 2005

most issues:

System Shock2. never worked on old computer, now i have new one cant be arsed to play it:rolling:


probably tetris


first Resident Evil, Doom3, Ravenholm, AvP...i scare easily:eek:
Fav : HL2 ^-^
Longest : Arcanum and probably C&C
Most Issues : I dunno :/
First : Hmmm... Probably DooM. I was addicted to Slipstream 5000 though (or was it 4000? lol :p)
Scariest : Doom3, before I used cheats because after 8 zombies it wasn't scary anymore and I wanted to get on with the game (which is basically one big level)
Best experience recently : Vampire : The Masquerade : Bloodlines. HEIL TROIKA GAMES!
Favourite: Mafia

Played longest: GTA: Vice City

Most bugs etc: Half-Life 2

First game I played: Rayman

Scared me the most: System Shock 2
1. I have no idea. You cant compare games such as, say, Half Life 2 and Il2:Sturmovik. Both were great games in their own genre.
2. Probably Call of Duty in its Various forms
3. Half Life 2 and Steam
4. Either Lemmings or Simcity 2000
5. The FEAR Demo, jeez that was well designed
1. System Shock 2 (although I didn't like the end)
2. Spellforce + addons
3. Riven
4. PGA Tour Golf PC
5. System Shock 2, Alone in the Dark 1
Garfield_ said:
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

1. Half-Life 2.

2. Sims 2

3. Sim City 4

4. Duke Nukem 3D (Pretty weird, and stupid...)

5. Vampire: The Masquerade (DAMN YOU STUPID GHOST HOUSE!)
1. do you like most, or love most
The Secret of Monkey Island

2. have you spent most time on
CS:S (almost a year straight of playing virtually every single day)

3. had most issues, difficulties etc
Everything on Steam

4. which game was your first [PC] game you ever played

5. have scared you most
Silent Hill 2 (playing that game with headphones while alone in the dark was VERY scary--esp. the apartment building).
1. Half-Life 2

2. Counter-Strike

3. Half-Life
4. Super Mario, DUH!

5. Silent Hill 4: the room. Shit.
I got few questions, which video games:

1. do you like most, or love most

2. have you spent most time on

3. had most issues, difficulties etc

4. which game was your first game you ever played

5. have scared you most

1. The game I love the most would have to be....Alpha Centari

2. I've spent the most time on....Diablo 2

3. The most difficult game I played was.....playing my friend in Super Smash Brothers Melee. (He's a fanboy so naturally he kicks my ass everytime.)

4. Well...of course Mario Bros.

5. Silent Hill 1,2,3. (Doom 3 was not scary, I don't know how you can get scared in that game. and as for Residnet evil 2....if that scared you, Silent hill will give you a heart don't play it.)