Your favorite game music ever?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 9, 2013
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I listened to some of my favorite video music again and thought I wanted to share it with people, cause my real life friends dont really care much about this stuff, they only play League, Hearthstone all day -.-
Of course I want to hear what you guys think and hear some of your favorite soundtracks.
Sorry if Im exxagerting with this thread!

NOT IN ORDER! Im not gonna list any Valve games, for that watch Valvetime Top 5 ;)
There is probably missing A LOT in this list.


Dark Souls

Age of Empires

Black Mesa


Deus Ex

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Prince of Persia Warrior Within

Shovel Knight

Wolfenstein the new Order


Starcraft 2

FTL - Faster Than Light



Serious Sam 3

Metal Gear Rising

Burnout Paradise

Race Driver Grid

Risk of Rain

Super Meat Boy

Sacred 2

Total Annihilation



Rayman Legends

Bionic Commando Rearmed

Bionic Commando

Hotline Miami

Max Payne 3

Goldeneye 64

Battlefield Bad Company 2

Company of Heroes

Command & Conquer Generals
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definitely. The Command & Conquer games have some REALLY good music, my favorite is from C&C Generals though :D Im gonna add that to my first post
My personal top ten with my favourite tracks :

10.Dead Space 2 - My "special" soundtrack to create nightmares :smug: Also it's ending credits theme kicks butt.

Lacrimosa -

9.The Walking Dead : Season one - I find it hard to describe, I can't really say what I liked about it, maybe it's that when watching the game it really highlights some memorable scenes like "Pharmacy Office" in episode one , which actually gets more difficult to listen to after this season's ending :(
Safe ( edit 1 ) -

The Sims 3 - You can laugh now. I think it's very relaxing, and if you've played the game multiple times.. you know how frustrating saving is, even without "customs" and mods. You just want to KILL FOR THAT DARN SAVE ! :mask: I also like to listen to it when I'm learning. It usually helps me.
Identity Check -

Half-Life 2 : Episode Two - This has to be my favourite HL soundtrack ( "Sector Sweep" & "Vortal Combat" <3 )
Sector Sweep -

Assassin's Creed 2 - One word. "Earth". This track sold me the entire OST. Yea, people think it's "Venice Rooftops" or "Ezio's Family" that are the best, but I reaally liked how they mixed them both into "Earth". Other than that, this soundtrack is really epic.
Earth -

The Last of Us - I love this atmosphere it creates, I really like listening to it when I'm reading books like Hunger Games trilogy, Roadside Picnic and The Road.
Smugglers -

Journey - The most beautiful OST on this list, when the Sims one helps me learning, this one helps me focus on stuff I am currently working on. It's also very inspirational for me, painting while listening to it is amazing :LOL:
Reclamation -

Portal 2 - Oh come on ! How can you not like this one ! All three parts are amazing, I think that "PotatOS lament", "99999", "There she is" and "OMG What Has He Done ?" are the saddest and the most terrifying tracks on those albums, they do move your imagination. :unsure:
There She Is -

Mirror's Edge - No talking, just listen to it. Solar Fields, ya did a great job with this one. (y)
Shard -

Silent Hill 3 - My favourite SH game and my favourite soundtrack. I really love this one, it's the first to pop in my head when thinking about my favourite OSTs. SH, SH2, SH4 and Shattered Memories also have wonderful ones, but this is the one I almost everyday launch without a blink. "Flower Crown of Poppy", " A Stray Child", "Lost Carol", "Memory of the Waters", "Please Love Me Once More" and "Breeze in a Monochrome Night" are my favourites. Listen to it if you haven't already, it may not be as good as SH2, but still.
Flower Crown of Poppy -

Thanks, also glad there are more people who enjoy and "defend" The Sims, I'm slowly getting tired of haters and stereotypes everywhere. :bored:[/spoiler]
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^Pretty good list, overall.

The Sims 3 - You can laugh now. I think it's very relaxing, and if you've played the game multiple times.. you know how frustrating saving is, even without "customs" and mods. You just want to KILL FOR THAT DARN SAVE ! :mask: I also like to listen to it when I'm learning. It usually helps me.

Why would I laugh at this? One of the things I've always said about Sims (especially recently with all the bad news about Sims 4) is that the series has always had absolutely excellent music. No matter how much EA continue to **** up the series, I will always enjoy its music.

Although you should've put Sims 2 ahead of Sims 3. ;)
My personal top ten :

nice, I forgot Assassins Creed 2. I didnt play Last of Us and Journey YET (bought a ps3 a week ago to play all the exlusives). I didnt include any Valve games, because I thought we discussed those enough in the Valvetime Top 5 best soundtracks.

^Pretty good list, overall.

Why would I laugh at this? One of the things I've always said about Sims (especially recently with all the bad news about Sims 4) is that the series has always had absolutely excellent music. No matter how much EA continue to **** up the series, I will always enjoy its music.

Although you should've put Sims 2 ahead of Sims 3. ;)

definitley!! But my favorite music is from Sim City 4, forgot that one in my post!
I guess I'll have to shout out some of the more less known games.

Fallout 1 and 2
Killing Floor
PayDay 2
Alien Shooter
Cave Story+

XCOM: Enemy Unkown

God there is so much more I can add from the PS2 era... But I'm affraid I'll make a very long post.
man I love payday music, the first payday had great music too.
Aaah ! I forgot about Fallout series ! I got stuck in the middle of the first game, and still not found that *beep* water chip. Seriously, I would prefer to play without a time limit, that world is simply too fascinating for me. :LOL: .... but keep away from me those radscorpions, please.

I can also recommend Homeworld series's OSTs, they are pretty unique. I'm glad my dad recently introduced me to this series. :happy: Give them a try, the "Opening" in H2 sold me.
Homeworld 1 -

("Homeworld" by Yes is simply awesome )

Homeworld 2 -

Also, now we know what also inspired Valve, while creating Portal and GLaDOS ;)
Tomb Raider, The Witcher ( :D ) and Mass Effect series also had good soundtracks. :)
The Witcher 2 -

Mass Effect 2 -

Tomb Raider 1, with one of the greatest main themes ever, even the Anniversary's remastered version is really beautiful -

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I didnt knew Homeworld, really sounds Half-Life-esque
Aaah ! I forgot about Fallout series ! I got stuck in the middle of the first game, and still not found that *beep* water chip. Seriously, I would prefer to play without a time limit, that world is simply too fascinating for me.

You might wan't to check out Fallout 2. It doesn't have any time limit, and it is just as compelling as Fallout 1.
guys next time you put a soundtrack here, could u just put 1 track from the whole OST which you like the most? So we can see fast why its a great soundtrack and checkout the rest for ourselves.
Half-Life 1 has the best game soundtrack I have ever heard.
some of the older Half-Life soundtracks may sound "old" or "cheap", but the thing about a game soundtrack is not just how it sounds, but also how it is used in the game and because of THAT the Half-Life soundtrack is so damn good. In most fights you dont even have any music, which makes the fights where you have music even more epic. That is the problem of most todays games in my opinion, they just put music EVERYWHERE. Most of the time there is even only 1 or 2 combat tracks which they use in every fight.
But in my opinion the best game soundtrack has Portal 2. It uses the music even more creative and better in the game and just sounds awesome. Here is my favorite :

I also really like Robots FTW, but I actually have two favourite tracks - "There she is" and "You will be perfect". As I grew up ( I was 12 when the game came out ), many of these tracks became.. uh... heavy to listen to, like I mentioned earlier, but I'll make a thread about it later....

I updated my list with my favourite tracks, where there were multiple ones I just picked one of them :P
Starcraft and Warcraft II are amazing as well, totes forgot how great Blizzard is with sound.

Rockstar almost always kills it. My favorite game OST track is from RDR:

My favorite song from the Portal 2 OST is this:

Both of these can bring me to tears in the right mood.
I just started playing Red Dead Redemption, really nice soundtrack, but my favorite soundtrack from rockstar games is from Max Payne 3 (see my first post)
I. Have. To. Buy. New n' Tasty. Sooon.
Oddworld was one of the most creepiest games I've ever seen when I was little. It still gives me goosebumps, but I am amazed by that world and it's inhabitants. ( See what I did there ? ;) ).

Oddworld Abe's Odyssey -
Scrabanian Nest Chase

And about Fallout 2, I actually already have it ! I got it and Fallout Tactics for free at :) Can't wait to play them ! And when we are on the topic of songs in games, yeah, Exile Vilify is a really emotional track. MGS series also has beautiful songs, Bastion too :) ( I have to play Transistor too, looks really amazing )
I love this version of some of the greatest tracks in The Binding of Isaac's soundtrack, really do check it out if you liked the original -

PS : Tomes is really beautiful :love:
I have to say Im not the biggest fan of the Binding of Isaac soundtrack apart from the Satan theme and 1 or 2 others, but this piano version sounds really good.

Im excited for Binding of Isaac Rebirth! :D
Im playing through the Metal Gear Solid games for the first time currently and I am almost at the end of MGS4 and I have to say these games were mindblowing so far but also the soundtrack is damn good.


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This here would have to be the best damned acapella in the existence of the Internets:

But I find the original to be more tense and hair-raising.
Doom has some amazing music, At Dooms Gate is incredibly iconic.

Arkham City

Witcher 1 & 2 has alot of great music, TW3 probably the same.

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Let me just add some soundtracks from the PS2 era.

All I can think of right now. All these soundtracks imo are superb.
I am currently playing Shadow of Colossus for the first time in my life (on ps3) and this game is truly epic (overused word I know) but it wouldnt be without its soundtrack.
I also played The Last of Us for the first time now and that game really knows what makes a good soundtrack for a game, not only how it sounds but also how it is used in the game, you can see the people behind that game really put some thought into that. (soundtrack is posted already by someone else)

Also people, thanks for all the posts, I didnt expected this thread to get this big. I love talking about game soundtracks so keep posting!!
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All the music from Super Metroid sticks with me to this day.

Also love the Dark World theme from a Link Between Worlds after you save the Seven Sages. Awesome.

Another great soundtrack I forgot about; Ever heard of a writer named... Alan Wake ? ;) A good, but kinda underrated game from Remedy, I really like its movie/film like OST and these songs at the end of the chapters, just love them ! :smug: Give it a try, many tracks might be a hit or miss, but when they hit...

Watch out for a light spoiler, it won't really destroy your experience, but still. ( Also it's not a full version of this song, if you liked it really do check it out :) )

Soundtrack :

Tom the Driver ( <3 )

how could I forget Alan Wake :O

All the music from Super Metroid sticks with me to this day.

Also love the Dark World theme from a Link Between Worlds after you save the Seven Sages. Awesome.

I never played any Zelda game, but that sounds REALLY good!
Borderlands 2, specifically some tracks from Tiny Tina's DLC are working their way to the top. Otherwise, it's the soundtrack from F.E.A.R., Mechwarrior 2, or American McGee's Alice.