Your Favorite Guitarist?


Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
As of right now, mine is a toss up between SRV and Eric Johnson.
I might end up having to go with Hendrix on this one...
This is based on not how fast they can play, but rather their songwriting and creativity with the guitar. So I pick Hendrix because Ive never heard another guitarist sound as great and powerful as him.

Long Live Jimi Hendrix
Joe Satriani is definately up there for me...
Omar Rodriguez of At the Drive-In/Mars Volta.
TheAntipop, loooking at your username, I'm guessing you're a Primus fan?
Petrucci and Gilbert, I like how they play, and how I will never be as good as them.

Woot ;(
Technicality - John Petrucci
Originality - Larry LaLonde
Favourite for no apparent reason - Mike Einziger
My favourite guitarist, without a doubt has to be Satch. I am a fan of many great guitarists, all varying in style, technical ability and originality, but for me everything about Satch, his music, his multitude of sounds, his ability, the passion he shows when playing, just makes him the no.1 for me.
I vote for "Esteban"....he studied under "Segovia" and hawks $229 guitar sets to the masses.

Yes...I bought one.
Yes...the best thing about his guitar package is the guitar case
Yes...His guitar was picked up by the sanitation dept. last week
Yep...still have the Martin has taken up residence
I really want to say something stupid like Trent Reznor or Ian D'Sa from Billy Talent, just to see how quickly people would rip me apart :cheese:
People overlook Brian May from Queen, but for classic rock guitarists I'd say he has the most distinct sound
I really want to say something stupid like Trent Reznor or Ian D'Sa from Billy Talent, just to see how quickly people would rip me apart :cheese:

Quite the contrary - I like Ian's sound in Billy Talent. Nout technical about him, but overal, who cares? Got a good style of playing, aswell as being really energetic and somewhat fearsome live.
Quite the contrary - I like Ian's sound in Billy Talent. Nout technical about him, but overal, who cares? Got a good style of playing, aswell as being really energetic and somewhat fearsome live.
Agreed, I really do like his playing style. Not my actual favorite, but he's good nonetheless. Seeing them in concert in a few weeks \o/ (first concert ever :P)
Ah, I saw 'em last summer at a festival, but missed them recently on a UK tour. :( Really good, regardless that I was just standing at the side. Wish I was in the crowd. Like I said, really energetic and exciting band, played a good set list and on the whole played really well. Enjoy!
Everyone bloody overlooks Johnny Marr (the Smiths).. absolute genius

agreed he has the coolest name in music (joe strummer close second)

the guitar virtuoso died in the late 80's ...may it never ever return ..I was a fan but it became too self indulgent, meaning boring as all hell after awhile

names that havent been mentioned, in no particular order:

andy summers
mark knofler
Andres Segovia
Al Dimeola (absolutely brilliant)
Chet atkins
chuck berry (bar none, the most influential guitarist ever)
Stevie Ray Vaughan
Keith Richards (best rythm guitarist of all time)
Joe Strummer
Kendall Jones (fishbone)
Everyone bloody overlooks Johnny Marr (the Smiths).. absolute genius

He has recently joined Modest Mouse, who are famous for great albums like The Moon and Antarctica and The Lonesome Crowded West. Their next album hits the shelves in March.

My Favorite Guitarist is Thruston Moore of the Sonic Youth merely for his work on Sister and Daydream Nation.

I'm also a huge fan of David Gilmour, Mick Ronson and Johnny Greenwood.
Mark Knofler

Not much in terms of tehchnique or skill compared to others, but in terms of just chilled out guitar, i dont think anyone can match them.
Guitarists: Josh Homme, Justin King, John Petrucci, Jimmy Page, Joe Bonamassa... all have a fricking J at the beginning of their names! Conspiracy I tell you!

Bass Guitar: Les Claypool, Nick Oliveri, John Paul Jones