Your Favorite Video Game Music Tracks

Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Everything from Battalion Wars 2.

"Hell March" from Command and conquer:Red Alert 2

All the Team Fortress 2 songs.

"Still Alive"

"Vortal combat," "Sector Sweep," and "Last legs" from episode 2.
Triage At Dawn from Half-Life 2, & the Donkey Kong Country theme.
Well shit, lots.

Katamary Damacy
Cortex Command
Bomberman Hero
Zelda OoT
ehh and more shit
The only Valve-related song that I can recall really liking:

I kinda like the 7th Guest and Blood music too... even though, midis. :eek: 7th Guest is definitely the better of the two. Blood was more hit and miss.
^enhanced with some sounds but original was already awesome.

Descent also had some decent midis, in a really cheesy lol sense.

And Braid's music was all very lovely.

[super late edit]
I re-listened to some of those midis sometime after posting this. They are pretty godawful. But I still love them. Nostalgia...
Everything from persona 3 and 4, and armored core.
Oh god another youtube embed thread. I'll spare you the links and just list a couple of my favorite picks from the top of my head, oldest-first.

Megaman 2 Wily's Castle theme 1. In fact, most of the music from that game.
F-Zero - SNES - Big Blue, Mute City, Silence.
Link To The Past - Dark world theme.
Donkey Kong Country - underwater theme

And for the lulz: San Francisco Rush high score entry song.

The soundtracks to MGS, Silent Hill, and Shadow of The Colossus are some the best music put to gaming. Nothing was more epic when fighting the colossi and that music comes on.
@Darkside, well I'm glad my post includes yours. Flash Man had been my ringtone for an entire phone usage length.
My favorite vidya game music is definitely from Heroes of Might and Magic 3, particularly the town themes.

There is also one track in HL2 EP2, I believe it's called "vortal combat", that played when the vortigaunts arrive at the antlion cave. It's not a great piece by itself but it really set up the scene and stirred up adrenaline.

Also I like the old-timey music they chose for both Bioshock and Fallout but it's not original music for the game. It helped to create a great atmosphere in both games.
Jesper Kyd's work has always been a favourite of mine the moment I heard it:

And holy shit if you people think I am crazy with the whole NWO thing, check out some of the comments on the AC2 tracks LOL
/me goes to make hidden blades and track down the Illuminati
Super Meat Boy definitely has my interest as my new favorite soundtrack.
It's definitely one of my favourite soundtracks of all time. Up there with Halo 2 and Half Life 2 in my opinion.