your favourite coincidences


Jun 19, 2004
Reaction score
So i was logging in to a site that asked for image verification and the code it gave was:

It made me ROFL and got me thinking of the chances of something like that happening. (hope it doesn't offend =\ just some letters after all)

Everyone <3's random coincidental events, lets hear em
Some years ago I went to a schooltrip to Poland (to visit the concentration camps among other things). We hired the bus of the local hockey team which just that year had won the championship for the second time ever. So a few days later, we're in Krakow, in a hotel when we hear some screams from the parking lot and look down. Parked next to our bus is another bus of the same make and model, but with the logo of another swedish hockey team, namely that hockey team that our team had beaten in the championship match like a week earlier. In Krakow, at the exact same time, at the exact same hotel. That, I thought was pretty sick.
I won the jackpot on three separate lotteries on the same day...

... which was nice.
In a similar incident to W4E's, I saw a screenshot someone on 4chan took of them downloading CP or something illegal, and the image verification was "FEDS"

I loled.
I won the jackpot on three separate lotteries on the same day...

... which was nice.



For me, three months with my girlfriend will land on Valentines Day! :O
yeah i guess, but as far as amazing coincidences go, i would just call that two events coinciding.


For me, three months with my girlfriend will land on Valentines Day! :O


I remember once I was messing with a friend and she tried kicking me in the balls. At that very moment I attempted a c*nt punt. We made contact at the same time.


I remember once I was messing with a friend and she tried kicking me in the balls. At that very moment I attempted a c*nt punt. We made contact at the same time.

By all laws of physics, gravity and inertia, the two of you should have lifted several feet into the air. Did this happen?


I remember once I was messing with a friend and she tried kicking me in the balls. At that very moment I attempted a c*nt punt. We made contact at the same time.

lol, i wish I could have seen that....
So i was logging in to a site that asked for image verification and the code it gave was:

It made me ROFL and got me thinking of the chances of something like that happening. (hope it doesn't offend =\ just some letters after all)

Everyone <3's random coincidental events, lets hear em either I'm retarded and think that's a pchop and nobody else does...or I'm just so oblivious to the fact that since it's such a blatant pchop it doesn't even need to be said...

my reasons are as follows:
1.) I could not find that page on that site anywhere
2.) normally when it's an image verification the letters and blurred, twisted, and messed up
3.) the little cross hatch pattern looks slightly blurred in places where the letters/numbers would normally be
hahah I didn't even notice.

Clearly a photoshop.
I was able to log in without being asked for an image verification....
Its not a photoshop, if you incorrectly log in : it asks for image verification.

To the guy who posted the three points, that makes your first 2 incorrect, as for your third point its a compression thing. The image is 1280x1024 and 300kb so..

Was that WANKMEOFF actually shown?!