(Your favourite episode 2 Moment)

So many. I remember right after Alyx was attacked my jaw literally dropped. Seriously. Two seconds after I snapped out of it I was thinking my mouth is hanging wide open...wtf?
Oh man, the "Doctor Freeman" part really got to me. I was totally not expecting it, I thought it was part of the ritual at first.
The secondary silo breach. Excellent close quarters combat, especially in the hunter's room, with the additional scenery of the hunter's slaughtering the resistance, and that vertical gameplay that Valve finally managed to fit in again when ascending the silo shaft. All the while having Magnusson's increasingly agitated messages adding that bit of contrasting comedy and a sense of urgency to the scene. Not to mention it had the best of the game's songs in it.

I'm surprised the scene hasn't had more praise. Oh well, I guess some of the other battles were a bit more epic. I'm just glad everyone seems to find the zombie portion of "Freeman Pontifex" as boring as I did.
The secondary silo breach. Excellent close quarters combat, especially in the hunter's room, with the additional scenery of the hunter's slaughtering the resistance, and that vertical gameplay that Valve finally managed to fit in again when ascending the silo shaft. All the while having Magnusson's increasingly agitated messages adding that bit of contrasting comedy and a sense of urgency to the scene. Not to mention it had the best of the game's songs in it.

I'm surprised the scene hasn't had more praise. Oh well, I guess some of the other battles were a bit more epic. I'm just glad everyone seems to find the zombie portion of "Freeman Pontifex" as boring as I did.

Oh yeah. :)

When that blast door was closing, I wish my character had hands so I coulda pulled that revbel to safety, ugh I hate being so helpless sometimes in this game!.

The running silo fight was excellent though, the hunter actually forced me to retreat back, and that room with the multiple hunters, was fairly intense, less breathing room then the first hunter fight. After picknig a few off I was actually like "right, thats it, come get some!" and chasing them down!. :D

Hunters really get me on an emotional level very few if any other NPC's from other games have ever got.
My favorite moment was a point in the underground journey with the vortigon where you call a lift and swarms of zombies and antlions come out attacking you. And when the lift reaches the bottom the vortigon's like "Head for the lift freeman I will defeat these foes!" At that point I immediately thought that when you got on the lift and it started pulling away the vortigon would be swarmed and killed so I was like " Nooooo! I can't let youn die vortigon!"

I used all my ammo from every single gun fighting those things until I finally gave up and boarded the lift only to have the vortigon get on another one...

I was pissed/relieved.
Running over hunters with my car/Busting up striders/Seeing striders explode buildings/... the end
To be honest...The first time I played it, a very special moment was when I started up Episode 2 and heard the Valve tune, with the flashin image of the guys head, for episode 2 atleast, that was really special for me, weird I know but it felt really good, like 'OMG, ITS HERE!!' followed by the great scene of the portal storm with the train in the foreground.

EDIT: Obviously it wasnt my fav part, that would be stupid, but it was really something for me, after that long wait...
Gameplay wise it would have to be the inn ambush, which was ,in a word, spectacular.

Story wise it would be teh entire last chapter, hands down.
  • G-man's epiphany.
  • Extraction of larval extract.
  • Portal storm!
  • Eli about our mutual friend.
  • Borealis and Aperture Science link.
I laughed at the Giggs and Sheckleys conversation:

Giggs: Sheckley!
Sheckley: What?
Sheckley: WHAT?!
Giggs: Forget it...
:LOL: Giggs. Nice :p

I love the quote "Be adequate"
My favorite monent on episode 2

My absolute favorite moment was when the hunter came out of nowhere and stabbed alyx. freaked me out the first time:O
The underground defense with the vortigauns. It was so cool plus the music helped made it feel intense.
Its all good :D

Never a dull moment