Your Favourite Wii Game?

What game is your favourite?

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Sep 18, 2003
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I've only played WiiPlay, Red Steel, CoD3 and Wii Sports so far, but by far i'd have to say Red Steel is amazing, and Laser Hockey (a WiiPlay game) is absolutely jizztastic.

What are your favourite Wii games?
Has to be Zelda for me. Though Wii Play and Wii Sports are very close behind. Had lots of fun and laughs with Wii play and Wii sports with family and friends etc.

Zelda's story and gameplay has made it my fave game.

Red steel is pretty good too, dispite everyone hating it. You can't really rush through Red Steel. It's a game that need to be played slowly.
Zelda of course, but removing that from the conversation for a minute I'd probably say Elebits or Trauma Center. Both are games that use this new method of control to it's fullest. Games that can't be played with a gamepad.

Is Wii Play out in the states? I haven't seen it yet, but I haven't been to the stores for a while either. Is that the one with the shooting gallery and laser air hockey? What other games does that contain?
Zelda's great so far, but I'm only 3 hours in and I've played Wii Sports more. The tennis rocks.
Zelda, with Wii Sports not far behind it. Both are fantastic games.
Zelda of course, but removing that from the conversation for a minute I'd probably say Elebits or Trauma Center. Both are games that use this new method of control to it's fullest. Games that can't be played with a gamepad.

Is Wii Play out in the states? I haven't seen it yet, but I haven't been to the stores for a while either. Is that the one with the shooting gallery and laser air hockey? What other games does that contain?
US received Wii Sports. Everyone else received Wii Play, too! :(
Wii Sports.

I have COD3 (just doesn't have that "atmosphere" that the PC gives) and Zelda (not played it yet :|).
The potato option?
Just send 5 bucks to me in the mail.
Wii Sports.

I have COD3 (just doesn't have that "atmosphere" that the PC gives) and Zelda (not played it yet :|).

But the graphics reminded me of the 1st Call of Duty (you know, the one with personality?)... which is a big plus in my book, even if they aren't up to today's standard.

Then again I only hired it, since it lacked MP :(

EDIT: Zelda for me.
Wii Play is worth the fiver it costs - just ;)
Wii play was worth the fiver imo. Had some VERY good laughs when playing the cow racing game round my girlfriends :D

I love the Wii. Especially how my whole family likes to get involved too :)
Zelda (completed. Could happily play it again.)
Wii Sports (bored at the moment of SP, still good for family and friend MP)
Madden 07 (freaking loving this game at the moment)
Red Steel (hit a rut at the moment, it's a very hard game and I can't be arsed to try the hard bit again at the moment. Sorely under-rated)
Gunstar Heroes (RAWRRRRR!!! VC ftmfw!!)
Wii Play (A bit meh. The only ones I still play are Snooker, Laser Hockey and Cow Race)
Is it bad if I've not touched a Wii ONCE? : (

When you play CoD3 do you play it like you would normally on a console? Or do you aim/shoot with it?
Is it bad if I've not touched a Wii ONCE? : (

When you play CoD3 do you play it like you would normally on a console? Or do you aim/shoot with it?

CoD takes some getting used to.

You strafe (forward/backward/left/right) with the nun-chuck joystick but you look/turn/aim with the Wiimote using it's sensor ability. So you need to get used to multitasking, lol.

The first action you get is really amusing, I can't believe how difficult it was, you hardly got any time to test out the controls, stuck right on a battlefield with 50 Nazis, lol. :D
I think Red Steel is seriously underrated here. Sure it's hard, but it's a great demonstration of the Wii's abilities. I think the whole control system allows you to become much more immersed in the game.

It's a bit too linear, but still very much worth playing through. I'm 70 to 80 percent through it, and i've just realised I don't have to kill people. Oh well, I guess they deserved to die anyway.
I have 1200+ points on Wii Sports Tennis now. Awesome.

I've heard a lot of people saying Red Steel isn't as bad as sites like Gamespot are saying, so I might buy it, but not until prices drop from ?40.
I've played:
Wii Sports
Exite Trucks

Zelda was the best.
I really didn't like Red Steel. Monkey Ball isn't as good as the original on the GC, but is still pretty good fun. Wii Sports is great with friends and Zelda is just awesome :)
I like Wii Sports, just because of the excercise you get.

Zelda, is to cliche for me (I still swear its LoZ: OoT). Though fun, its not groundbreaking
I am entirely convinced you are biased because you never wanted to like it. :P It's the best FPS on Wii so far, certainly.

There's probably some truth in that, although I did try to like Red Steel. 4 hours spread over some single and 4-player multiplayer didn't do the trick. The consensus was that multiplayer was like a shit Golden Eye and that the controls are almost completely unintuitive - having to aim at the edge of the screen just to look around is awful! Don't start me on the funny arm that seems to be dragging you around too ;)
I think Red Steel isn't that bad. I just took it slow at first to get used to the controls, which aren't too bad once you're used to them.
I think it's better to play in short bursts.

Zelda is still my favorite.
I think the problem with Red Steel is that it's a departure from the usual Nintendo-esque games. The Wii is targetting a vast target audience, not just the usual nintendo 'kiddies'.

The game itself is great and well worth playing, but the 'nintendo kids' that buy it in the hope it will appeal to them will be sorely disappointed - It takes a little bit of skill.
What tosh - many 'gamers' don't like Red Steel and Edge completely slated it (5/10 I think) for its poor controls. It's very much a marmite game.

I think it's possible to have great fps on the Wii, but i'd rather play with a joypad than use the same controls Red Steel uses.
I'm disappointed by the lack of announced FPS games at the moment. I guess the real flurry of announcements will happen in the new year, but at the moment we only have Red Steel, Far Cry: Vengeance, Call of Duty 3, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Sadness.
I'd rather Metroid than a handful of average shooters.

Having had plenty of time to get used to the Wiimote i'm not so sure it's that suited to fps - adventure, party, sports, and flying games are where it's going to shine imo. Pilot Wings, if it comes out, has the potential to be one of the best games ever made :)
Do you think the remote could've done with a small analog stick under the A button?
Do you think the remote could've done with a small analog stick under the A button?
Nah the wiimote gets knocked about too much to have a fragile analogue stick on it - that's what the nunchuck is for. The wiimote itself is an analogue-stick alternative!

It takes a big bit of getting used to, but once you do, it's awesome.
I'd rather Metroid than a handful of average shooters.

I'm assuming Corruption will just blow all our doubts about Wii FPSs...

...and if the controls are a bit shabby, it will still be a great game at least.
Wii sports so far. Not much that i like on the Wii yet.
Having had plenty of time to get used to the Wiimote i'm not so sure it's that suited to fps

Heathen! It is so suited. Providing developers find a comfortable way of doing it, it's the perfect console. I'm intrigued, how does Metroid do it differently from Red Steel? Cause the moment one developer gets it right, most likely Nintendo, all developers will have a template and be able to make as many FPS games as they want.