Your first geek present?

Jul 19, 2003
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What was the first "geeky" present you've recieved for either christmas or your birthday?

My first was a GF4 ti4600 when they were first released. I was officially a geek when I unwrapped that in the morning... a sad yet happy day. :farmer:
The memory expansion for the Commodore VIC-20. 3 KB baby!
figurines of captain kirk and spock...

lol jk, I can't really remember what my first geek present was, my happiest was getting a NES when I was six.
Luckily I had a big bro who could get all those as his presents, mwahaha. But games consoles aren't all that geeky anymore. Although anything pre-PS1 I guess can be classed as pretty geeky, especially a Commodore...
"Back in my day, we didn't have hard drives. We wrote our own games from scratch in BASIC and when you turned the computer off, it was gone! And we liked it!" :LOL:

- a la 'grumpy old man' from SNL.
Wing Commander 1 when I was 2 for christmas. Also the NES the same year as a present to keep me happy since my brother was born, my parents needed a way to keep me occupied while they tended to my new born brother. It worked like a charm. :D
A computer. Only dissasembled because they knew I liked to build them.
A Pong console when I was 5. That means I have been a geek for the last 27 years. *sobs*
Well, shortly after I was born I got an NES. Does that count?


I've been exposed to Nintendo games, literally, my entire life. I guess that explains why I'm such a Nintendo fanboy.
OCybrManO said:
Well, shortly after I was born I got an NES. Does that count?


I've been exposed to Nintendo games, literally, my entire life. I guess that explains why I'm such a Nintendo fanboy.
I've been exposed to Nintendo all MY life, and I'm no fanboy, I won't buy a Gamecube :p
a lego set. Face it, it IS geeky, but I love legos.
but other than that, last year I got HL: raising the bar and some really cool combat gloves :)
my Sega, for me and my sis when I was like 4-5 maybe? I dont really remeber I always played Mortal Comabt with my sis,those where the days sometimes I wonder what it would be like If my mom and dad where still together :(
CyberPitz said:
Chrono Trigger for my Birthday.

Ah, Chrono Trigger. That game made me fake sickness so I could stay home from school for like three days.:cheers:
StardogChampion said:
What was the first "geeky" present you've recieved for either christmas or your birthday?

My first was a GF4 ti4600 when they were first released. I was officially a geek when I unwrapped that in the morning... a sad yet happy day. :farmer:
Yeah um, my parents dont support my habit. I rely on myself for anything,
My "friend" (****ing psycho bitch) gave me some dragon snow globe thingy because she thought i was into that stuff. So i smashed her in the face with it and it smashed. I then picked up the shards of glass that had scattered all over the floor and proceeded to make her eat them. I then told her she had it coming and made her put her burkha back on. Bitch
Sparta said:
My "friend" (****ing psycho bitch) gave me some dragon snow globe thingy because she thought i was into that stuff. So i smashed her in the face with it and it smashed. I then picked up the shards of glass that had scattered all over the floor and proceeded to make her eat them. I then told her she had it coming and made her put her burkha back on. Bitch
... aight.
um a mega drive i guess

is that geeky though? street fighter 2 wasnt geeky:cool: