Your first post

In all likelihood, mine's probably been pruned.
oh, and Newbie Central post don't count.
Nah, mines been pruned to, if you can find your first post, you're still a noob. :p
I am not even sure how to find my first post anymore. However I am pretty sure it was me making a new thread asking if anyone knew what would be in the collectors edition of Half-Life 2. Keep in mind this was before the whole idea of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Steam purchases. In fact I am not even sure if at that point we knew Half-Life 2 would be downloadable from Steam.

First post made on any forum ever? No idea, I can't even remember what the first forum was I signed up on.
I was scrolling through the first link, and saw that Pesmerga is banned. How did this happen? I thought he was a reg here.
Nat Turner said:
I was scrolling through the first link, and saw that Pesmerga is banned. How did this happen? I thought he was a reg here.
The staff got tired of him.
Chris-008 said:
Hey everyone, I found this after searching for Half-Life 2 Forums on google because I was annoyed with Gamespy.

Expect a million posts.
Still working on that million.
My first post on teh intarnets ever was in 1999 on's <Thorntree> while preparing my first big trip to Thailand. If I remember correctly it was a question about the island Ko Chang.
My first post was about combine having masks similar to USSR gas masks. Long time ago.
Mooray said:

Not true, I can't remember. A similar thread was done for this a while back, someone found my first post and showed me it. I forgot what I said.
Mine was a question about the shadows-going-through-other-objects issue...I seriously thought that I would just ask that question and never post here again, which was kinda where my name came from I guess :p

1000+ useless posts later...
In forums, or anywhere? Here, I don't remember what it was, but I could probably find it (i'm still a noob) but elsewhere... geez, I think december '99, in some lego forum. I got banned for spamming, I think...(I was only nine)
well, after searching i think that i found the closest one to my arrival

Kamikazie said:
well im .5+23-20+2-4+2+8-10+11.5+2 :E

it was in the "who is the Oldest" thread
Strange, my posts only go back to this August. I can't remember my first post anyways.
Mine is somewhere out there on the scary internet.. dunno where..

Analysing the HL2 E3 videos. Urgh how nerdy of me.

I wasn't very active though back then, mostly just reading what other people had to say.