Your first reaction when half-life 2 gets announced gold.

Steven Q Urkle said:
go out use it as a converstation started with hot chicks

:LOL: LOL...I don't think some chicks will care..:p
I will go to the store and finally pre order my copy. I have been waiting over a year to do that!
    [COLOR=Lime]//FIXME: add "check for updates now" button[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Blue]if[/COLOR](can_buy_hl2_now != [COLOR=Blue]true[/COLOR])
        [COLOR=Blue]goto [/COLOR] consideredharmful;
        [COLOR=Blue]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=Wheat]"r0x0r"![/COLOR] ;
fire works!!!!!! yay!!!!i got a fire work from china that has the hl2 logo come out! youll see pretty lights from my house. cause it be exploded! l0L! 2+1=4 :p <---- my reaction when hl2 goes gold (if it ever does)
Ive had HL2 preorderd for more then a year :p
well I will probably call my friends who has dial up sucky modem and tell them or sms :p Hopefully that will be soon
:hmph: Mine was "Meh", "I wonder how long the thread of 'Gold release date' is going to be"
Wildhound said:
Heh, "waiting faster". It makes no sense, but I see what you're getting at. ;)
well yeah I was basically implying that regardless of the status, we are still waiting.. gold could mean we get the game the next week, or the next year :/ nothing is guaranteed with Valve/VU

then again Im quite inebriated.
sadly this already happened when the faux gold announcement came about. i basically started jumping and spinning in circles making yelping noises. yes i know, as an almost 20 year old male thats quite sad.
sHm0zY said:
i will freak out just liek the last tiem it went gold...

I know the circumstances but that sentence just doesn't make any sense. :)
I will sit there staring at the screen with my mouth wide open and drolling trying to comprehend what I just read. Then, I will yell out a loud shreak and my hypo meter will jump off the scale, and I will fly through the roof like superman.
As many others that frequent this site. I will convulse in orgasmic bliss. Then I will masturbate. Again. No. Seriously.
i figured out whats gonna happen to me when hl2 comes out... im not gonna belive its actually out, then im gonna be like 2 weeks behind playing it because ill think everyone is lying that its out. i mean, its kinda hard to believe its almost out
My reaction: Skepticism

I will until I have the game in my hands before I blow a load in my pants.
Probably say "wicked" then sms some friends who would care.
say " w00t " and start a new thread bitching about release time :imu:
shad3r said:
    [COLOR=Lime]//FIXME: add "check for updates now" button[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Blue]if[/COLOR](can_buy_hl2_now != [COLOR=Blue]true[/COLOR])
        [COLOR=Blue]goto [/COLOR] consideredharmful;
        [COLOR=Blue]return[/COLOR] [COLOR=Wheat]"r0x0r"![/COLOR] ;

damn loser...stop returning shitty char*... C++ has string...and Java, too...
Also your if / else construct is very funny..u don't need those brackets...u tryin to be a programmer ?
also never use goto statements...lolz
I'll probably not believe it. Unless it really is released on every news site on the net. Then maybe give it a 'w00t' or two, but other than that, I'm waiting for my copy. When a buy my copy... then the sparks will fly. :D
She said:
reaction: HL what?
Oh, thats right.. that game..

*makes phonecall... waits... request a copy... request granted...*

If that spoiler-message of yours is true, Im going to kick your f*cking ass so hard your dad won´t be able to play with you again! Stupid son of a b*tch..

I'll explode.

And when HL2 is out, I'll implode.

And when I'm finally playing HL2 for the first time, I'll explode again...
my first reaction will be to preorder a copy of it for my dad so he can play cs source with me

My own: I go to my freezer and take a can of coke. Then I say yippee. Really. I did when the RC was sent.
I would shout in my mind, shake a bit with the mouse clenched in my hands and look for more info on hl2, preferably THE RELEASE DATE! :cheers:
I'm going to sigh loudly, then head back to gGneral Discussion to do the moderator thang.
Probably same thing that happened with the fake gold post.

I'll sit there for 10 seconds, shivers going down my spine, then I will grin a huge grin, clench my fists which are shaking, then hit the desk and start giggling.
oldmeng said:
Have sex with my girlfriend.
Does her last name in in '.jpg' ??

When I hear that HL2 has gone gold, i'm gonna camp outside my local EB store and wait for the UPS/FedEx guy to show up with a bunch of packages....
Well, I will smile for next 5seconds and then go on with live!

Ps. I will by HL2 when it is avaible at Finlad and at same day!