Your first reaction when half-life 2 gets announced gold.

Anthraxxx said:
Does her last name in in '.jpg' ??

When I hear that HL2 has gone gold, i'm gonna camp outside my local EB store and wait for the UPS/FedEx guy to show up with a bunch of packages....

Not everyone is a porn addict.:rolleyes: Some do have actual girlfriends.
Probalby start hyperventilating: "gasp""gasp""gasp"
The i will probably passout because of lack of oxygen, then wake up and play some heavy tunes on my guitar.
I'd TV or something.
StAtiC said:
So, what will your first reaction be when hl2 gets officially anounced gold?

I'll just say "Hurray" in my mind and go back to play CS
.................................................... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: ......................................................................YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....Then IM a friend....then watch the binks....then knock myself unconcious until it's released.
Put on Kool & The Gang - Celebration and dance around for a few hours before I buy the game.
My reaction will be cry.

It's such a dream now I don't want it to become real.
Big Fat Duck said:
personally, i wouldnt give a shit, and wonder when the game actually comes out

Well who asked you. Leave.
I'll try to let my heart calm down, because I know it'll be pounding when I see it. I know this just because my heart went racing when I saw the news about HL2 RC being given to Vivendi. After that, I'll probably have to exert some energy, so I'll run around like an idiot. Then, maybe some good music will be blasted from my room.

Good times.
oldagerocker said:
breathe. dont forget that.
gotta remember to breathe :rolling:
whilst i frolic around my house in a completely blissful trance :rolling:
im gonna go nuts in other words :bonce:
EC said:
I'll try to let my heart calm down, because I know it'll be pounding when I see it. I know this just because my heart went racing when I saw the news about HL2 RC being given to Vivendi. After that, I'll probably have to exert some energy, so I'll run around like an idiot. Then, maybe some good music will be blasted from my room.

Good times.

I concur.
welll i just got doom3 soooo il be like......OMG its out go over to my dad and scream at that HL2 really exsists and its not a consperisy then.....oh ya my dad dosent beleve HL2 exists.....then go play doom3
Blast my music with joy and IM everyone that its gone gold!! :bounce: :cheers:
I'll be like "Good, now the game is on teh way. Soon... the time to freak is soon..."
Also, sort of related, when I'll be installing the final bits from the CD, I have 2 songs tagged as HL2 Installation Hype. :)
Enter Sandman, and NFL theme.
im gonna smoke some kippers and make sure i've got a good spot outside dixons to wait for the damn release!
Widaker said:
Then you would've waited for nothing :/

haha, nice one

well I will be happy, and do something crazy like eat six bars of TWIX chokolate :LOL:

AH bad example I know.......................

Basically I will be so happy and have to act quickly and buy new PC.
Same thing I did when the fake announcement came out: post in the "It's Gold" thread like a maniac. :eek: :eek:
i'll say 'here comes the CZ style wait!' then be excited in 6 months time when its released.
ill run out into the street with a coucunut in each hand and throw them at people, then die.
I'd shred some Megadeth tunes on my Jackson, hell yeah, turn the amp up to 10. hehe i have a full stack :smoking:
I'd shred some Megadeth tunes on my Jackson, hell yeah, turn the amp up to 10. hehe i have a full stack

heh, the new Megadeth album is great, by the way.

Been lurking for a while...Figured I should post at least once heh :naughty:

Well, I'll probably look at my reciept for my pre-order of the CE and no longer have a slight feeling of wasting my money. Then dance....ohhh the dancing that shall take place...Not much...but man, it'll be sweeeeeeeet.
I'll be in the process of conquering Rome with my glorious legions.

I probably won't know the game will even go gold untill I bring myself to go onto the internet.

(R:TW IN 3 DAYS !!!!!!!)
I wont find out until a week after.

Then i'll go.


and then count my change.
I would think it was a fake announcment!
Then go really find out and if it was fake i would be the shit out of vivendi, take it over, and declare HL2 Gold!
i WILL Run Around like a retard saying''Gabe finnaly Decided to Stop pissing Us off'' then i will jump to my bed and fall aslepp thinking how i will own All