Your first reaction when half-life 2 gets announced gold.

i will email gabe asking him when hl2 is going gold just to see his response,then after that,i shall curl into a ball and rock back and fourth.

i shall also email god and tell him to cancel our game of chess because hl2 has finally came out,i shall then observe his expression..

after observing his expression,i shall then take a shower wash my morbid filthy body from all the sweat i have been leaking because of the announcment,stand on the top of my house and shout "I KNNEWWWW IT WOULLLLDD COMMMMEEEE THE DAWN OF HALF LIFE 2Z00000R ISSSSSS UPPOOOOONN USSS!!!!!"

then again i`ll probably just say...

Sonduren said:
i WILL Run Around like a retard saying''Gabe finnaly Decided to Stop pissing Us off'' then i will jump to my bed and fall aslepp thinking how i will own All

Yeah cause Gabe just pisses people off...
Evil^Milk said:
when hl2 goes gold they set a release date right?

no,they will just keep that one copy and hide it from us forever DAMN YOU VALVE,DAMN000R J0000 T00 HELL000000RRRR!!!
uziholda said:
i will email gabe asking him when hl2 is going gold just to see his response,then after that,i shall curl into a ball and rock back and fourth.

i shall also email god and tell him to cancel our game of chess because hl2 has finally came out,i shall then observe his expression..

after observing his expression,i shall then take a shower wash my morbid filthy body from all the sweat i have been leaking because of the announcment,stand on the top of my house and shout "I KNNEWWWW IT WOULLLLDD COMMMMEEEE THE DAWN OF HALF LIFE 2Z00000R ISSSSSS UPPOOOOONN USSS!!!!!"

then again i`ll probably just say...


you forgot the part where god smites you with lightning while you're on top of your house, then laughs as you roll off the roof lifelessly.
uziholda said:
i will email gabe asking him when hl2 is going gold just to see his response,then after that,i shall curl into a ball and rock back and fourth.

i shall also email god and tell him to cancel our game of chess because hl2 has finally came out,i shall then observe his expression..

after observing his expression,i shall then take a shower wash my morbid filthy body from all the sweat i have been leaking because of the announcment,stand on the top of my house and shout "I KNNEWWWW IT WOULLLLDD COMMMMEEEE THE DAWN OF HALF LIFE 2Z00000R ISSSSSS UPPOOOOONN USSS!!!!!"

then again i`ll probably just say...


HAHAHAHAAHA ... that was the funniest shit i've read all day ... you'll roll in a ball and rock back and forth??? HAHAHAHAH ... that and that guy who said he'd cuddle up in a corner of a room chewing on his foot and mumbling until it comes out ... hahahhahaha this forum is funny as hell ... until someone like SHE comes in and contributes her pessimistic attitude to every topic ... :hmph: :hmph: ...

oh .. what will i do? ... i will stand on my head ... while listening to the sesame street theme on audio cassette ... then wait for hl2 to come out
I'll wait til the game goes to stores / steam -- people buy it -- load it up -- and CTD a zillion times and post on HL2.NET about how shitty valve / halflife2 is.
hunteraz said:
I'll wait til the game goes to stores / steam -- people buy it -- load it up -- and CTD a zillion times and post on HL2.NET about how shitty valve / halflife2 is.

you are ghey ...
Say "WOOT", then I will try and figure out how im going to get it.
I can't believe I just spent 5 minutes reading this.
I will probably try to read the gold thread, but like this one, it will grow almost faster than you can read.
After some hard thought over night i have now come to a decision,i shall without care or any kind of love,position myself on top of a building overlooking valve HQ with a awp,i shall then call the wench working the phones,and say "OMG0000RRRRR HL2ZZ000RR IS G0LLLLDD000RRR,j00 ARE NOW IN MY AWP0R SCOP0R",i shall THEN AND ONLY THEN proceed to blast her brain cavity all over the wall,i shall then focus my attention on gabes office,call his phone,and request in the most polite way,the gold copy of hl2,if he fails to comply with me,i shall say this "WH@TTTT000RRR???? NO HL2Z00RRRR FOOORR M3333333?????? J00 HAX0R I WILL R@PE J00 NOW" i will then once again,shoot the awp and watch the ammo pierce his skull until brain morsels leak out of his nose and eyes,i shall then,come down from the building,rush into the valve hq with a loaded shotgun,and blow away everyone in there,including cliffe,infact he can be the first because i like him so much,i will then grab the golden crowbar hold it above me head screaming "I R L33T0000RRRRRR" i will then beat,bludgeon,destroy and manipulate there corpses with it,until they gib,i shall then say in a victorious voice "I GIB000RDD J000BB GABE J000 NAABBBBBBB"

after i shall steal the gold copy,go home,attempt to play it.

then get a fatal windows error,hit my computer with a sledgehammer,and eat the hl2 cd so it can be a part of me and no1 else forever
Annihilator_91 said:

we can hold hands and jump while saying it,god i till be a GREAT DAYYYYYYY!!!!

god i love parsnips.
I'll probablly walk down the street with a shotgun firing randomly in the air shouting "IT'S DONE ****ERS!!!"

or not :p
i would probably rush to the nearest pathmark and get all kinds of supplies for my whole year in being shut out from the world because of half life 2
Anger when we realize that the release date is still stated as "When its done"
/me would break into his secret supply of red bull (about 20 cans) and then his heart would explode from an overdose of caffene.
To counter the ill effects of too much caffein, just mix with vodka. Presto, a wide awake drunk. WOOTIES!
I'll open a thread with 'OMG!!!11 WTF ITS GOLD !!11'

or i just punch my grandma in her mouth.

Aaah, i dont know, okay?