Your FPS control schemes.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I am curious how you other people prefer to map your keys in FPS games. I'm not going to include all sorts of obscure commands, so I'll stick with some of the most basic ones you see in many games.

It'll be interesting to see how much we all differ or how similar our tastes are.

Move Forward:
Move Backwards:
Strafe Left:
Strafe Right:
Turn Left:
Turn Right:
Secondary Attack:

Mine are as follows...

Move Forward: Up Arrow
Move Backwards: Down Arrow
Strafe Left: Left Arrow
Strafe Right: Right Arrow
Turn Left: N/A
Turn Right: N/A
Jump: Right Mouse Button
Crouch: Keypad End(1)
Prone: Keypad Ins(0)
Attack: Left Mouse Button
Secondary Attack: Right Control
Reload: Middle Mouse Button
Interact: Enter
Sprint: Right Shift

For Zoom, when it is available, I often have it mapped to Delete.

Please, let me know how you guys prefer your FPS to be mapped!
Move Forward: W
Move Backward: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Jump: Space
Crouch: C/Ctrl
Prone: Z
Attack: Left MB
Secondary: Right MB
Interact: F
Sprint: Left Shift

For zoom, or iron sights it's usually always middle mouse button.
Oops, forgot to add Reload. Adding that now.
Move Forward: Right Mouse Button
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Jump: Space
Crouch: C
Prone: V
Attack: Left Mouse Button
Secondary Attack: Left Control
Interact: X
Sprint: Left Shift

Zoom, Aim,Iron Sights etc. : W
Reload: R
FlashLight/Nightvision: F
Next/Previous Weapon: Mouse Scrool Up/Down
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left: Mouse
Turn Right: Mouse
Jump: Space
Crouch: Ctrl
Prone: Z
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: RMB
Reload: R
Interact: E
Sprint: Shift

Though some games like Operation Flashpoint I stick with the defaults.
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left:
Turn Right:
Crouch: LCTRL
Prone: Z or X
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: RMB
Reload: R
Interact: E
Sprint: SHIFT

Standard pretty much. I use Q for voice (i never use lean), tab for scores, etc. Basically the default Source configuration. I also make sure that T is never bound because I press it automatically to spray now and that can **** me up in some games (IE BF2 where T activates tooltips)
Move Forward: Up Arrow
Move Backwards: Back Arrow
Strafe Left: Left Arrow
Strafe Right: Right Arrow
Turn Left:
Turn Right:
Jump: Space
Crouch: Ctrl
Prone: Alt
Attack: L. Mouse
Secondary Attack: R. Mouse
Reload: R
Interact: E/Third Mouse Button (Logitech bitches :D)
Sprint: Shift

Move Forward: Up Arrow
Move Backwards: Back Arrow
Strafe Left: Left Arrow
Strafe Right: Right Arrow

Jump: Space
Crouch: Ctrl
Prone: Alt
Reload: R
Interact: E/Third Mouse Button
Sprint: Shift

Attack: L. Mouse
Secondary Attack: R. Mouse

How the hell??

You've got 3 hads or something?
I always default to half-life controls, since I never use lean or melee functions in games. WASD for movement, E for interact, F for flashlight, Shift for sprint, left control for crouch, space for jump.

Games that use C for crouch piss me off, so do any games that use Q and E for leaning.
I use default half-life controls, but changed Jump to mousewheeldown.
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left:
Turn Right:
Jump: Space
Crouch: CTRL
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: RMB
Reload: R
Interact: E

Just basic stuff :\.
The standard with me. Though I pump mouse-sensitivity up to "10" in source, and to whatever feels similar in other FPS games.
I was in a clan for years with this old dutch guy. I think he was about 48. Anyways, he'd been playing competitively since the original Doom and had a crazy control scheme. It was right mouse to move forward, z and x to move left and right, space to go back, and left shift and ctrl for ducking and jumping. I tried it out one time and it felt very weird. You'll find that quite of a few of the old fps guys have odd setups as they started before free-look and before wasd became the standard. I use the arrows.
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left: N/A
Turn Right: N/A
Jump: Space
Crouch: C
Prone: Z and sometimes Left CTRL
Attack: Left Mouse Button
Secondary Attack: Right Mouse Button
Reload: R
Interact: Depends, if it's a game where you can't peek, it'll be E, otherwise it's F
Sprint: Left Shift
Peek Left: Q
Peek Right: E
Zoom/Ironsights: Mouse wheel click
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left: N/A
Turn Right: N/A
Jump: Space
Crouch: Left-CTRL
Prone: Z
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: RMB
Reload: R
Interact: E or F if Q/E are lean.
Sprint: Left-shift.
Turn Left:mouse
Turn Right:mouse
Jump: space
Crouch: left shift
Prone: z
Attack:left click
Secondary Attack:right click
Reload: r
Interact: w
Sprint: v
Movement: WASD
Look: Mouse
Jump: Space
Crouch: Ctrl (C on games that crouch is toggled)
Prone: Z
Attack: Mouse 1
Secondary Attack: Mouse 2
Reload: R
Interact: E
Sprint: Shift

Pretty much been using this scheme since Half-Life liberated my hands from the tired old arrow keys to move/hold alt to strafe config of old. :P

However, come to think of it, I don't actually remember the last time I bought a shooter for PC, so this would probably be more accurate (sadly):

Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left: mouse look
Turn Right: mouse look
Jump: Space
Crouch: Lshift
Prone: z
Attack: Left Mouse
Secondary Attack: Right Mouse
Reload: R
Interact: E/F
Sprint: Lctrl
Prev Weapon: Q
Select Weapon: Mouse Wheel

:( Arrow keys are far superior. I have more keys in that area of the keyboard than you do in the WASD area. I find it so much better.
For a time, I used the arrow keys instead of WASD and the buttons on either side with mouse inverted.

But anymore it's a basic FPS configuration and mouse is not inverted. Either default mouse sensitivity or low depending on the game. (e.g. 3 in TF2, 1.2 in CS:S and DOD:S) I don't like to go through each game and bind all the keys. If one or two keys are different than what I'm used to, I'll leave 'em alone and just note the differences.

Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Jump: Space
Crouch: Ctrl
Prone: Z
Attack: Mouse 1
Secondary Attack: Mouse 2
Reload: R / Mouse 3
Interact: E
Sprint: Shift
Quick switch: Mouse 4
Move Forward: D
Move Backwards: X
Strafe Left: Z
Strafe Right: C
Jump: Space
Crouch: LeftCtrl
Prone: Q
Attack: Mouse 1
Secondary Attack: Mouse 2
Reload: R / Mouse 3
Interact: E
Sprint: Shift
Quick switch: Mouse 4

:( Arrow keys are far superior. I have more keys in that area of the keyboard than you do in the WASD area. I find it so much better.

You mean in that empty area surrounding the arrow keys? In there?

And man Asus, I use like 12 sensitivity for TF2, haha.

:( Arrow keys are far superior. I have more keys in that area of the keyboard than you do in the WASD area. I find it so much better.

Because it sounds, looks and actually is incredibly uncomfortable.

:( Arrow keys are far superior. I have more keys in that area of the keyboard than you do in the WASD area. I find it so much better.
Actually, ESDF is a much better layout for games with lots of keystroke options. I used that for Jedi Academy for a while.... takes some getting used to.

:( Arrow keys are far superior. I have more keys in that area of the keyboard than you do in the WASD area. I find it so much better.

I used to use arrow keys when I was younger when my body build was a lot smaller.
Now my hands are huge and my shoulder width is wider.

So using arrow keys is incredibly uncomfortable unless you're left handed.(random assumption.)
Move Forward: W or S
Move Backwards: S or X
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left: Mouse
Turn Right: Mouse
Jump: Space and mousewheel down
Crouch: CTRL or C
Prone: Z or Q
Attack: LMB and F
Secondary Attack: RMB
Reload: R
Interact: E or C
Sprint: Shift
So using arrow keys is incredibly uncomfortable unless you're left handed.(random assumption.)

If you are left-handed, arrow keys are a mandatory choice. By the way, I really like having the movement keys somewhat isolated, as arrow keys are: in fast-paced situations I can reach them faster, instead of having to look for them in the middle of other keys.
Move Forward: Up Arrow
Move Backwards: Down Arrow
Strafe Left: Left Arrow
Strafe Right: Right Arrow
Turn Left: Mouse
Turn Right: Mouse
Jump: Right CTRL
Crouch: Right SHIFT
Prone: On AZERTY Keyboard: "=" , on QWERTY Keyboard "/"
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: RMB, KP_INS or any other close key
Reload: MMB
Interact: ENTER
Sprint: On AZERTY Keyboard: "[Cannot be displayed on HL2.web, check out Wikipedia: <--- that icon]" , on QWERTY Keyboard " ' "
Here's mine, with some added functions.

Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left: ---
Turn Right: ---
Jump: Space
Crouch: Shift
Prone: Ctrl
Attack: Mouse1
Secondary Attack: Mouse2
Reload: R
Interact: F
Lean Left: Q
Lean Right: E
Sprint: Capslock
Chat: Y
Teamchat: U
Voicechat: Mouse3
Map: V
Call for Medic (or other game-specific command): Mouse4
Ventrilo Chat: Mouse5

If a game doesn't have lean functions, then Use is E, and Q usually turns into a medic call. Or a buy menu, in CSS's case.

Sprint: On AZERTY Keyboard: "[Cannot be displayed on HL2.web, check out Wikipedia: <--- that icon]" , on QWERTY Keyboard " ' "
I think it's called a "mu".
Actually, ESDF is a much better layout for games with lots of keystroke options.
I remember this coming as default for Tribes 2. It possibly is a superior layout because you've got a lot of keys going, but what of crouch? I like to have crouch on my little finger, which is what you get quite naturally if you use WASD. If I put my fingers in the same (comfortable) pose over EDSF, I find that finger over Satan's own key. I'd rather not risk being dumped to desktop or having to curl / stretch my pinky to crouch.
By the way, I really like having the movement keys somewhat isolated, as arrow keys are: in fast-paced situations I can reach them faster, instead of having to look for them in the middle of other keys.
I don't remember the last time I actually looked at my keyboard. Looking at it now reminds me how much of a clean it needs :O

Arrow keys are crazy talk, and there certainly aren't more keys there if you're using anything but a laptop keyboard. Even when you do, there's a whole load of wasted space below your palm.
Arrow keys are crazy talk, and there certainly aren't more keys there if you're using anything but a laptop keyboard. Even when you do, there's a whole load of wasted space below your palm.
Not to mention the huge gap around the arrow keys where another five keys could be sitting, waiting to be bound to a game command.
I am right handed, and I use arrow keys.

I don't know what keyboards you guys have.