Your FPS control schemes.

Move Forward: Up Arrow
Move Backwards: Down arrow
Strafe Left: Left Arrow
Strafe Right: Right Arrow
Jump: Mouse 3
Crouch: Left Ctrl
Attack: Mouse 1
Secondary Attack: Mouse 2
Reload: R
Interact: Mouse 4
Sprint: Mouse 5

I use the buttons on my mouse as much as i can.
Thinking of the arrow keys just reminds me of games that didn't let you use the mouse easily, like Doom or Duke Nukem 3d back in teh day. *Remembers how shooting the ground, still hitting people in the air* Ahhh the love of auto-aim.
I just keep it on default. Although i always change crouch to CTRL and sprint to shift if i can.
Move Forward: A
Move Backwards: Z
Strafe Left: CapsLock
Strafe Right: Alt
Lean Left: L Shift
Lean Right: S
Jump: Space
Crouch: X
Prone: C
Interact: Q
Attack: Mouse 1
Secondary Attack: Mouse 2
Reload: Mouse 3
Sprint: Mouse 4
Comms: D & Mouse 5

Use my setup and i'll sue.
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: A
Strafe Left: S
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left:
Turn Right:
Jump: Space bar
Crouch: Left Ctrl
Prone: C
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: RMB
Reload: R
Interact: E
Sprint: Left Shift

My own:

Flashlight: F
Grenade: G
Global Talk: T
Team Talk: U
Next/Previous weapon: Mouse wheel
Misc Game Specific Controls: Q, Z, X

Anyone else NEVER use leaning in games? I cant think of any game where I actually leaned.
Mine's like Veg's.

When there's leaning it's Q and E, and F for interaction. In CS:S I've got the HE grenade under Q.


:( Arrow keys are far superior. I have more keys in that area of the keyboard than you do in the WASD area. I find it so much better.

And I presume you shoot with Ctrl? ;)
I am right handed, and I use arrow keys.

I don't know what keyboards you guys have.

Let me see.



ARROW KEYS would've been even worse off if I had used the same strictness as with WASD. Also I didn't even count the extra macro keys all G15 keyboard owners have (like me).

Move Forward: w
Move Backwards: s
Strafe Left: a
Strafe Right: d
Jump: space
Crouch: lshift
Prone: z
Attack: mb1
Secondary Attack: mb2
Reload: r
Interact: e
Walk: ctrl
Sprint: ctrl/alt
Lean: side buttons
Weapon switching: mousewheel
Drop gun: mb3
All the ones in blue around the arrow keys I can reach easier with my left hand than I can around WASD... particularly because I have an ergonomic keyboard.

And I presume you shoot with Ctrl?

Nope, left mouse button. :D
Oh and btw,

That's my keyboard, I don't have a dell just a dell keyboard.
Yeah, there are not too many keys around the arrow keys. When I used arrow keys it was mostly to slide my keyboard over and have my mouse more center on the desk. Or when I wanted to pull up a joystick.
I'm never at a shortage of keys in that area of the keyboard. Dunno what anybody else is talking about.

Guess I'm the dreamer of the bunch, the black sheep. :( :bounce:

is mine. How the hell does the arrow keys have more buttons?
Yeah, I dont see how there are more keys there. Even on my keyboard, there arnt as many as with wasd.


Methinks raziaar just hasnt tried out the WASD setup for long enough.
Yeah, I dont see how there are more keys there. Even on my keyboard, there arnt as many as with wasd.


Methinks raziaar just hasnt tried out the WASD setup for long enough.

lol, that's what I'm thinking...or he's just too used to it, that he can't come to tell himself otherwise :p
Why would I want to use WASD?

It's unnatural. It's for freaks. No wonder you all use it. :cheese:

I'll never change from arrows... I find it to be much more fluid for me. Sure, my left arm might be in a weirder position, but it feels more natural for me, and if I have to frantically hit the direction keys, I'm not mistakenly hitting another key inadvertently if I really mash the area.
lol Razzy, why are you mashing keys in the first place? :p
Move Forward: w
Move Backwards: s
Strafe Left: a
Strafe Right: d
Turn Left: mouse?
Turn Right: mouse?
Jump: f
Crouch: c
Prone: x
Attack: left mouse
Secondary Attack: right mouse
Reload: r
Interact: space
Sprint: shift
Previous Weapon: q or e
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: F
Turn Left: [mouse control]
Turn Right: [mouse control]
Jump: Space
Crouch: Left Control
Prone: Z / Left Alt
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: RMB
Reload: R
Interact: E
Sprint: Left Shift


lol... weird only means a 40-45 degree difference.

lol Razzy, why are you mashing keys in the first place?

Because I get excited... loose with my fingers. I don't want to rapidly be circle strafing and accidentally mashing q, e, z, x, c or any of the other keys adjacent. With arrows I never have that problem.

I never could get used to WASD controls. I've always had more than enough keys on the right side of the keyboard, with an easier time accessing them. with my left hand.
Move Forward: R
Move Backwards: F
Strafe Left: D
Strafe Right: G
Turn Left:
Turn Right:
Jump: MMB
Crouch: RMB
Prone: SPACE
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: MOUSE4
Reload: MOUSE5
Interact: H
Sprint: S

I use this over the traditional WASD keys as the F key my middle finger rests on has a small dimple on most keyboards. This means i can be sure i have my hand on the right keys without having to look down. :)
I don't want to rapidly be circle strafing and accidentally mashing q, e, z, x, c or any of the other keys adjacent. With arrows I never have that problem.

That was exactly my point.
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left:
Turn Right:
Crouch: Ctrl/C
Prone:Middle MB
Attack: Left MB
Secondary Attack: Right MB
Reload: R
Interact: F
Sprint: Shift/Middle MB
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left:A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left: Mouse
Turn Right: Mouse
Jump: Space
Crouch: Ctrl
Prone: Z / CapsLock / TAB
Attack: LMouse
Secondary Attack: RMouse
Reload: R
Interact: E (RMouse if E & Q are for leaning and there is no secondary attack)
Sprint/Walk: LShift
Inventory: MouseWheel roll
Zoom/Aim/Ironsight: MouseWheel click
Augmentations: F# :P
Move Forward: W
Move Backwards: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Turn Left: Mouse
Turn Right: Mouse
Jump: Space
Crouch: C (I set it to toggle and not hold)
Prone: Z
Attack: LMB
Secondary Attack: RMB
Reload: R
Interact: E
Sprint: Shift