Your funniest gaming moments?


Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
I've had more then I can remember, but the most recent was a few day ago while playing bf1942 Forgotten Hope on one of the the big 50 player servers.

The map was Crete, and I was on the axis side. Our base was located off shore and the only access to the objectives was by plane. The Junkers JU-52 is the drop ship along with one fighter for escort. Myself and about 6 others including the pilot, pile into the plane. Take-off is normal, slowly the plane rise's over the water with the sunset in the background. The first signs of land appear, chaos errupts below as enemy trrops scramble for the flak cannons and radio ahead to the other base's. Within seconds there are flak shell's bursting all around, our escort tries to distrack the enemy spitfire's from engaging the helpless transport.

We are about halfway to our drop-zone, just then a flak shell hits us, the engines are smoking and the troops in back with me are screaming to the pilot to open the jumpdoor so we can begin our assault. No sooner, another flak takes a direct hit, the engines are on fire and we're losing altitude. The pilot has lost complete control over the plane, quickly noticing he can't do anything, he bail's... Without opening the jumpdoor for the others in back.. Time stops, and total silence. Then someone jumps from the back into the pilots seat. We are yelling "Pull up! Pull up!", others are crying "Mayday Mayday!" over the voicecom. The engines come back online, and he tries to pull up but we are low and slow. He opens the jumpdoor to save who he can. A few men jump but the plane is so low that they can't deploy their parachutes in time and die. He starts to get some speed when I happen look out the window a notice the hugh hill that we are about to crash into. I try to jump, but its too late. I get caught in the blast and the anyone who was onboard died in the wreck.

Mission failed. lol
Make a bf1942 novel, seriously.

Some of my funniest moments have been in bf1942 also.

One cool moment was when I was playing dc and flew up into the air past the limit to see the ground, I was at a perfect 90 degree angle and jumped out of my plane, I was falling, screamed, and the plane swung by me, frantically pressing "e" I managed to get back in the plane and continue my mission.
not exactly hilarius but: make love not war...


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Playing UT with my cousin. He was cheating, in my opinion, as he had set up the map in question, which was the one in space, so that the only weapons were sniper rifles ("Try and get me with a headshot."), and he had also chosen a character model with no clearly-defined head.

Anyhow, he was kicking my butt all over the map, when I finally got tired of playing his way, and went and hid on a ledge outside the spaceship. My cousin began searching for me, eventually coming through the door to the ledge. Amazingly, he didn't see me behind him. I shot his character in its massive bum (*that* was clearly defined, at least). He sailed straight over the edge, into oblivion.

Man, was he ever pissed at me.:E
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Playing UT with my cousin. He was cheating, in my opinion, as he had set up the map in question, which was the one in space, so that the only weapons were sniper rifles ("Try and get me with a headshot."), and he had also chosen a character model with no clearly-defined head.

Anyhow, he was kicking my butt all over the map, when I finally got tired of playing his way, and went and hid on a ledge outside the spaceship. My cousin began searching for me, eventually coming through the door to the ledge. Amazingly, he didn't see me behind him. I shot his character in its massive bum (*that* was clearly defined, at least). He sailed straight over the edge, into oblivion.

Man, was he ever pissed at me.:E

lol, that map always made my stomach sick. especially when you're standing on top of the towers looking down witht the stars spinning, ugh. :D
I've got one from Deasert Combat too......

I was playing on one of the island maps. I was in the Harier Jet and I had a guy on my ass. I was getting shot up pretty bad so I made a crazy manuver.
If you know the Harier, it is a bomber, so it drops bombs. And when you press the back button it slows the plane down and makes it rise up to hover.

What I did was quickly pull up will pressing back. As I did this I dropped my bombs. Right on top of the guy. Then I just saw the charred shell of this jet float under me.
you should try getting into one of the copters in DC and just spin. Spin your heart out. It will make your head hurt in first person mode.
Originally posted by Fender357
you should try getting into one of the copters in DC and just spin. Spin your heart out. It will make your head hurt in first person mode.

That is THE best. I did that with my clan with a hind, we spun for like a half hour straight up, bailed and proceeded to fall for 20 min while laughing our asses off. I have never, ever, and dont think i will, laughed so hard while doing that.
CS - me and a mate on a server vs 4 others and my bro, i come from behind they all see me and somehow i got to knife my bro in the head just after jumping off of him, knife his mate and nearly got my cousin. They all had smgs and rifles and only one of em decided to fire :). I gave em all stick for a week :D
One of my most fun moments was when i was playing good ol' Delta Force (yes the 1st one) on LAN with my brother , and we were playing CoOp on a map where you were supposed to capture a druglord hiding in a bunker in the middle of a terrorist sieged village.

After a couple of bad luck rounds, we thought we might aswell do some tactics , and I told my brother to run to the bunker while i covered his back from a hill.. I was thinking like "Hehe, gonna play him a lil' trick" , and aimed my LAW (Yes, a bazooka) at his butt when he was waiting outside the entrance to the bunker. BoooooooOOOM! He didnt say anything particularly about it , but I bet he was pretty angry...

Anyhow , when he respawned I ran to the village from the west while my brother ran in from east.. Finally I came to the bunker , but no sign of my brother.. Here's the chatlog following:

Me:Where are you? I'm outside the bunker!
Brother: Hello.
Me turns around
Me catches a glimpse of Brother with a knife
Me Killed by Brother (score -1)

We laughed for quite awhile after that incident ;)
This is like my old 'War Stories Thread'. Funniest thing was in DC when me and some freinds were pinned down on this hill on Gazala. AS the Iraqis stormed in, we called across the LAN cafe for help...and five minutes later we noticed a chopper spiral across the sky, dodge three missiles and execute a perfect combat landing right in front of us. Needless to say, we jumped in and I manned the minigun. It was then that I realised who was flying.... Power Rabbit. A friend of mine who was at that time known for completely and utterly not being able to pilot a chopper.
The craft lifts off and turns over before spinning away, upside down. We scream. And then...a miracle. The helicpter lands, prfectly. The smoke clears. The gunfire stops. We step out onto the remains of a free outpost, full of vechiles. Thanking the pilot, we hop in some tanks....and as we drive away, the chopper lifts up, flips over, and accelarates out of view down a steep cliff. We never heard the bang, and we never did find out if he got out in time. The horror....
hmm....soooo many times...

GTA3: shoot, ANYTHING in that game, but specifically the time I modified the mafia sentinal with a max speed of 50,000mph, and an acceleration speed of 10,000 mps :) *tap accel* WEEEEEEEEEE!!! the map has limits, but once you hit them, its like a trampoline, you just start going the other way. I bounced off the limits about 15 times before hiting the ground. I had like, 10,000,000 stunt bonus award, and traveled about 400 miles...mid air. :)

also, making your cars mass like, 50,000 is GREAT fun. smash into a nother car and watch them FLLLLYYYYYY

UT2k3 has some great moments, flak in the back, whip motion headshots from across the map, hitting a target you NEVER saw...just luck, but on a LAN people are kinda surprised. perhaps the best fun is with Karma though...I was in Antalus, in the tunnel, just walking out, and two bodies just drop infront of me, then a third...was FUNNY. turns out my lan buddie was killing the bots as they went for the sniper rifle. :)
Ahh, GTA had many funny moments.

The best one is when I managed to snipe the pilot of the Apache. I thought it was funny at first but then I realized the goddamn thing has gone out of control and is now heading straight for my boat. It crashes right into it, everybody dies, mission failed.
Originally posted by Fender357
I've got one from Deasert Combat too......

I was playing on one of the island maps. I was in the Harier Jet and I had a guy on my ass. I was getting shot up pretty bad so I made a crazy manuver.
If you know the Harier, it is a bomber, so it drops bombs. And when you press the back button it slows the plane down and makes it rise up to hover.

What I did was quickly pull up will pressing back. As I did this I dropped my bombs. Right on top of the guy. Then I just saw the charred shell of this jet float under me.

back as in backspace?
God this thread is cracking me up, some very funny stories - especially Sulkdodds story :)

more stories fella's please! :):)
Heheheh my funniest moments would have to have been in planetside. A couple dealing with our Gal hotdroping us on a base. A couple of times i was in a ATV and i drop right ontop of a player lol. Another funny ass moment was me and a couple of guys jumping people with our ISs on.

If you dont play PS IS is infiltration suit it makes you invisible. So what we would do is sneak into a enemy base they would all be sitting around getting weapons or whatever than we would just walk over and at the same time just start stabbing and shooting him. It is so damn funny watching them freak out like "wtf where is he?? nooo" lmao they are all shooting the walls trying to find us. Priceless.

Then one day i was respawning at a AMS and i saw my AMS sitting right beside a enemy AMS. It is the funniest damn thing ive ever seen. I have a pic but for some reason it wont let me put it up :(.
My one, is every time I play q3 arena online I have a new experience in the funniest moments when fraging players.
modified GTA3 cars? How?On Vice City I am the 60 billion dollar man. I walk into a shop and I can buy everything, I'm loaded. And I didnt cheat.
Ah...BF1942. How about the time we had a grand jeep race, with four contestants racing across the burning desert of El Alamein, each with a friend riding shotgun in the back of the jeep, standing on top and firing....and a spitfire hunting us down to keep things interesting. Th rules were simple. Only jeeps were aloud, and swapping jeeps was fine. We started at the allied base. Any and all methods of victory were acceptible as long as the participents were in jeeps. The first one to reach the north outpost wins. There is a squadron of planes and a battalion of tanks on standby to keep the peace and the survivors will be picked up via B17 at the end.

We started off with me driving along. My friend in the back is spraying bullets and another jeep pulls up beside us and rams us. I pull left to avoid the bullets and down a cliff. We manage to stay upright and we accelerate out of the canyon back onto open ground, coming up on the first outpost. All is going well, until a competitor races ahead and is blown to pieces as the spitfire sceams over, cannons firing. So I'm swerving left and right, with explosions going off all around me. By now, weve reached the outpost, and we stop and switch vechiles (our previous jeep is all bashed up). A moment to check the scores-We're second-and were off again. Soon we come to the mountain road and roar up between the peaks. Ahead I can see the dust cloud of the person in first place, so I drive up behind them. He's lost his gunner. so he's dodging and weaving as fast as he can, when all of a sudden he stops dead and we slam into his back. My gunner flies off and I slip past the fence and off the hill, onto the lower road. Now Im driving paralell with him, and the a I'm on the high road, and he's on the low. I have to look away to avoid the pass of the spitfire. someone shouts that Its only us two drivers left. A
And then, up ahead...the North Outpost! Our destination, my journey's end. My opponent puts on a burst of speed, when a bomb goes off right next to him and sends him spinning towards me. I go hard left, and back onto the high road. He's regains control. Now hes racing for the finish, we're just 20 metres away...and hes going to win. But wait! The spitfire coming around for another pass, I throw the jeep off the cliff down onto the lower road as explosions rip across the hillside right behind me....I sail through the air and land right in front of my opponent, coming to a stop victorious..
Its over. I watch my competitor gurn in disgust, and shoot him. All alone at the finish line, I watch the spitfire div, spinning, then level out and head...strait towards me. At the last minute, I threw myself to the ground (yes in the game you can do this) and the plane passes right over my head, and a bomb blows up my car. The pilot's gone crazy! I run, zigzagging through the desert hoping to get to the little town before I'm cut down. Another bomb, very near...and then I see the plane spiral inot a building, belching flame. Two friendly planes fly over and I thank God that there were plenty of referees waiting in the wings as the B-17 lands to pick me up.

This is based on a true story. Some details may be...exaggerated, but most of this really did happen at a weekend LAN session.The pilot really did go crazy and decide to kill everyone. And he really was taken out in the end by over-zealous referee planes. In the end, I survived the ordeal and my sniper did not die right up until the time when, all contestants resting in the B17, the server restarted, this time with a normal game. Almost certainly the best thing in an online game...ever.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
There are no spitfires on crete... heh....

Well they had some type of fighter planes, it all was total chaos so I really didnt notice. lol :afro:
Sulk, I would have loved to see that happen in person.

I have been in many funny moments. Don't remember them tho.
look for a file called "handeling.cfg" (or is it ini? doesn't matter) anyhoo, all cars are in there. careful though, some things = MAJOR MESS UP! :)

TreadMarks, a game which is tank combat yet VERY fun, plays like a FPS really, has some GREAT moments. its MADE to be moddable, but not like most games. this thing is modifiable, yet pretty much impossible to cheat. anyhoo, some great moments. when a Nuke spawns on a map, the announcer tells you "A Nuke Has Arrived". I saw it in front of me, and I noticed another tank about the same distance was heading for it as well. I speed towards it, grab it litterally inches before the other guy, and fire it point blank at him. our tanks were touching at the time I fired. BOOM. Kill+suicide+500 feet in air + one big crater.
hoo, I was laughing.

and why mention modifying treadmarks? well, the way its done is through text files, so VERY easy to modify, and very when you join a server you just download all the files that are different/you don't have. takes a few seconds on 56K. but then the fun begins, because you NEVER know what the weapons will be. I've joined servers and has SHEEP chasing my tank, or kangaroos...."baahhh...BOOM!"

then there was a server called "Flying tanks and cookie dough" don't ask about the latter, but the former is easily explained. he made every weapon send tanks FLYING. it once took me over two minutes to land. I went that high....
then there was the Microwave server...bascially bullets were nukes, and it went up from there...the nuke was an ocean maker..:D
oh! oh! Deathmatch on the moon is FUN! hit a tank with a concussion missile and watch them flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

man, TM is great fun...

oh, and Jk2...who can forget the memorable moments in THAT...

how many people have seen the force grip chains?
basically, your in a high place, over a bottomless pit. you grip a guy and pull him over the edge, before you can drop him, he grips you and pulls YOU over the edge, now whoever lets go first, you both die. then other people join in, longest chain I've seen had about 7 people hanging over the edge...then the first guy ran out of force power and they all fell....

then theres the break dancing fools...that was fun, and man...
I once joined a server where EVERYONE was just having a good old time, NO ONE was fighting, they were all acting like fools. one was breakdancing, there were lemmings at the bottomless pit areas...other people were doing wall flips, and I...I spent the entire time moving around the map by doing backflips....meaning I could NOT see where I was going, but I only died once. ;)

oh, and F22 ADF....
its a fun flight sim, but one of the BEST is lining up with the runway, top speed (over mach one) inverted, and 10 feet...and as your over the runway, eject.
pilot splats into the runway, and get this, his leg twitches! :) LMAO!!!

come to think of it, there are only two games I really never grow tired of. GTA3, and Treadmarks...the rest come and go, those don't....
Probably the funniest thing I have ever seen in a game was at LAN, when we were playing Operation Flashpoint. My friend was piloting a Chinook which handled like a flying cow. When he went to land at the drop zone, however, he landed on a slight slope which flipped the Chinook over. He was then unable to turn the engines off and some glitch on that part of the map made the chopper start moving along upside down along the ground into the sea. The rest of us were stuck in the back as we made our way to a watery grave; we were all laughing our arses off and couldn't stop for quite a while.

Also, I've seen people mention GTA games, and I agree that game has to be the funniest going for playing with a couple of friends. The fun never seems to get boring in those games, whether it's talking in a vain attempt at a typical US gangster accent; causing a shoot out in a night club or trying to jump the river in a coach :D The radio stations in GTA 3 are also excellent, I don't think I've ever laughed as much when one of the talk shows breaks out into shooting, and when it ceases the other presenter cries out "There's blood and pubic hair all over the place!!".
One comes to mind, tho I done it more than once.

Game is Command & Conquer: Renegade. (kinda like a unpolished version of BF 1942. Made by EA too.)

Map was C&C_City_Flying

I was on GDI.

If there is one thing that I love to do it is trick people and scrifice idiots and try to teach them lessons. But this one stands out pretty well.

I buy a transport chopper and load it with remote C4, my usal antics, and bring it to the feild and hide then wait for someone of the other team to hijack it.

Someone comes along, only this guy was someone that I hated, he was cursing, useing racial slurs at everyone that killed him. He couldn't go a single sentince without saying "f*ck" at least once. So he takes the transport chopper and brings it back to his base saying how GDI are stupid "*uck faces". To my complete astonishment it came back into view with a full load with the same guy as pilot. Way up at the top of the map.

Next something like this went down in chat.

Me: Yo n00b piloting the GDI transport chopper, GDI has anti-theft technologies.

Him: **** you no they ****ing dont shut the **** up.

Me: You'll see in about 5 seconds.

Passanger: Get down idiot!! I see C4!

Him: Shut the f**k up you *racial slur*.

I press the detonate button. Now, when a vechical is destroyed in Renegade the people or person inside do not die.

So I see seven very expensive troops (1000 credits, most vechs don't cost that much.) fall out and slam into the ground, dieing on impact.

Me: Ha ha ha ha ha ha

n00b: You f***ing *racial slur*. F*** this!

The guy left. Most the the people in the server were thanking me for getting rid of him.

No one hijacked a transport chopper out in the open ever again in that game, dang.
I've ahs so many but the geatest was blayin Caen in dod... but I don't feel like explaining it. Trust me though... it was awesome.
I was playing RTCW : ET on Oasis . I was allie and we already breached the wall and I went up to that corridor to get to the other side where their base is . And when I got into that corridor I saw like 7 Axis coming through, I was like wtf?! and I got startled and I emptied my clip in that room. To my astonishment I killed all 7 axis and I lived almost unharmed, then I went like OMG LOL.
My story also has to be BF1942. I personally dont have the game, but I played it at a lan on a friends computer. Anyways, we were screwing around (but of course there was one person who was serious about the game). Anyways, I would load up on bombs and just ever so gladly drop them under, in, and around the jeep. Then I would go hide in a building near the jeep and wait for someone to get in it. As soon as someone did, I would blow em up and they would fly like 50 feet.
Annother time was when I was playing Unreal Single player. But heres the catch, two of us were playing as one person. In other words, I manned the keyboard, and my friend used the mouse. God it was so funny. We would have to keep saying to eachother "look left, look right, shoot!"-"walk forward, strafe, STRAFE DARNIT! JUMP JUMP!"
This just happend on DC:

I was drivin my tank off the road, out of everyones way, then i hear "boom, whhhh, clang clang" I turn around, and right behind my tank are 2 blown up jets, and debris is flying infront of me.
Originally posted by SpuD
This just happend on DC:

I was drivin my tank off the road, out of everyones way, then i hear "boom, whhhh, clang clang" I turn around, and right behind my tank are 2 blown up jets, and debris is flying infront of me.

haha, I love those kinds of moments.

Like sometimes you're watching a tank go over the hill, then all of sudden you see this hugh cloud of smoke and a loud bang.. Then the debries fly up and lands 5ft from you, and you just hear, clang.. clang. You just stand there and think to yourself, "poor bastard..". lol classic. :cheese:
Hmm... lets see. The recent ones:

Max Payne 2 (possible spoiler)

1) When i walk into a room and i see this rigged up trap that the Russians have created out of an explosive barrel, a doll of a broom with a helmet, a cleaner overall and three RPG`s. If you shoot it the whole room blows up. But if you ignore it and go to the back of the room you see too Russians waiting for you and holding their fingers in their ears.

2) All the episodes of "address unknown"

And lots more. A bunch from GTA Vice City that i cant remember.

And lastly:

When i started to play CoD "leaked game except the last level" stated in the NFO from the unknown group "iNVFX" and realized it was a promotional hoax with only 5 levels. (three of them already out in demos).
hmm...not really funny, but somewhat

I play ALOT of dual in JK2...
anyhoo, about 9 people on the server, and this one guy is ABSOLUTLY killing everyone in line before me. seemingly unbeatable, and REALLY obnoxious. (lots of cursing, etc). most people never lasted more then 2-5 seconds, he was REALLY going through them.

my turn comes up, I taunt him. (Crouch, do the taunt thing) he, as I expected, did a Death From Above move. I rolled to the side and did the special yellow stance move, the one that beheads people. over and done.

he cursed, and left.

now THAT was comedy!
Funniest gaming moments... hmmm... maybe Stupid gaming moments.

"I was playing counter-strike for the first time, all the others of the team was dead. I saw the enemy near the door to B1 and i throw a grenade.


What a nice aiming ! The granade come back to the foots of their master and... bummm Terrorists win ! Everybody on the LAN started to call me newbie."

Yeah, that's it. Not funny, but so stupid... i can beat my head in the wall 3 times if i do it again.
I was playing Team Fortress for HL back in the day. I was the sniper class guy, but I was getting my ass handed to me by other snipers. After I respawned I just hit the fire key out of frustration.

And guess what? The enemy holding the flag ran past the doorway I shot at, just after I hit the button. He got hit right in the head, completely accidentally and went flying. Then I returned the flag.
In DC- Berlin

poor guy just had joined the game, and an explosion sent him flying directly straight up into the air (It was either a well placed grenade or a tank shell)

Anyway, by chance explosions kept going off under him, and halfway through it killed him, but I swear, his body was in the air for so long. It was hilarious. Guess one of those things where you had to be there.

Oh then in the game Freespace 2. Flying for my squad LOA a long time ago. We were having a practice match against the RN clan, and some of them were drunk. EMP missiles in that game messes up your targetting/view/ everything to fly, and when the drunk guys got hit with them, they ended up going kamikaze, etc. What made it funny was at first when one of them got hit, before he realized it was an EMP missile he chatted, "I didn't have too much to drink, what the hell?"
heh...I almost always choose sniper class for ANY game, I love it! :)

sniper rifle in GTA3...UT2k3...and perhaps the best, BF1942. only thing I like about BF1942, vehicles and sniper rifle...

anyhoo, I got a TON of kills on BG1942 one time, just sniping....

then there was the time I took out a spitfire with a rocket THAT was cool! :)

and perhaps one of the funniest moments in BF1942 I've had.

Guadal Canal.
the two middle bases. AIs had one side, I had the other. I took jeep, was heading to the other. I play ALOT of GTA3, so I drive the jeep like a weapon, On the way there I killed two snipers, three anti tank guys, two assault guys, and one engeneer. almost to base, then a respawned anti tank shot me.

back at my base, grab a jeep, head back to where I was just destroyed.

on the way there I ran over two snipers, three anti tank guys, two assault guys, and one engeneer. almost to base, then a respawned anti tank shot me.

repeat that like, 4 more times...or was it five. repetitive, but OH SO FUNNY! I have NO idea where my team mates were, or the 8th member of the enemy team, but OH MAN I was laughing so hard!!!!

this one had a witness, but was funny as well.
Me sniper. me play chicken with enemy in jeep! :) I was near one of my bases, but the jeep was taken, and I LIKE JEEPS DAGNABIT! so, I stand on the path, the jeep driver sees me, and lines me up. guess everyone likes to run over the foot guys....anyhoo, I line up my sights, guys getting pretty close now. pull the trigger. headshot (Had to be, since that was where I was aiming) he dies, jeep turns hard left, and stops RIGHT next to me on my right. if I had been ohhh....5 steps forward, or two steps to the right, I'd of been hit. now THATS comedy!

then there was a shot in treadmarks just now...
saw a guy going nuts with the shadow (Close-med range super weapon, highly seeking and reitterates itself ten time, so VERY deadly) and I had a laser. I shot him, destroyed his tank, got rid of my laser and took the shadow. we both had a chuckle out of it, but it gets better! He spawned like, 200 feet from me. I drive over, destroy him with his own weapon. but wait, theres more! later on I saw that SAME PLAYER with a nuke, I took him out right before he fired it, and shot it off at a group of enemy tanks. gues where he spawned. yep. right in the middle of those enemy tanks! hehehe

the best part is, in HL, UT2k3, whatever, you would be FLAMED for doing this. in tread marks, EVERYONE gets a laugh out of it, especially those involved. :)
Game: Battlefield 1942.
Witnesses: Clanmates.
I'm in the Wespe (German artillery tank) and just camping on a hill on El Alamein. (huge desert map) I see the B17 coming at me, along with 1 or 2 other planes behind it. Knowing that he had spotted me, I turn and move myself to be able to at least try to hit him.
So I aim the barrel at the b17, wait for the right moment, and then fire. At the same time, one of the other smaller planes flys in front of the b17, and I hit him. As he is hit, the b17 starts to divebomb (why?) and the plane that I hit crashed into the b17, and all of a sudden I have 5 more kills.

Another good story takes place in Desert Combat. A friend and I take two of the jets, and just do some stunt flying. I got curious, and wondered how long it would take before I begin to stall. So I climb up and up, until I start to slow down. Well, instead of just falling, the jets in DC just start flipping backwards over and over, and there's really no way to stop it, aside from ejecting. So it just keeps going faster and faster, and I laugh harder and harder.

Now I'm going to be playing BF1942. If anyone wants to find me, my name is 'mMm | EC' For those wondering, mMm stands for Massive Male Missiles. (Not my decision)
OK dod and I'm playing caen. I sprint across the massive plaza and as german grenade is thrown at me I pick it up and whip it back receiving a kill. As I approach the end of the plaza a soldeir in front of me is moved down in a hail of tracers from a mg42 on the other side of the wall. I prime a grenade and throw it into the dark hole... Three allied soldeirs sprint out and I pick them off as they run for cover and then a massive explosion and a wave of dirt flies from the hole and I move on only to be hit by an artilley shell and killed instantly, good fun... although I don't see what you boys see in bf1942 :)
I was playing CS one day on one of those jeepathon maps where you drive the cars around. I bought a grenade and readied to throw it, but right as I did so, I got run over by my teammate in a yellow school bus. He stopped right over me (and my now active grenade) to say "oops", but my grenade exploded under the bus and send it flying into the air. The bus got stuck sideways in a wall about 20 feet off the ground with him trapped inside. We waited most of the round for him to die, and eventually someone else threw a grenade into the bus to put him out of his misery. We all took a bunch of screenshots and were laughing our asses off, but sadly I don't have the pics anymore.