Your hair preference.

Skaadi said:
I just dont see it though............

Well... I do. Its there. No denying it. Sorry, you just can't deny it. Only to yourself. :laugh:

But seriously, its better than looking young for your age. People think I look pretty young. I mean, not MUCH younger than 20, but younger. :frown:

But they also say I have the maturity of a 30 year old, so that kind of balances it out.

Don't worry though Skaadi. Since i'm well aware of your age, I wont be hitting on ya.
16 here, 15 there. (We use a different system of age)
Raziaar said:
Well... I do. Its there. No denying it. Sorry, you just can't deny it. Only to yourself. :laugh:

But seriously, its better than looking young for your age. People think I look pretty young. I mean, not MUCH younger than 20, but younger. :frown:

But they also say I have the maturity of a 30 year old, so that kind of balances it out.

Back when I was 14 my sister told me i looked about 16 but whoa....

And that pic was taken last year.

I shall seek more opinions.
Skaadi said:
Oh, that makes sense. *slaps forehead*

Why we start at 1 i'll never know.... it shall be a mystery to me for as long as I live...
15357 said:
Why we start at 1 i'll never know.... it shall be a mystery to me for as long as I live...

We americans still consider the moment you're born to be a birthday. I guess we just don't mark it that way. Its like... just a 'for the moment' thing, then we start numbering up from 0. one week old, two weeks, one month, 9 months, 1 year old... etc

Your first birthday is still the moment you're born. Alot of americans believe that :)
How odd.

'One year old' means you are one year old. At your first birthday you are approximately NO YEARS OLD. D:

Skaadi looks 18 or something.
Sulkdodds said:
Skaadi looks 18 or something.

So depressing, I wouldnt mind looking a year older or something but.....

Anyway, so thats why I got those messages ages ago.....
Short, but not very short. Our school is a nazi about hair, maybe not as nazi as 15357, but still quite nazi.
I'd prefer some of my hair to grow back. No matter how long or short.
medium long at the front, shortish on sides, medium long at the back.. medium at the top :p
Just long enough to hide my goofy shaped head. anything longer than a crewcut. I haven't had a haircut in a year and it's driving me up the wall, it keeps getting in my eyes. - Timmmy
madog said:
4. Long hair past shoulders (frekin metal)
Mine is past my shoulders, but I tried on a beanie hat and tucked all my hair inside it, and it turns out I'm 10x hawter looking with short hair, so I might be shaving it Wentworth Miller Prison Break style.
i voted 2: my hairs pretty much identical to this:

scruffy sorta look...

excuse the ghey pic, only decent one i could find...

evil^milk said:
though i hate it when it grows faster on the back of your neck and it looks like a mullet, lol
qft, i hate that...