Your Impressions on Bulletstorm?


Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
This is the latest shooter from Epic and People can Fly. Bulletstorm is being developed by People can Fly (the folks who brought us Painkiller), and Epic Games is overseeing development. They are also helping to promote the game and they are hyping the hell out of it. You play as a space pirate of sorts named Grayson Hunt, who use to be a member of "Dead Echo" (an elite band of futuristic mercenaries who are tasked with defending a futuristic confederation) but betrayed his unit and was exiled. He crash lands on an abandon Futuristic Utopia of a planet that is now overrun by Mutants and "Cannibalistic Gangs". Hooking up with a former Dead Echo member, Ishi Sato, they both work to survive and escape the planet.

I saw the trailer for the game not too long ago (with it's god awful music) and Gametrailer's exclusive look at the game last weekend. Some of the weapons look interesting and it looks like it has a few good ideas to it. I'll have to see more gameplay footage to get a better impression of it, but it's starting to look too much like an average shooter that tries too hard to be Ballsy and "In your face". Maybe I'm being too cynical, and I hope it'll be any good (it'll be the first game since Fall of 2007 that Epic bothered to give PC Gamers), but from what I am seeing it doesn't seem to be anything spectacular. I'll still give it a chance, though. And I'm hoping that PCF will use Steam over GFWL, if they have to use one of the two.

What do you guys think?
I'd imagine it will be a huge hit or miss for critics like Painkiller was.

I personally HATED Painkiller to DEATH.
I also hated painkiller and I must say bulletstorm looks like a massive meh

I loved Painkiller, and that's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to this. Honestly there should be more oldschool FPSs like Serious Sam and Painkiller. I think there is room enough for both realistic story driven shooters, and their mindless shoot everything up counterparts.
It's just too bad that Epic aren't planning on porting Gears of War 2 & 3 to the PC, which is a damn shame. I really loved Gears of War for the PC and I played the hell out of it.

Ok, back on topic. I hope Epic plans on releasing a Demo for the game so that I can give it a try. I'm not holding my breath since it seems that more developers aren't doing demos anymore.
I liked Painkiller a lot, but I think it was for the atmosphere and subject matter. This lacks both of those and looks too goddamn stupid to be much fun for me. Seriously, kicking people in these games is getting so annoying. I like it in Postal 2 though...weird. :)
How can anyone hate Painkiller? I mean unless one man with tons of guns against 54235245 baddies type games doesn't appeal to you.

This game looks like it's trying too hard to be cool and hip.
This game looks like it's trying too hard to be cool and hip.


I don't think people want mindless, over the top shooters anymore. Also, the whole XP/OMG CRITICAL HIT LOL! shit that comes outta everything when you do anything got old really fast.
My brother tried out the demo for Painkiller back at 2004, and he liked it alot. "It's like a mix between Serious Sam and Quake" he said. He went and bought the game and I helped get the expansion for him for christmas. He encouraged me to play through it, but I was stuck with other titles at the time and never had the chance to give it a whirl no thanks to the expansion for the first Call of Duty (United Offensive), Doom 3, and the title we all know and love, Half-Life 2. There was another game that PCF made that my brother tried out, but he said that it was god awful.

I myself don't mind over the top old school action games even today if done right, but I guess it's partly because I grew up with that kind of video games in the 90s, especially with Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, and Shadow Warrior. What appeals to me with serious sam is that not only does it have a great blend of action and humor, but it also has great level design. In the Gametrailer's preview, in one part of the game Grayson Hunt blurted out "It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!" and the female character with you (who I think was Ishi Sato) says "Yeah, keep telling yourself that." My teeth cringed when I heard this dialogue, because it's too overused now. I really hope the humor is more clever than that.
I have no problems with them.

Fun to just turn your brain off and blow shit up.
Bring back Unreal :(

You used to be cool, Epic. Back when you still had "megagames" in your name, I thought you would never let me down.

That said Painkiller was pretty decent for what it was; it didn't pretend to be innovative or deep, just good old hardcore fun. I think gaming needs a bit more of that these days.
Yeah, I was really surprised with how much RPS liked it. I may have to look into it if it's ever really cheap.
I don't know. I also saw RPS' review this morning, but I still think it's not the right game for the PC players.

Edit: Oh it's 60 bucks, **** it!
I'm honestly enjoying the hell out of it so far. People expect too much these days. I remember people going "tired of all these stupid serious brown and bloom shooters, let's go back to the days of Doom and Quake when it was all fun". Not specifically here, but everywhere else. Bulletstorm comes along. It's a mindless, awesome game where you blow shit up and have a grand time.


There is no pleasing anyone.
"... early on in the game when the character you’re hunting declares that if you come any closer she will “kill all your dicks,” only for your exhausted protagonist to scream back that he doesn’t understand"

That was unexpectedly hilarious. I might really enjoy this game.
wow..its so god damn cheap in singapore..for a new game. 50 singapore dollars flat. Thats 24 pounds, or 40 us dollars..

i bet its even cheaper in the devloping India, or Indonesia..or smthing.
Quick Look

God, it does look like fun. The PC version is supposedly shit though, so I am still not sure if I should get it.
^^ Thanks for that.

Yeah, it does look like fun, and that alien/cyborg/godzilla thing looks cool. Also lol at all the groaning, and their comments:
"oddly enough this monster is the quietest thing in the game. Yeah, ROAARRRRRrrr!! It's like they're announcing themselves"
Bulletstorm didn't necessarily invent all of the things it gets so much mileage from. Alongside blood relatives Gears of War and Painkiller, there are large chunks of everything from The Club and Time Crisis to Duke Nukem and Vanquish floating around in its genome. Its peculiar magic, however, lies in the way that it manages to coat its sharp arcade ideas with a comforting big-budget campaign to help lure players of all types in.

This is a game that wants you to laugh so hard that you sneeze on yourself, but it's also a game that wants you to experiment as much as possible with the tools you've been given. Its cleverness is as lightly worn as it is unexpected. It's the best kind of guilty pleasure.

9/10 from EG
The PC port is better than most, to be fair, but it's still got consolitis. Symptoms being: multi-action controls, un-toggleable mouse smoothing, no mouse support for in-game screens (though it works fine for the main and pause menus), and basic graphics options. But it runs really well and looks great, and the actual gameplay is fine once you get used to the controls.
From official forums:

Blue Fog on main menu? Gfx Errors? Black lines on walls/floor? 16bit textures?

Heres the fix

The problem is that there are several graphics cards missing from the list in the compatibility files which are used to determine default settings. I've just copied the maximum quality settings so they're applied to all configurations. This is likely to cause frame rate issues on older systems, so if your computer hasn't had an upgrade for a couple of years you'll want to steer clear. Of course, if you're using an older graphics card it's most likely in the list and you shouldn't be having any problems anyway.

This doesnt have the negative effect on fps that bUseMaxQualityMode does

* Install Bullet Storm

* Update the game

* Back up DefaultCompat.ini from your Bulletstorm\StormGame\Config\ folder, and then replace the original with the file with this mirror

* VERY IMPORTANT Delete StormCompat.ini and StormEngine.ini from Documents\My Games\BulletStorm\StormGame\Config\ and run the game. That should be it.

Extra Tip: The game doesnt run well on non-16:9 resolutions. It doesnt utilise the cou/gpu properly, so use a 16:9 resolution.

That last bit was very important. I was running the game at 1680x1050 and was getting shitty framerates (30-40 fps), but after turning off frame smoothing in the .ini files and then running at a 16:9 res close to the same res as my 16:10 one my FPS rocketed to over 100.
I'm running it with whatever settings you can max out in the game (I didn't edit any inis or anything) and 16:10 1920x1200 with no issues whatsoever and steady high framerate.

It's... interesting. Haven't decided if I like it or not yet. It's like Borderlands with ultra violence and excessive profanity. The writing is pretty decent though so far.
We basically have the same specs so that is good news for me. And "Borderlands with ultra violence and excessive profanity" sounds like something I am really in the mood for right now.
Played from about 12 yesterday afternoon, with a few games of Killzone 3 between, to 3 in the morning and finished it. What a blast.
Finished it. Alright but not great. TBH this is one game where I felt the actual story just got in the way of the action.
Shit, I just bought this mother****ing game. But goddamnit, there is a lot of ****ing cursing in this ****ing game. It is fun though.

And you were right Ennui, it really does look & feel like Borderlands on crack.
Hahaha, I'm really enjoying this game. **** them haters.
It's fun but forgettable. The dialogue was atrocious. I guess, that's what you get for letting that horse toothed jackass, CliffyB, get involved in the development of your game. The PC version is a sloppy port. Runs like crap at 1440x900 but fps maxes out when set to 1360x768. How do you **** up the optimization of the Unreal 3 engine? The multiplayer is cookie cutter and clearly an afterthought.

People Can Fly should have stuck with Painkiller. That series had potential.