Your Map Making Process



Hey, i'm new to mapmaking. So far i've been goofing around with hammer, and i've made a few newb maps. I'm afraid that I may be making my maps the "wrong" way however. I'm wondering what process you guys use to make a map.

I'm not talking about the pre-planning stages, but when you load up Hammer and begin making rooms and buildings.

For example, when you make a building, do you make each room individually? And then draw each floor individually for that room?

So far, when I make a building I make the outside walls, and a floor for the entire interior. But i've found that when I begin applying textures I have to cut up the wall alot, otherwise it is applied to the entire building instead of a a particular room.

I appreciate any help.
Becides the pre-planning (which is a must, you can't just create a map without some sort of planning). Then I just create some large part first, like the streets so the textures of the wall will fit without moving them. Then I build the houses around or whatever. I try to make the key locations first and later connect them to eachother, making sure I apply correct connectivity and such.
I was kinda wondering the same :) thanks for that... I haven't really started making any maps really... just trying to make some seperate buildings to see what I can do...

This brings up a question for me btw... If you see this screenshot... the house in the middle right corner...
it has those round 'tower' like things attached... how do you apply textures to it? I mean so it gets to look like it does in the picture.
I think the curved part of the houses are models (props), so they would've been textured in XSI then imported into the editor.