Your most anticipated game of E3 ...


To get back on topic. My most anticitpated game jumped from Mario to Resident Evil 5, then to GTA4, stopping for a little while at Assassin's Creed and Killzone 2, before hitting Halo 3. Now i'm all burnt out from too much games info. and don't know what to think.

To get back on topic. My most anticitpated game jumped from Mario to Resident Evil 5, then to GTA4, stopping for a little while at Assassin's Creed and Killzone 2, before hitting Halo 3. Now i'm all burnt out from too much games info. and don't know what to think.

methinks you need me to link you to the Age of Conan cinematic

/me runs
I'ma have to agree with Peter Moore on this one. This is looking like the best goddamn holiday line-up ever. So very much to look forward to... ugh, the wait's gonna kill me D:
but I left my broadsword at home all I have is my pen knife
heh not to worry, even as we speak, guerrila attacks on in the form of support for Conan have been made, you have all been warned, long live the king!
Hoping for some Orange Box videos mostly, but I'm loving the new Halo 3, Mass Effect and COD4 stuff at the moment.
Well, hearing UT3 has Live support on PC certainly wasn't anticipated, or wanted at all. Goddammit Epic. It better still have a regular ingame browser. I don't want to have to pay for proper multiplayer when I haven't had to in the past.