Your most disgusting habit


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
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Gross out your fellow forumites - post the habit you are the least (or most) proud of! The one thing that pisses all of your friends and family off to no extent - or the one thing they don't know about you (so you think). Act prudish about it all you want, you guys love this sort of shit ;)

Personally, chewing my gums. I didn't realise it was such a big deal until I went to the dentist a couple of days ago, and was told the left side of my mouth was completely raw. So yuh, guess I gotta cut that out.

Also, on a somewhat related topic, my dentist's name is Dr. Chew. Shit you not.
Umm... I have several, the only one I'm going to share though is the fact that I bite my fingernails to keep them trimmed. Some people say that's a disgusting habit.
Pick my nose like it's going out of style.

Usually when no one's around, but when I have a stuffed up nose, it's coming out whether I have a Kleenex or not.
Scratching my whatever the **** these things are. What the **** are they? They're like scabs that never ever heal. Ever. Probably because I scratch them.
You know you all piss in the shower.

That's not disgusting. Anyone other than a woman who thinks it is, is a fool.

I can understand the squeamishness many women experience when confronted with the fact, but if any guy is the same way? No... Nothing wrong or disgusting about it.
Picking my nose is one i'm quietly proud of

Like Bad Hat, I chew on my gums, and I don't know why, I just do it.. Sometimes its really painful, but I can't help pushing the sides of my inner mouth into my bite lol... must look a right cock end doing it though - if i tilted my head and started to twitch while doing it i'd be sectioned :thumbs:

Messing with my pubic hair ... Ahhahha.. WTF!
That's not disgusting. Anyone other than a woman who thinks it is, is a fool.

I can understand the squeamishness many women experience when confronted with the fact, but if any guy is the same way? No... Nothing wrong or disgusting about it.

There is a disgusting element to standing stark naked, pissing by your feet into a steamy closed area. That's not to say dudes should give a shit.
Scratching my whatever the **** these things are. What the **** are they? They're like scabs that never ever heal. Ever. Probably because I scratch them.

I too have ezema. Well its acctually because we dont f*cking leave them alone, and we peel em off again and again.
Um, I never clean my room and just throw stuff on my bed when i get home, then when i go to sleep I just shove/kick it all off and it stays there until i need it again. Thats about as bad as I can think.
Clicking my knuckles people apparently hate.
I also pee in the shower with absolutely no remorse (although I try to avoid peeing on my feet, sea).
I dispose of toenail cuttings behind the sofa, behind my bed, behind other peoples beds, anywhere thats within reach of where I am at the time. Oh, this is because i like to pick bits off my toenails when i'm bored or cant sleep.
I constantly tap everything and can never keep still.

i guess it would be biting my nails
since i dont do anything like picking my nose
like you freaks.
I've never understood why people think picking their nose is disgusting. You touch much more gross things on a daily basis. Can't touch anything without your hand being coated in a microscopic layer of feces both human and animal and many other things. You'd be surprised just what is on your currency, let alone other things you touch on a daily basis.

I don't think boogers are disgusting compared to all that... and I shrug that stuff off every day, and so do pretty much every one of you.
When it comes to people picking their noses, I'm more worried about what they do with the boogers than with the hygienic consequences of their gold digging.
Picking my toe nails and dropping them behind the sofa. When we moved out of our last flat they were literally piled high. Should have taken a pic, it was grosse.
I also pee in the shower. And I have a problem with cracking my knuckles, I'm always doing it, and not just my knuckles, I crack my knees, elbows, feet, and my neck. Most people hate when I crack my neck though, since it is very loud, and it sounds disgusting. I also stare straight into the sun often.
I pick my nose and flick the booger across the room.

I have my hand down my pants most of the time when I'm alone.
Pick nose and chew my pen's, pencils, whatever.
I have never pee'd in my shower and I never knew so many people did.

Now that we are at the subject, what the hell do you people do with tube socks when jerking off. Do you come in them or what?
Because I always go to the toilet and release my load there, I don't understand why you'd do it in your sock.
sometimes i just masturbate just right into my tighty whiteies and bed sheets then just pass out without cleaning up
I use toilet paper when I mastrubate, and I thought everybody else did too. Why the hell should you use a sock?
I come in the toilet then wipe the rest of with toilet paper. For that matter when I'm done peeing I don't shake it, I just wipe it off with toilet paper also, it's just easier TBH.
I bite my teeth every 5 minutes.
Oh, and I masturbate a whole lot.
But that's not really a habit.
I pick the skin off my lips.
I pick my nose.
I chew my cheaks.
I chew everything else. There's a pile of stuff by the computer, most of which has been chewed at some point. Even... a sycamore seed :/
Oh, and I have a face twitch.

Now... I believe I'm entitled to some delicious cake, yes no?
I ritually masturbate to a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush.

I use toilet paper when I mastrubate, and I thought everybody else did too. Why the hell should you use a sock?

I do to. Hi five.
No disgusting habits really, I sometimes pick my nose, that's it. I don't pee in the shower.

I come in the toilet then wipe the rest of with toilet paper. For that matter when I'm done peeing I don't shake it, I just wipe it off with toilet paper also, it's just easier TBH.

High five! Coming on toilet paper is risky, if you miss you've got cleaning to do. :P
I crack my knuckles, toes, neck, back, knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles. I guess some people find that annoying. That and throw feces at small children.
I starch my old sock when I'm too lazy to use toilet paper.

BTW, dry starch smells like cookies. :naughty:
That's not disgusting. Anyone other than a woman who thinks it is, is a fool.

I can understand the squeamishness many women experience when confronted with the fact, but if any guy is the same way? No... Nothing wrong or disgusting about it.

peeing in the shower is great. Even my women friends admit to doing it themselves.