Your most hated GENRE/MUSIC TYPE


Mar 16, 2007
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Hate threads, they attack in numbers don't they? However, I have noticed a trend among people, they hate specific music connected to specific genres and I notice there is no genre dislike thread anywhere, so here..

Let me begin: In terms of general music, I listen to almost everything from many countries, by which I mean the cultural type of each culture. For example> If I mean Indian Music, I don't mean crappy bollywood which I think sux but classical Indian Music. Thus, I do enjoy music like this from many countries. But if there is anything that is boring, it has to be country music. They all sound the same and are generally uninspired imo. True, there are some decent singers like sheryl crow and Kieth urban, but generally I think country music sux. I also hate all forms of teeny boppy punky poppy music (like the crap you here in Japanese animes)

In terms of rock music, I listen and can enjoy all types of rock except for punk-pop rock, by which I mean (blink 182, fob, mcr's new album stuff and most "rock" you here on mtv) It sounds very uninspired and a pain to listen to imo. Also, i can't stand black metal or hardcore heavy metal although I am fine with metalcore and metal.

I know most of you here hate post-grunge (3 doors down, creed, shinedown, nickelbacb etc.) although I don't see what is so bad about it. Also, notice many don't like nu-metal or nu rock. In terms of general music, a large number don't like hip hop as well. So, your hate genres?
Most bollywood music, screamo, death metal, country and anything by female pop singers (Britney, Gwen Stefani, JLo etc.).
Screamo, death metal (and anything else where the "singer" just vomits onto the mic) and country for reasons stated above.
But if there is anything that is boring, it has to be country music.

I also hate all forms of teeny boppy punky poppy music (like the crap you here in Japanese animes)

Also, i can't stand black metal or hardcore heavy metal although I am fine with metalcore and metal.

I know most of you here hate post-grunge (3 doors down, creed, shinedown, nickelbacb etc.) although I don't see what is so bad about it. Also, notice many don't like nu-metal or nu rock. In terms of general music, a large number don't like hip hop as well. So, your hate genres?

I agree with most of that.

I hate Country Music no matter from what country. A special hate spot in my heart being reserved for traditional Romanian Country Music :x.
All the sub genres of metal (with few exceptions) are garbage as far as I'm concerned.
Pop, RnB, HipHop, Rap and whatever other similar genres are out there can just go and die in a corner.:dozey:

Oh, and the ever popular band around here NIN. I do like a few of their songs, but the rest of it is just experimental trash...
Pop, I don't shit about sub-genres... but I don't like metal where the 'singer' is just screaming like a howling banshee(cradle of filth esque bands) and the drummer and guitarists sound like they're having seizures on their instruments.

I dislike rappers that only rap about how wealthy they are or how many thugs they've capped.

I dislike country singers that are whining about their wives/girls/dogs left them.

I dislike rock where the singer sounds like he's 10 years old. (Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, etc.)

And all forms of techno/electronica/whatever.

edit : I couldn't agree any more with your NIN comment, Remus.
The only song I somewhat like is that bite the hand the bleeds or w/e it's called.
Emo, Screamo & Hardcore all infuriate me greatly.

And obligatory rap/hip hop/pop.
And all forms of techno/electronica/whatever.

edit : I couldn't agree any more with your NIN comment, Remus.
The only song I somewhat like is that bite the hand the bleeds or w/e it's called.

"The hand that feeds"

My favorites of theirs are: "Just like you immagined" and "We're in this together"

However I like all forms of techno/electronica/whatever :cheese:
Get out.
I'm fetching the die hard NiN fans in here, then we will proceed to bully you in an unhumane, yet obligatory fashion.
Agree with the NIN comments - despite occasional works of genius, most of it is just LOUD and mediocre.
Nine Inch Nails is fvcking awesome and you all know it.
Slow rnb rap songs with women singing
Anything deemed chart-worthy by the British public is utter toss 99% of the time.

This covers pop and RnB.
I can't dislike an entire genre because there's no way I could possibly hear every single band that resides within it, but for the most part I'd say ''classic'' (hahahahaha)/rock stuff from the dinosaur ages. For bands formed years before anyone else (so called 'ground breaking' bands), they really were lacking in originality sometimes.
I find the OP amusing because I am one of the (apparent) minority that enjoys post grunge music. Indeed, I think 3 Doors Down are ace. Same with bands like Breaking Benjamin and Default. IMO Nickelback isn't bad.

I do agree with many other posters though - Music that sounds like the singer being castrated infront of a mic is awful. Same goes for all these 'gangsta' rappers. Urgh.
classic rock,emo rock,screamo,country,gangsta rap,mostly all forms rock
Crunk, Country, R&B, Rap, Emo, most darker, harder Metal sub-genres, happy hardcore, dance.
MEtal, some rap, and Emo rock. Although AFI does have a few songs I do like.
Also the majority of country. Though Johnny Cash = win.
I hate everything but Rock, Alternative, Indy, Jazz and Electronical *That is NOT Trance or Techno*.
I like the Occasional modern classical and easy-listening.
Excludes all bands like Fallout Boy, Good Charlotte, Green day etc. None of them good.
Bands that hit their instruments instead of playing them, death metal, scream-down-the-mic metal, and most forms of rap, pop and shitty indie that plagues the soundwaves at the moment, basically not music.
Crunk, death metal (just keep roaring into the mic mate), Rap, BRITISH RAP (WTF!?!?! Youre from London! Your accent sounds so ***king stupid! S T F U you twat) *kills Dizzy Rascal*, Techno, Drum and Bass, Emo, A lot of Dance songs too.
Rap, R and B, Hip hop.... Wow, I listen to all the stuff most of you hate:)
I can't think of any musical genre I hate. I can't find R&B that entrancing because it's like...pop has musical intensity, rap has lyrical intensity, and R&B is usually rap without the intensity. Which leaves a pretty boring tune. But this is not all the case so I can't universally condemn it, and that goes for every musical genre I somewhat dislike (ie I don't dislike all of it) except maybe screamy metal which I've hardly listened to much anyway.

Look at me! I'm jesus!
... bands like Fallout Boy, Good Charlotte, Green day etc. None of them good.
My younger brother listens to that crap; modern pop-rock (though "POP ROCKS" are good, lol), just a bunch of whiny emo shi* with extremely whimpy sounding music.
Most modern pop-rock (accurately described as "crap rock" and "wuss rock" by Bart Simpson) is also pretty terrible, but at least it's tolerable for a few minutes before goading me to perform acts of genocide.
You have a stronger stomach than I do! I can barely stand it for a few seconds before the gag reflex kicks in.
Rap. I just can't stand it, it's not even music or singing its thumps and verbal thrashings!
1stly don't call FOB and MCR and all emo rock for god's sake. It's not even close to emo rock, if you want to know what it is, wiki it. All those are crappy pop-punk, the most ****ed up rock music genre ever created.
Look at Contemporary pop punk (2003 and later)

Also, Rap is not really bad, there are some really good songs out there, and mind you there is all kinds of rap style music such as Rap Rock/ Funk (Faith no more, RHCP, old incubus, RATM) or Nu Rap Rock (Limbizkit older stuff, POD). And there are some decent modern day rap songs out there such as (Diamonds - Kayne West, stan - eminem etc.)
Newer "Crunk" style rap.

For every 2pac, RZA, or Nas, you have 15 Soulja Boys, Lil Johns, and the like.

For example:

has become

Not a fan of death/black metal. I don't care how technical something is or how hard it is to play, It means nothing if it sounds like a dying cow.

Dying Cow...sounds like a name for a Death metal band.
Also, Rap is not really bad, there are some really good songs out there, and mind you there is all kinds of rap style music such as Rap Rock/ Funk

Please do not put the words really good songs and rap rock in the same sentence again. :frown:
I hope whoever had the "bright" idea of combining rap with rock or metal has an excruciating death. :sleep:
Please do not put the words really good songs and rap rock in the same sentence again. :frown:
I hope whoever had the "bright" idea of combining rap with rock or metal has an excruciating death. :sleep:
STFU, there is good rap out there if you look hard enough.
Rap is bad by definition as far as I'm concerned

Understandable, with the crap they put out nowadays, if i didn't know any better, I'd have a passionate hatred for rap too.

However, there are hip hop artists who prove that there is talent involved in making good hip hop.

Also, Bone Thugs N Harmony. Fastest. Rappers. Ever. Pretty good singers too.
Anything with the words "heavy" and/or "metal" in its name.
I remember listening to Bone Thugs. Those were the days.

I'm usually open to any music genre. Except most of the ones already posted on here (Souljah Boy, Li'l John...)