Your Opinion On The Changes To The Combine Flaregun?

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We see from the large trailer that the combine flare gun has been changed from a literal flare gun to a shot that disitergrates people. (The Striders cannon has the same effect).

What do you guys think of this?

Personally I think it looks great as does teh effect it causes. Much better than the original flare which just set them on fire.

Also I guess it puts to rest those arguments about the guy up on the roof on the Bink Barricade video.
Maybe there are different sorts of ammo for it, i kinda liked the flame one but the new one is really cool too :D
I prefer to see my enemies burning on fire, but I don't really mind if it is replaced with the vaporized method. The greatness of HL2 allows me to oversee that very easily.
Hey, this is OT, but what does gabe say on the huge GAMESPY quicktime vid at 22:30?
"this is something we except our mod makers to........"

i cant get the last bit, anyone know?
Either way, i love it. I have no preference over burning or vapourizing.
Looks like a more powerful secondary fire to me. Notice how 20 rounds are used per blast and there is a long reload cool down. Also seems like it hurts Gordon (a little) to be too close to the yellow plasma ball.
It does indeed denzelr. Secondary fire it is.

So you'll still be able to happily burn your combines.
Yeah, it's similar to the Gauss gun in that it charges for a more powerful shot which vaporizes.
Yeah I'd hate for them to get rid of the regular flare part, I'm just a wee bit of a pyro :thumbs:
I would say that i liked the old flaregun better. it's more fun setting people on fire with a single flare ;)
Um.. not to be too anal retentive but it is an incendiary grenade launcher not a flare-gun. Flares are relatively harmless fizzling/smoking beacons and the only time we've seen them in HL2 is the barricade vid where the Combine grunt is signalling to the alien gunship.
Wolf said:
Um.. not to be too anal retentive but it is an incendiary grenade launcher not a flare-gun. Flares are relatively harmless fizzling/smoking beacons and the only time we've seen them in HL2 is the barricade vid where the Combine grunt is signalling to the alien gunship.

Ye, on that you are right. but as we all know Valve called it "Flare gun" if i'm not mistaken. (also in Blood (the game) they had a similare gun, and there it also was called "flare gun") but whatever, everybodu knows what we are talking abaoute ;)
What happened to the old recticle, with the two semi circle things? You know the one with health and ammo or whatever they were.
Nagrazol said:
Ye, on that you are right. but as we all know Valve called it "Flare gun" if i'm not mistaken. (also in Blood (the game) they had a similare gun, and there it also was called "flare gun") but whatever, everybodu knows what we are talking abaoute ;)

In the HUD on the Tunnels video it's called the Irifle. And personally, I think I'll have enough opportunities to set Combine on fire that if the vaporization is the only function of the Irifle, I'll be satisfied. :D
Habibapotamus said:
What happened to the old recticle, with the two semi circle things? You know the one with health and ammo or whatever they were.

Could be a variable, maybe they decided to have it out at this year's presentation. Personally, I'd love to use it.
looks like the same gun that the strider uses.

if you see in the strider vid when it shoots at people the people kind of float in the air with a blue glow around them.

well this gun does the same.
Abom said:
Could be a variable, maybe they decided to have it out at this year's presentation. Personally, I'd love to use it.

Even if they don't use it by default, i would like there to be an option somewhere to turn it on.
Habibapotamus said:
Even if they don't use it by default, i would like there to be an option somewhere to turn it on.

Same. Seems a little strange that it's not always on though. Unless it's something you get later on, an upgrade to the HEV suit so that it's linked to internal ammo counters/external life sensors perhaps?
-JeZ- said:
Same. Seems a little strange that it's not always on though. Unless it's something you get later on, an upgrade to the HEV suit so that it's linked to internal ammo counters/external life sensors perhaps?

Interesting thought. I remember them saying that the power of the manipulator could be upgraded later on, so you could lift heavier and heavier objects. Maybe it all ties in with the same HEV upgrades.
This effect sucks.. They go floating in midair and then just "poof" and they disappear.. Only thing that is crap in the new videos.. :(
Maybe they will include a normal flaregun to, seems a bit strange having a gun that size to do the same job as a distress pistol! Anyway I like the effect, when the guy gets blown back from the door and just fades before he hits the ground, and then the blast jumped to his friend, it was funny lol.
CrazyHarij said:
This effect sucks.. They go floating in midair and then just "poof" and they disappear.. Only thing that is crap in the new videos.. :(

Actually they break apart into particles.
anyways, that effect sucks, I never tought i'd say such a thing about anything HL² related... :(
and btw, the "Flare Gun" and the Strider weapon dont do the same thing, the Flare disintergrates them, and the Strider weapon suspends them in reality/another dimnesion then collapses them :)
I love the efect it has when the strider fires it. I wonder if it has the same efect with the player gun. would be awesome to see it in the mp :)
Six Three said:
and btw, the "Flare Gun" and the Strider weapon dont do the same thing, the Flare disintergrates them, and the Strider weapon suspends them in reality/another dimnesion then collapses them :)

Right because:

1. theres a difference.


2. You work at valve and designed both weapons.
the projectile looks cool, the effect of them "popping" needs to be rethought though.
it looks.... silly and so... 1998? "poof"
The i-rifle (incendary rifle) is not the same as a flare gun. The game does have a flare gun which is used to signal for help and nothing more. The i-rifle is a combat weapon. They're completely different.

Habibapotamus said:
What happened to the old recticle, with the two semi circle things? You know the one with health and ammo or whatever they were.

It can be turned on and off.