Your opinion on this

Finally forced myself to read some of that article (I am LITERALLY seeing spots, no joke)

It is pure BS.

Bungie got music from FREAKING PUNK ARTISTS. I mean COME ON!!!

Does that fit AT ALL with a sci fi shooter!?


That's all I am saying for now. These 9 year old Xbox kiddies are really getting on my nerve.
I wasn't seeing spots. Dance Dance Reveloution cures the spots anyway
Wow. This is ridiculous. Halo 2 was like thirty minutes long. People complain about Half-Life 2's length and ending. Holy SHIT, Halo 2 is like a Ferris Wheel ride that stops while you're suspended in midair. I question whether that guy even played Half-Life 2.

BTW, look at the name of the site: Game Daily: Kids! Then it has some little cartoon kid with a thumbs up. :|

character - halo 2 - for looks only
new features - hl2 - duel welding = woo...
graphics - hl2
sound/music - halo2 - they had a orchestra
gameplay - hl2 hands down - didnt want to finish halo 2 after playing hl2
mp - hl2 - even css is more enjoyable and now hl2dm
story - hl2 - more complex and interesting
weapons - hl2
enemies - hl2 - halo 2 ai lacks more than hl2
overall - hl2
dude i dont think those guys even played hl2, for screenshots, they used the 2003 e3 shots, what dumbasses
"the AI is great (but by no means comparable to Halo 2 on Legendary)"

Now, i wasnt impressed with the ai in either of the games but, to say that Halo's AI is better because the game has a higher difficulty setting is just retarded.

Also, tieing HL2's physics with Halo's dual weilding is ridiculous. And on a side note, if you considering that there was a dual weilding mod for the original Unreal Tournament, its not really anything new
Main Char- DISAGREED, Master chiefs auto-recharge is the lamest shit i ever seen...Dodge behind a rock and continue fighting...LAME.Also his comments aren't kick ass...Their lame. And if you take off master-chiefs armor you don't have anything...Nill. So that's a loss.
New features? Dual wielding has been around since Hexen...Not new...Half-life 2 has more.
Monsters , I can agree on Half-life 2 had a bad collection.... Sound? No... Half-life 2 had way more immersive sound and the sound track kicked Halo 2's ass any day...
To be honest Half-life 2 shines in practicly every way, modibility ((Can't judge multiplayer yet, but if you count counter-strike and Half-life 2 DM. Hl2 wins again)) graphics, sound, story, new features, gameplay ((Though gameplay IS pretty close since halo 2 is action packed too, Half-life 2 is just polished on 2 levels higher.))
cookiecuttah you took the words out of my mouth, except, that i dont wanna start a flame war, so i dont wanna compare them like that :p
My review,

Main characters : HL2 does have a pretty geeky guy, but Mr."Master Chief" is nothing special either, he's just a guy in a space suit.

Features : CookieCuttah I agree with you on that, you duel wield in many old games, and HL2's new physics, AI, and engine destroy any new minor modifications with Halo2, same engine and graphics.
-Half-life 2

Graphics : No competition what so ever, Half-life 2 had the best graphics I have ever seen in any game out there, or probally being made (other than HL2 mods and HL3)
-Half-life 2

Music : Halo2 soundtrack, not much different from Halo1, Half-life 2 has the most realistic sounds to go with the amazing graphics, a set of sounds for any physic in the game.
-Half-life 2

Gameplay : Halo2, once again I say this, not much different from Halo1 at all, jumping and aiming controls are terrable, and the auto shield recharge, make it almost impossible to acctually die. Half-life 2 however, the aiming and movement is great, the abillity to stack objects, unlike any other game, and a couple little puzzels in the game in Water-Hazard. First one where you need to put those blue containers to push up a ramp, and another one where you have to put enough weight onto a pully which pulls up a ramp, both great use of the physics.
-Half-life 2

Um I'd better wrap it up, Half-life 2 is more easier to understand, and not as confusing as Halo2, Halo2 is basicly the same thing as Halo1...
Half-life 2 is the better game, by far, very far. I got bored of Halo2 in less than a week, I've been playing Half-life 2 since it came out, I'm still not even bored.

Half-life 2 > Halo2
im the kind of player that plays the sp, then never touches the game ever again, unless it has a decent mp to play, but for hl2, it has caught me with its superior sp gameplay