Your pets #4588195

He's got a look that says, "dammit, that's not what I meant to do."
He's got a look that says, "dammit, that's not what I meant to do."

Pretty much what happened. Slipped and fell in, then just chilled there, making no sound at all. Eventually I got bored of waiting for him to try and get out, so I helped him out.
^, B, B,

*Tr0n shoots a rope tipped with a spear out of his hand

This is one of my aquarium fishies. I showed a picture of my pleco in the last post your pets thread... but now he's been trained... to feed straight from your fingers! Also, I have no idea why the water looks nasty green in the picture.

Cat nr1.

Cat nr2. He is kinda ugly so we put a bag over his head.

Those pictures are expertly taken in a way that makes your cats look horribly freakish D: D:
This is one of my aquarium fishies. I showed a picture of my pleco in the last post your pets thread... but now he's been trained... to feed straight from your fingers! Also, I have no idea why the water looks nasty green in the picture.


You trained your plec? :O Thats ace :D Didnt know you could train fish :P

We had one of those about a year ago, it was huge! Grew to about 12 inches long i think. We had to give him away though else he would have started to eat the smaller fish :(
i have this gangsta picture of my cat raping a bulldog while robbing 2 other huge dogs while smoking a got lost...or something. But it did happen I PROMISE!!!
Good job ravioli for screwing up the chain. I think I'm going to ****ing kill you now.
OK guys, this is enough. Let's get back on topic, so this won't get closed.

OK guys, this is enough. Let's get back on topic, so this won't get closed.

... With a shoe :D

Here be my cat. His name is Beau. He used to have a sister named Tye (lol, bow-tie), but she got hit by a car like eight years ago.

Here he is, in an intense action shot of him moving from one sleeping spot to another!

Here he is again, sleeping near the cord of the webcam I used to take his picture. He is cuet ^_^


Funny story: I was talking about my cats with one of my friends when I was a kid, and at one point he asked "So what are their names?" So I answered "Beau and Tye," and withheld a bit of laughter, expecting the usual "Oh, I get it, bow-tie! lol" response. So my friend says "Oh, I get it! Tae-Bo! Like that stuff we did in gym class!"
