Your Predictions

That Wally_breen dude was wierd; He/she had a odd hatred for Alyx, but why??? how could anyone hate alyx. :(

Well anyways Samon if ya can't find your old one here's a new one but you may want to resize it because I had a hardtime resizing it in photophope; also why are pic's when resized in photoshope then uploaded as an avatar in become uber small & the quality just get raped.

Anyways here that avatar I made for you ;):


hope you like it :cheers:

I apologize about going off topic.
Is there a reason why everyone is off-topic? The last two pages have nothing to do with your predictions as to what you would expect in Episode 2. But thats just me :dozey:
Game starts off outside and Gordon will have to foot it to the closest Resistance base outside of City 17.

The Combine starts ridin dirty into the forest so Gordon has to travel underground through the ant tunnels.

Gordon comes out @ a mining facility major combine battle insues

Gordon reaches Resistance site but finds out it has been attacked and has to go to another one

Main forest battles @ the climax of the episode

Gordon reaches missle silo


People crap their pants after seeing the Episode 3 teaser

People complain on the internet the ending sucked because it didn't answer all Half Life questions.
I bet there will be one BIG teleport. And when I say big, I MEAN BIG. It all fits, from the beginning there had to be some way for the entire combine army to pour through, which according to Kleiner there was:
As we once learned to our dismay, even the relatively tiny fracture at Black Mesa gave our enemies an opening which they were able to force ever wider, as they poured through in greater and greater numbers.
Not to mention the fact that there was always the idea of "off-world assignment" which couldn't be done with a teleport as pathetic as the one in Breen's reactor. You couldn't get all the stalkers off Earth efficiently if that's all they have.

The packet data would also require this information so that they could manage to retake Earth, not to mention that the portal would make an objective for the Advisors and other combine forces, thus continuing the story well (otherwise you just have "OK, they're gone now, that wasn't so hard")

Not to mention the fact that the portal would make a good target for an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.

We're through the looking glass, people.