Your recent gaming purchases

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Credit card?

I have a debit card, but last time I overcharged, I had to pay a $34 fee. It's weird though, since one time I overcharged to buy a game during a sale and I payed the money back the next day without being charged a fee. I'm not sure if i'm willing to take that risk. :/
I have a debit card, but last time I overcharged, I had to pay a $34 fee. It's weird though, since one time I overcharged to buy a game during a sale and I payed the money back the next day without being charged a fee. I'm not sure if i'm willing to take that risk. :/

When I was in college I used to get overdraft fees all the time because I'd be so broke and getting my account down to pennies. If I went over like 20 cents I'd get a giant overdraft fee. I think it should be proportional to the amount overdrafted but, that would make too much sense. Just get a credit card ... it's nice for crap like this. The convenience is worth the interest and if you have decent credit you won't have a rate over like 10%.

I ended up buying Call of Pripyat like everyone else... too bad they didn't give Shadow of Chernobyl as a gift with it so I could give it to my friend.
I have a debit card, but last time I overcharged, I had to pay a $34 fee. It's weird though, since one time I overcharged to buy a game during a sale and I payed the money back the next day without being charged a fee. I'm not sure if i'm willing to take that risk. :/

Isn't it a really bad idea to shop online with a debit card? If your card number ever gets stolen and someone runs up a thousand dollar charge, theres not much (perhaps nothing) your bank can do to help you. Whereas with a credit card they are most likely on your side if you can prove it.

my goodness, what is this game? it's hilarious.
Sadly, it doesn't seem the PAL release of Deadly Premonition is reaching Sweden.:(

I so badly want to try it, it looks like some weird rape of Shenmue by Silent Hill that resulted in a bastard off-spring nobody wanted.
I loled a long time ago when some guy did a review on that game. it'll probably take you like 30 hrs to complete because you'll be laughing so hard and pausing the game. seems like the biggest unintentional yet funniest game ever made

edit: EA is having a $ale!!
MODs: can we pin this thread??


just got this group of games cheap, plus Mount and Blade: Warband on Steam! I do love my bargains

£7 from Amazon UK.

Enjoyed the demo ages ago but knew the game didnt warrant the full price tag, kinda.

FEAR scared the crap out of me the first time round, and this one ramps up the tension apparently. Hell, the demo for FEAR 2 scared me as I hated the sound of laughing kids echoing around a haunted school (especially little girls, they freak me out), and then when she grabs hold of your hands as you exit that cinema and screams at you, jesus I flew out my ***king chair.
Deadly Premonitions is amazing. It's a game that doesn't know what it's trying to be but at the same time it doesn't GIVE A ****. End result: offbeat quirkiness hilarity. My type of game.
Deadly Premonitions is amazing. It's a game that doesn't know what it's trying to be but at the same time it doesn't GIVE A ****. End result: offbeat quirkiness hilarity. My type of game.

I saw a sale on that game for $10. I should have picked it up, but I forgot, went back and they said they sold out. For $10 that would have been a gold mine.
I just bought Burnout: Paradise for the Xbox 360, good game but very time consuming near the end and also some of the best cars have to be bought using Microsoft Points which is daft.
Monday Night Combat, which is brilliant yet laggy.

I also pre-ordered Halo: Reach, which looks amazing. Forge World alone looks like the online multiplayer equivalent of Thick As A Brick.
I think I'll just stand in line for Reach. I did it before and because I usually work release night I'll stay till 1am and play it the same time everyone else does.
I hope you guys will join me for some co-oping in Reach when it comes out, even though we're in different timezones some of us.

My GT's Gargantou.
Im going to go a midnight launch of Reach, buy a copy, walk oustide and stomp all over it infront of everyone.

Because I can afford it, and I can feel the youtube hit-counter RISING.

Nah Im not that much of twat.
Im going to go a midnight launch of Reach, buy a copy, walk oustide and stomp all over it infront of everyone.

Because I can afford it, and I can feel the youtube hit-counter RISING.

Nah Im not that much of twat.

twat? You mean "hero".
I hope you guys will join me for some co-oping in Reach when it comes out, even though we're in different timezones some of us.

My GT's Gargantou.

If you have a mike, I'll happily get kicked in by Elites with you.
Im going to go a midnight launch of Reach, buy a copy, walk oustide and stomp all over it infront of everyone.

Because I can afford it, and I can feel the youtube hit-counter RISING.

Nah Im not that much of twat.

If you do it, can I drive down to watch? I'd love to see the little Halo fanboy faces :D.
I'm looking forward to Reach. It should be quite good.

Im going to go a midnight launch of Reach, buy a copy, walk oustide and stomp all over it infront of everyone.

Because I can afford it, and I can feel the youtube hit-counter RISING.

Nah Im not that much of twat.

Yeah but, you probably are, right?
I hope you guys will join me for some co-oping in Reach when it comes out, even though we're in different timezones some of us.

My GT's Gargantou.

i think I added you, I'm Dandan Manchild
I bought SWAT 4: Gold Edition for $20 AUD on eBay last week immediately after watching this LP.

I can't believe that game has slipped under my radar for so long. Shame it's not on Steam.
A couple weeks ago: Transformers: War for Cybertron. Passed it already.
Put a preorder in for Civilization V from Amazon. I love PC gaming when it means £25 for a brand-new game (most places are a similar price, the preorder map bonus just differs. Amazon gets the Indus / Yellow river scenario. *shrugs*).

Got Starcraft 1 and the Quake series quite recently. Other gaming stuff: been collecting the fantastic NECA Bioshock 2 Figures. I've had the Subject Delta, and Big-Sister for a while, got a Bouncer as a birthday present and just ordered the Eleanor / Little Sister double pack. Definitely after the Rosie... kind of not up for the splicers. The look really-well made, and that's possibly the problem. Even with rusty diving suits, my room is too happy to accommodate them.

Probably make a thread about this at some point, but suffice to say it's a japanese action RPG in which you run an item store and haggle adventurers out of their hard earned coin, as well as doing a fair amount of adventuring yourself. If that sounds at all like it might appeal to you, I'd urge you to give the demo a try on Steam because it's ****ing great.

Doesn't unlock till the 11th, though. :(
I'm sorta interested, if only because I love the handling of money.
Yeah same Ace, sadly that aspect of Recettear doesn't look that serious or fun to me.

I wish Iron Master would have gotten translated into English, it's this awesome DS game where you're an iron smith and get to both design and make weapons and sell them and hire adventures to go get ore for you etc.
It's light-hearted and relatively simple, but it does become more complex over time as you gain levels and unlock new merchant skills. But no, if you're expecting a fully modeled economy in the vain of a proper trading simulation, you'll probably be disappointed.
Darksiders (PS3) from Gamefly for $12.17 used

Heard good things from two friends, they said it copies a lot from other games and I've read a few reviews and seems like a solid game

Dante's Inferno PS3 version:

I traded in a 360 transfer kit and paid about $15 for the rest. If its similar to God of War I can handle it


Gargoyles and X-men for Genesis, Fracture for the 360, Gran Turismo for the PSP, and Your in the Movies for the 360. I got that for $10 so its worth it for the camera and I use them on PC sometimes too.

damn I spent a lot in the past few days

I got quite apathetic towards halo and ODST never changed my mind but reach did intrigue me upon release so i bit and got it.

The main reason I tipped over to buying it instead of renting is because:

A) lovefilm aint too good with new releases let alone an all new halo game
B) I had enough store credit to get me my next 3 games for nothing (now my next 2 games after getting reach)
I bought SWAT 4: Gold Edition for $20 AUD on eBay last week immediately after watching this LP.

I can't believe that game has slipped under my radar for so long. Shame it's not on Steam.

I've never actually finished the campaign in SWAT 4(Only own the original, not the expansion!)

It's so hard(I play it on the hardest difficulty because that's when it's the most fun)
I remember the first SWAT where you basically played recorded footage.

I recall an old woman with a shotgun in a single-storied house and you shoot her outside in the front garden as she tries to shoot you first.

And when you fired, to simulate recoil, the mouse would bounce upward with each shot.

I also got Halo reach, mine came with a $20 gift-card, poster and hat!
I've never actually finished the campaign in SWAT 4(Only own the original, not the expansion!)

It's so hard(I play it on the hardest difficulty because that's when it's the most fun)

Lots of tear gas, flashbangs, pepper ball guns and less-leathal shotguns. Bust into the room, toss in a nade, shoot everything that moves, arrest it and repeat. Also nail everything you can with your snipers - they never count as an unnecessary use of lethal force.





You should have waited with Blood Bowl, an enhanced edition of the game is coming out later this year.

Also, tear gas and pepperballs are useless on the later missions where the enemies have body armor and gasmasks.:(