Your School Mascot?

So much for creativity, "So um, what's the country's symbol? Eagle? Alright **** it, that sounds good." :rolleyes:

Except I live in Canada.. Either way it looks like the Eagle from Nazi Germany, anyways.
Awesome Cougars.

But no, it's a ****ing eagle. D:
My school mascot is an airplane.

We had a Chief as a mascot but we lost him due to racial problems.

Same thing happened at my highschool. Only, my highschool said "**** off" and then painted a big chieftain head on a wall in the school cafeteria.

During one of those fieldtrip things when they bring high school students in for a tour of the campus, they were handing out promotional pirate hats and stuff for the kids on tour. One of my friends leapt up from his seat and pointed at them, yelling, "Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!"

During one of those fieldtrip things when they bring high school students in for a tour of the campus, they were handing out promotional pirate hats and stuff for the kids on tour. One of my friends leapt up from his seat and pointed at them, yelling, "Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!"

We don't do those silly thing at my Uni. Instead, we dress in colours depending on what area of study we do. I dress in lilac as a part of humanities/the arts. You have your own drinking songs/battle cries and stuff like that, and it gets rather interesting if you mix people from different groups together :P
We don't do those silly thing at my Uni. Instead, we dress in colours depending on what area of study we do. I dress in lilac as a part of humanities/the arts. You have your own drinking songs/battle cries and stuff like that, and it gets rather interesting if you mix people from different groups together :P
That's actually a really cool idea.

Props to you and your uni :D

During one of those fieldtrip things when they bring high school students in for a tour of the campus, they were handing out promotional pirate hats and stuff for the kids on tour. One of my friends leapt up from his seat and pointed at them, yelling, "Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!"

I live in california. I have a friend who went to highschool here, and the mascot was pirates. Then she went to North Carolina to go to college, and the mascot was... pirates. I don't think she even planned that.

The story of how the elephant became the mascot for The University of Alabama dates back to 1930. On October 8 of that year, a sportswriter wrote, "At the end of the quarter, the earth started to tremble, there was a distant rumble that continued to grow. Some excited fan in the stands bellowed, 'Hold your horses, the elephants are coming,' and out stamped this Alabama varsity."

Big Al's debut as UA's mascot came at the 1979 Sugar Bowl, where the Crimson Tide turned back Penn State at the goal line to earn a 14-7 victory and a national championship.

Today, the elephant is synonymous with the Crimson Tide and Big Al is one of the nation's most popular collegiate mascots.
back in the day before my grade school went homo

we were the
Duquesne Dinosaurs
now they went to some lame ass eagle.
Elementary: Warriors (switched to Wildcats when I was in 5th grade)

High School: Panthers (I'm surprised at how many schools are the Panthers)

Community College: Raiders

University: Will be either Mustangs or Gauchos depending on where I go.
Schools here don't have any mascots or rubbish like that.
It seems like this is the thought process that goes into choosing a school mascot:

"Okay, what other schools do we play against in the different sports leagues?"
"All these schools, sir." *holds up a list*
"Right. So, first question: Are any of those schools the Eagles?"
"Shit. Second question: Are any of those schools the Panthers?"
"Shit. Third question: Are any of those schools the Wildcats?"

And so on.
Well, we got a knight, with purple and gold. Somewhat original, but our jerseys look kinda odd...
My Middle School was Vikings, and my Elementry School.. Or rather, the private school I went to for 6 years before moving- were Bulldogs.