Your settings

Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
Post your system specs, your graphics settings, and the average fps of your most advanced games. :naughty:

(Specs in sig)
I run Far Cry, all medium at 1024x? and I get like 35 fps average.
P4 3.2GHZ w/HT & 800FSB
1GB Corsair XMS Dual Channel PC3200
Asus P4C800-E Deluxe
PNY 6800 GT

Settings at high. Never checked my fps in Farcry nor any other games :laugh:
atm im on an AMD 1 gig, 512 RAM and a GeForce 3 64mb which pulls pants fps in Far Cry even with everything set on low and 1026x768.. had this comp 3 years :p

by end of August Ill have an AMD FX-53, 2 Gig of ram and a x800 XT PE (100% new rig) Ive busted my balls all summer to afford this thing and I cant wait. :D
I run Far cry in 1024 x 768 too, no choppiness here - haven't looked at my fps but its never under 30.


Pentium 4 2.66 Ghz
512 Dual Kingston 3200 DDR ram
Geforce4 ti 4400 (128 mb)
180 GB HDD, not that it matters :D
I run far cry at 1280x1024 with everything maxed, no aa/af and get about 40-50 fps

AMD Athlon 64 3000+
Soyo CK8 Dragon Plus mobo
1 gb PC3200 RAM
ATI 9800 pro 128mb
specs in sig

I run the demo with everything on low at 640x480 and still can't run it well.