You'r Specs ?

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broke mine


Dont know the names of anything, but....

Pentium 4 2.53 Ghz
80 Gig Hard Drive
512 mb memory
DVD Drice, and CD RW Burner
GForce 4 Ti 4200 64mb Graphics Card
Soundblaster Live! Sound card
19 inch CRT moniter :(
Cable Modem ( I hope that HL2 multiplayer will run well)
not sure about the rest..a couple speakers and a subwoofer, joistick, router, and who cares about the rest?

I hope it runs well, but im worried about the graphics card. I want to get a Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb or Radeon 9800 xt 256mb
Originally posted by
Hey guys :cheers:

I just wanna know you' current spec's

Heres mine

2.53 GHz 533 FSB
1042 PC2100
ATI radeon 9800 pro 128 MB
WD 200 GB 7200 rpm, 8mb cache

Getting in less then a week

3.2 GHZ with HT and 800 FSB
1024 PC4000 twinX
ATI radeon 9800 pro 256 MB
wd 250 GB 7200 rpm 8 mb cache
wd 200 GB 7200 rpm, 8 mb cache

can i have yur old one? :cheese:
Digital there is no need for the PC4000 as the only way it will function at 500Mhz is if you OC. 3.2 doesnt OC to well on air. PC3200 is the best option
Guys, i bought my computer in March.

P4 2.4GHz 533 fsb
1024 333mhz ram
radeon 9700pro
2 19" monitors
5.1 altec lansings
MSI Granite Bay mobo
2.53 ghz pentium4 cpu
1 x 512mb ram
geforce ti 4800 se
msi 845pe max2 motherboard
120gb maxtor hdd, 7200rpm
amd 1700
264mb ram (soon to be 512)
radeon 7000 (soon to be 9600xt)
20gb hard drive
jetway v266b mobo
15" flat screen
P4P800 mobo
Intel 2.8 ghz 800 fsb
Ati Radeon 9700 pro
256 pc-2700 ddr ( one stick, so no dual channel yet)

( 3dmark03 : 4732 )
Abit IS7
3.4ghz HT 800FSB
1024MB PC3200 Kingston Hyper-X
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 256mb
Logitech z560's
Viewsonic A90f+
/ Asus A7N8X-Delux-R2 / XP2500 @ 2.4GHz / XMS 512MB DDR400 / Radeon 9700 Pro (overclocked) / 120GB 7200 8MB / 21" /

I benched my system against P4 3.06 & 3.2GHz and I was so much faster, I couldnt even believe it.
So In my view P4 is just a rip off.
Radeon 9800pro 128 MB
512 MB of DDR Ram
80 GB HD
Pentium 4 2.40 GHz

I dunno what the other stuff is :cool:
[CPU]AMD "Barton" XP 2500 + o/c 1.9 ghz

[MOBO]Shuttle AK38N VIA KT333CF (whatever that means, and is it anygood?)

[GFX]GeForce 3 Ti 200 (looking forward to 10 fps)

[MEM]ULTRA 512ddr ram-Shielded- Pc 2700 at 333mhz(Can anyone tell me if that ram is any good my dad got it for me for my b-day)

[Sound] On board (i only use headphones)

Dunno what else, and i could use any suggestions on vid cards or ram.
Originally posted by 0zz0

[MEM]ULTRA 512ddr ram-Shielded- Pc 2700 at 333mhz(Can anyone tell me if that ram is any good my dad got it for me for my b-day)

I never heard of it, so it cant be good.
Originally posted by 0zz0
[MEM]ULTRA 512ddr ram-Shielded- Pc 2700 at 333mhz(Can anyone tell me if that ram is any good my dad got it for me for my b-day)
How much was it?
Geil has a ultra series although there are a lot of generic memory out there that has "Ultra" in its name and is shielded.
umm i dont remember like $100 or something
is the amd 64 fx 51 a big jump over the intel 3.2 gigz HT in gaming??
Acer Travelmate 803
1.6 Ghz Centrino
512mb Ram
Ati Mobility Radeon 9000 64mb (Slightly overclocked)

Hoping this will be enough for at least a reasonable play.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Mushkin level 2 blows XMS away.

You wish, Corsair XMS was proved to be the best DDR ram around, nothing can touch it.
And Mushkin isnt even considered good ram, its an average ram nothing more.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Mushkin level 2 blows XMS away.

Originally posted by kidrock540
is the amd 64 fx 51 a big jump over the intel 3.2 gigz HT in gaming??
Why dont ya look for yourself? Here is some direct links to gaming benchmarks.
Although if you are looking at Athlon 64, I would get a Athlon 64 3200+ instead as the price is just over 400$ and if the P4 3.2ghz are still 600$ then that is a great price/performance ratio and you also have 64bit when that comes.

Looking those links up reminded me of what a joke [H]ard|OCP's benchmarks were for Intel and AMD's new CPUs... They are a major gaming review site and they only used 5 benchmarks under their gaming section. 3dMark 2001, Quake3, JK2(another quake3 engine game), Comanche 4, UT2k3. Why use quake 3 when you already used a more up-to-date game using the quake3 engine (JK2)?
Mushkin level 2 average RAM? I guess thats why the PC3500 level 2 does 2-2-2-5 timings, while running street racer GAT on abit boards. Corsair cannot do that, nor can ANY other RAM.

Corsair XMS is great RAM of course, but it cant compare to mushkin level 2.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Mushkin level 2 average RAM? I guess thats why the PC3500 level 2 does 2-2-2-5 timings, while running street racer GAT on abit boards. Corsair cannot do that, nor can ANY other RAM.

Corsair XMS is great RAM of course, but it cant compare to mushkin level 2.

I can do 2-2-2-5, but yea PC3500 is better then PC3200, but XMS also has PC3500, I guess its just a matter of prefrence.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
XMS PC3500 timings are 2-3-3-7. XMS PC3200 low latency are 2-3-2-6.

It doesnt matter, you can run them the way you want too, I ran my ddr at 2-2-2-4 with no problems.
I know you can run them at anything. But those are the rated timings. Theres no way you have gotten 2-2-2-4, there is no 2-2-2-4. MAYBE you have gotten 2-2-2-5.
AMD AthlonXP 2000+ 266FSB
MSI KT4Ultra 333FSB
256MB DDR RAM Generic
256MB DDR RAM Corsair VS
GeForce 4 Ti4200 64MB
13 GB HD
40x CD-Rom Drive
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
I know you can run them at anything. But those are the rated timings. Theres no way you have gotten 2-2-2-4, there is no 2-2-2-4. MAYBE you have gotten 2-2-2-5.

Nope 2-2-2-5 :)
When ever I've seen performance DDR-ram reviewed with Mushkin lvl 2, it came out on top with regards to performance. I believe they were all ran at their fastest timings possible yet at the same speeds.