Your substance of choice?

Pick your poison...

  • Alcohol (ye know...)

    Votes: 42 29.0%
  • Caffeine (coffee, chocolate...)

    Votes: 46 31.7%
  • Marijuana (Hashish, buds...)

    Votes: 23 15.9%
  • Lysergic Acids (LSD, LSA, Morning Glories...)

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Over the Counter (Diazepam, Robitusin, Nyquil, Dayquil...)

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • DMT's and Amphetamines(Ecstasy, Ayahuasca, Crystal Meth...)

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 25 17.2%

  • Total voters
ready for a monstrous reply encompassing everything i want to respond to from the last five pages?

An E mixed with acid sounds like it could be heaven in a pill...
Tru.dat. Candyflipping is often described as one of the most enjoyable combinations of drugs. Apparently, LSD and MDMA synergize very nicely.

I didn't add a category for research chems because most of them are uber expensive, so I doubt anybody would be doing them regularly : /
As opposed to other drugs, which are cheap?

15 years old, too young for teh drugs. but im pumped with caffein. too bad i have no tolerance for anything D:
I'm two years older than you and I've tried almost every common drug you can probably think of other than heroin, opium, and ecstacy. I'm not saying that's a good idea though.

Only losers need to take illegal drugs to have fun and feel good about themselves.
What's this 'need' business? I've never felt "good" about myself for doing drugs, and I doubt anyone does, other than crackheads with only tatters of a brain left. I can have fun in many ways that have nothing to do with drugs - doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy myself with substances as well.

Self destruction, even at the reward of enjoyable experience, is always a misguided and ignorant action.
It seems there's a subjective definition of self-destruction at play here.

I'm not so sure about that. I know a few people who have done alot of acid - they may not be schizophrenic, but they certainly aren't all there any more.

The summer me and my mates finished school lsd was the 'hip' drug of the time. On a heavy weekend or at a festival we'd work our way through a sheet or two, while gobbling down everything else that was available. That was over 10 years ago, I haven't touch anything in 5, yet I still see things wobble occasionally.

We can debate all day about the long-term effects of various drugs, but the fact is we don't really know. Personally I don't believe any are safe, not even weed.
I agree. Acid can definitely mess you up if you do too much of it - even if it's just because your mind has been so vastly exposed to perceptions you ought not to see.

It's called an LSD flashback. Your mind, while in the trip, will decide it should memorized the altered state of random objects (like say, an orange).

Then, some day like, 20 years later, your mind will think to itself "HEY, REMEMBER THIS?" and start putting the orange back in it's tripped out state.

Where are you comming up with this "WE DON'T REALLY KNOW YAH"? I can pull a bunch of "online" sources, including wiki ones, out of my ass that say otherwise.

In any case, you seem like a very paranoid person, so mebeh drugs aren't the best thing for you :)
I think he's right. Don't get bristly and defensive - listen to the voice of experience. He knows what he's talking about, from a personal standpoint, and there's no reason to discount what he's saying.

Taking drugs is like getting in the ring for a full contact fight interms of health risks, even though i am wanting to get into the ring and do such things, i respect and understand the health risks involved with doing such things - both to the brain and to the body, thus i am preparing myself both physically and mentally for these risks to minimise them as much as possible. I am also not going to be spending the rest of the my life fighting in the ring, thus again minimising the health and mental risks that are associated with doing such an extreme sport.

Drug users on the other hand take drugs to escape from reality and also to enjoy themselves and create a make believe dreamworld free from the rigours and fears of their everyday meaningless boring lives. But don't understand or are unwilling to understand the health risks, both psychological and physical, that taking drugs has for your body, both in the short term and the long term.

Both what i want to do and what drug users do can lead to physical and mental injury, but i have fully qualified trained medical staff a few feet away from me at all times when i enter the ring and also fully understand the risks, a drug user has no medical help readily at hand, nor do a lot of them understand the full risks that taking drugs has.

I don't mind the members here taking illegal drugs in their bedrooms but when people turn around and say there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking lsd and acid and cannabis, that's what i don't like seeing. Now with all the studies done on cannabis, in both the long term and the short term, half the studies i have seen say there are few short term effects, mainly effecting the memory, and little to no understanding of the risk in the long term, the other half of the studies say there is definate short term risk and a definate long term risk through regular use of cannabis, again generally effecting memory. Cannabis might also have no physical addictive properties but people do find it hard to quit as it creates a psychological crutch that they can't do without, due to problems in their lives such as stress and/or emotional problems.

But truth be told, it's more a problem i have with the general people that use cannabis than through the use of cannabis itself. A lot of the people that i went to school with that used cannabis are now living on the dole or can only get basic manual labour or assembly line jobs, even though they were some of the smartest kids in school. They left school, didn't go to college and just moped around all day doing nothing apart from making babies and going clubbing. And i do honestly believe these people were turned into losers by cannabis...or was it they smoked cannabis because they were losers...but then, not everyone who smokes cannabis is a loser. Look at people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, an ex-cannabis user and won Mr Olympia whilst smoking cannabis, look at Bruce Lee as well, another cannabis user who just happened to be the greatest fighter in the 20th century and also one of the strongest humans in the world lb for lb.

edit: i think the last sentence there does prove that yes, normal people can go through their lives smoking cannabis at one point and have no problems at all and do do it as a way to relax from a very stressful life and aren't doing it "to be cool and fit in with my cool mates", but then i do still feel that there are still health risks involved in using it cannabis, both in the short term and, if used of a long period of time, in the long term as well.
I'll just refer to absinthe's response here.
I think drugs is more a personal thing. It works for different people. Certain people have certain tolerence levels therefore will be able do deal with a higher level of intensity. Alcohol-some people can drink far past their limits and the result is alcohol poisoning or addiction or whatever really.
Weed is probably a little more dangerous but not much. Reasons: Lung cancer and all that, certain people can develop major negative mental reactions. Some people ive seen dramatically reducing their social activites, drop out of university since "there isn't enough weed" and rest their hopes on a menial supermarket job. This also happens with alcohol but in my personal experience I do not know of any.

But yeah most people are cool about it, but some people simply can't handle it.

Hallucagenics- Yeah well alot of people can have bad trips ive heard, if they try too much too soon, I know Ennui has mentioned it before. It sounds like something that if you don't know what your doing could potentially be dangerous, only slightly worse than weed and alcohol i'd say.

Anything else like coke, Es etc....... OHNOES well yeah some people can deal with it quite well but not many and whatever it's dangerous stuff and really you have to be silly to divulge in such substances regularly.
Alcohol is a far more dangerous drug than cannabis ever will be. With cannabis, you can't get poisoning from it, you're not going to become violent and unstable, and you're not going to develop anything like alcoholism. Nothing against alcohol, mind you. I vastly prefer it to weed.

I've seen people go down the tubes for many things, including alcohol and cannabis, though I've always seen these as more due to personal weakness than the fault of some inanimate substance. Of those two, the alcoholics' downward spirals were far more destructive, embaressing, and sad.
How do you prefer it over weed? D:

Weed > Salvia > Alchohol > Cigars

That's my line up. Might change once I try lsd.
Because it's what I largely grew up with and it's just something I always do with my mates. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy weed. But it's never been as often or consistent. And more "interesting" things happen when people are inebriated IMO. Also, chances are that if there's pot around, there's also alcohol. In such a situation, I'm incredibly drunk by the time the first joint comes out, and mixing the two just results in a mess on the kitchen floor.

I also <3 Irish and German beer. They call to me, and I must obey. :(
Bah beer. I can't stand beer.

Only liquors/spirits for me.
Alcohol is a far more dangerous drug than cannabis ever will be. With cannabis, you can't get poisoning from it, you're not going to become violent and unstable, and you're not going to develop anything like alcoholism. Nothing against alcohol, mind you. I vastly prefer it to weed.

I've seen people go down the tubes for many things, including alcohol and cannabis, though I've always seen these as more due to personal weakness than the fault of some inanimate substance. Of those two, the alcoholics' downward spirals were far more destructive, embaressing, and sad.

Meh i'd have to disagree if you consider that bloody loads of people drink there is bound to be a few slip ups. Either way i'd say they are just as bad but for different reasons. Either way I think that cannabis should be legalised but cigarettes should be banned.
You know what, now that I think about it, if I found this in my pipe, I too would drop out of school and kill somebody D:
I need an answer, quick.

How many sessions does a gram last you?
A g of yayo here is going for around $50-55 I don't know why it jumped up about $10 in the past two weeks because no raids or anything took place that I know of.

What's the situation elsewhere?
A g of yayo here is going for around $50-55 I don't know why it jumped up about $10 in the past two weeks because no raids or anything took place that I know of.

What's the situation elsewhere?

I got a friend of mine offering me a gram (weed btw) for $20 right now, but I have no idea if it's schwag or what...

That's why I ask, how long will a gram last YOU, because he seems really unwilling to sell this to me (like, he told me "A gram? Are you sure? That's allot, but only for you man..."), and i'm not in need of much atm (I just plan on tearing it up this weekend and next weekend).

EDIT: NVM, he called me back just now, and said "Dude, are you sure? Is this just gonna be for you, cause you know... A gram man. How about a dime dude. "

I reply "Ok, ok, whatever, so long as it isn't schwag then no problem".

He goes "Are you going right now or something? I'll get it ready, where do you want to meet me?"

I reply "no no no, I don't plan on going anytime soon, I just need a dime like, now."

So now I need to wake up and walk about a half mile before 9 am to meet this ****er D: D: D:
My guy delivers by car :D

Well, this is a sophomore who i've known for a year or two, so meh D:

His stepdads neighbor has a field though, so me and a bunch of friends plan on raiding his house come harvest time and ripping some :D

(i'll be sure to just take the buds, and leave the leaves alone :( no sense being illicite and losing a life, even if it is a plants...)
*reads thread*

*reads article about some CEO's son caught smoking pot and sentenced to 5 years*

D: :|

My advice:

#1. Don't DOO IT!


#2. Don't get caught.
#1. Don't DOO IT!


#2. Don't get caught.

Heavily drunken uncle once told me:

"Im gonna tell you what I tell Zach all the teim.......... (zach is his son). I DON'T GIVE A **** WHAT YOU DO, JUST DON'T LET ANYBODY CATCH YOU DOING IT D:SKLDS"


I haven't had a chance to look it over yet, but that shit is ****ing LOADED with seeds.

Which usually means it's shit/swag. D:

I got ****ed up last night tho on some good stuff. We got high almost all day. Marijuana and wild turkey ftw!
Which usually means it's shit/swag. D:

I got ****ed up last night tho on some good stuff. We got high almost all day. Marijuana and wild turkey ftw!

I dunno, I trust this guy though.

He's been my friend far before I knew he was a dealer. As I said too, I called him the night before, and told me he wouldn't schwag me up.

It's .8 g too he said, and it isn't TOO brown (still, it's very brown), just loaded with seeds. He was also telling me, since i'm novice, not to rip it too hard, because i'd probably cough like a mother****er. I figure 10 bucks for .8 grams, and it must be some pretty fair mid...

But, he knows i'm a novice smoker, so mebeh he's just trying to rip me off D: D: D:

Oh well, won't know till we take a few rips, eh :smoking:

EDIT: Smells GREAT too :D :D :D :D

I think it might just be seedified, because i'm 99.9% sure his supply comes from field grown (there's a field by his stepdads house) , so ye know, one male and you get ze seeds D: D: D:
I don't smoke anything never had.
I rarely drink alcohol.
I don't drink any soda with caffine. Mostly 7UP or Sprite.

I do drink a lot of milk though. Yes I abuse milk!
forget dope, it's all about uppers.

WTF, i'd never touched Heroin in my LIFE!

EDIT: Here's a pretty spot on pic of what I ended up with : /

Tru.dat. Candyflipping is often described as one of the most enjoyable combinations of drugs. Apparently, LSD and MDMA synergize very nicely.

I'd never heard of the phrase, but the combination is a 'good' one - especially if you want to experience some very intense and weird sex. Both of these drugs were my weakness for quite a few years, particularly pills.

From experience i'd say these are two of the most dangerous substances (other than the obvious harder sort) for warping peoples perception and are not to be dabbled with. The problem with lsd is how quick and easy it is to build up a tolerance. The first few times one tab can mess you up for hours/days on end. Keep at it and before long you can take 10 times the dose with far less of an effect. The same counts for mdma - instead of taking one pill you'll be necking them throughout the night, or mixing other substances (base) to prolong the effect. This is whole new can of worms - from here even the most sensible person can lose themselves.

It's easy to say such things in hindsight, but it's much easier to move from recreational use to being completely wrapped up in it than people (especially users) think. I know many people who have 'sensibly' taken speed/base/coke/acid etc for years - only on weekends/birthdays/new years/christmas/anniversaries etc (as though giving a name for the night in question makes it ok ;)). After using for so much time without problems it's easy to be lulled into a false sense of security and lose respect for the chemicals you're taking. Some of these people, all 20-30 something uni graduates, are now proper junkies. Most of them are assholes.

I was a tit when younger, very irresponsible, and got up to many things I wish I could undo. I've been to 3 univeristies and still have no degree to show for the time. 18-28 have been a complete waste and only now i'm getting things together (just bought an awesome flat by the sea with my girlfriend :)). The progress is gradual and the drugs you consume are as clever as you are - if your brain wants to take them you'll convince yourself that it's ok.
Sinkoman that pic doesnt seem too terrible for a dime. You could've gotten better but you weren't totally screwed either. Unless they're thin, break it up and take a picture and how many bowls you end up with.
Sinkoman that pic doesnt seem too terrible for a dime. You could've gotten better but you weren't totally screwed either. Unless they're thin, break it up and take a picture and how many bowls you end up with.

(makeshift bowl, fairly small).

I dunno, it looks WAY more green when I look at the uploaded pics. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that i'm colorblind green :( Not to mention, when I went to go pick it up, he kept raving about how nice it LOOKED, but I just couldn't see it. Looked like schwag to me :P

And I tried to desed it, but it's some fairly dry shit he gave me. Not sticky at all. I have a fair feeling that i've been giped. But, I only managed to get one seed out. The rest seemed kinda stuck to the bud, so i'm thinking maybe it isn't seed.

Meh. I spose if it borks me over, then it's all good :P


dude break it down more, just smash it in the bag and dump it out then pick out the seeds and stems. You're going to be smoking all the seeds and stems too in there if you don't.
dude break it down more, just smash it in the bag and dump it out then pick out the seeds and stems. You're going to be smoking all the seeds and stems too in there if you don't.

If I smoke it today at all, it'll be at night :P

I know I know. Seed smoke = headache

EDIT: K, i've been picking through it a bit more. I think he just dried it out for too long, and that's it. I was deseeding, and my fingers got a little sweaty, and now they're all sticky D: