Your take on c4 throwing?


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Im not sure if guys here have used this or heard of it, chances are you have- its where you jump to throw c4, and with a bit of timing you can blow it up instantly, kinda like a mega- nade launcher.

My clan just played a World Tournament match on Maahtuur City where the other team can't have used a gun the entire two rounds, just C4- they wasted us. It was WAY overkill, it just wasnt battlefield anymore, more like a 3D game of frogger- just trying to get across the river and dodging the shit flying at you!

While I have been guilty of using it a bit on public servers, this absolute overuse made me realise that this is something that EA really need to remove. The exploitation of a bug like this may have won them the game, but what a hollow f**king victory. Is this the way clan matches are going? Anyone else experienced this crap?
I've never experienced that before, but I will agree that it sounds bad.
What's so bad about C4 throwing? I don't think it needs removal.
I love C4. There's nothing better than blowing shit up.
i have to agree with shaker...blowing up stuff is the shit
Hmmm, no problems with that from me, seems a decent tactic
I probably won't be using it, because C4 hates me.

I think it's a stupid tactic. That isn't fair play running around frisbying C4 at people. It defies the object of the game. It's lame and frustrating. I don't do it, nor do I intend to do it. Besides they are ridding it in their next update. So bye bye frisbyers :)

At the end of the day it's an exploit so... Do you label youself an exploiter. I wouldn't wan't that title :D

Try playing with your dog. That'd be a cool sight.
i think that i have a new view on this topic...over the past few days i have noticed a whole shit load of bunnyhoppers, dolphin divers, and c4 throwers, i have been tolorating it i guess for the past few months, but now it is really starting to piss me off :flame: i mean. if you cant fight fair then dont play the damn's as simple as that
I do it, it's how I got my expert explosive ordenince badge. I never bunnyhopped *because I can't* but if I need to chuck it over a wall or something, I'll jump, or if they are a distance away from me. And the timing is easy as hell. You throw the C4, then in a very quick motion, right click, then left click. Before you pull out your detonator, it blows the C4, and a glitch might throw another c4 pack..but it disappears.
The C4 is a lovely invention... I use mostly the Special Forces kit, also since I love the Colt M4A1 Carbine rifle..Although some of you guys contempting the C4.

I think it's damn fun to use the C4 for ambushes, just imagine that feelin.. to blow a tank up! :D

practically to flinch your game for a bit and ramble placing C4 on the roads.
pretty fun, ohh and here's what I usually do, put the C4 next to flags, stand back and continue your fight, as soon as the flag get lost, take ya detonator and boom! :)
C4 is good unless you don't whore it, like C4 throwing.

I just encountered this yesterday and it pissed me off. It's retarded. Thank God there's a patch coming.

Everyone who thinks this is a good idea. Take 4 pounds of semtex, add a detonator and a remote control. Throw your 4 pounds of semtex as far away as you can. Press the button. Anyone who is still alive can come back and tell me this is realistic and adds to the game. Oh yes, and if you do survive, you must get over that "stunned" feeling within 5 seconds, and be ready to fight on.

In advance of people replying "but I throw it over fences and walls so I'm protected", I will say this. Throw your 4 pounds of semtex over a fence or wall and blow it up. Again, you are welcome to come tell me its realistic and adds to the game as soon as you manage to pull all the fence posts and half-bricks out off your teeth.
Hehe Link we know its underpowered :) I didn't mind so much the c4 throwing, in public servers i can deal with it, just take em out at a distance, or with the AK47/101 you can get him first anyway.
Its just that the clan match i played showed how rediculous it was getting. I mean, when the whole team uses nothing but an exploit as their weapon the entire game its 'just not cricket.'

They're getting rid, bloody good riddance.
Shodan said:
I was just wondering what that was...
whenever someone just dives at you and starts shooting at the same time...

2 for 2! WHOO!

No, thats not what dolphin diving is all about, its when you are shooting at a guy and he's lying down, jumping up, lying down etc. It keeps a prone accuracy while you go all over the place.