Your Top 3 Games of all time (Excluding HL1 and 2)

Top 3 games of all time(and not becasue i like them, but for what they have done for the industry)

#1: Doom. We all know why...and some of us when what we thought was Doom3 turned out to be a game called "Quake", were quite dissappointed, but left wanting more.
#2: Myst. One of the first games to bring huge realistic visuals to pc gaming, and such frustration that it created a orphan bastard child "PYST", because of the complexity of some of the puzzles. How many other games did you take notes for, and still have fun?
#3: PONG. One of the first videogames in the livingroom, thanks to Atari. Made games a leisure activity, and not just for geeks. Stand-up arcade machine form the original models still sell for thousands more than today's most sophisticated arcade machines.

cadaveca said:
Top 3 games of all time(and not becasue i like them, but for what they have done for the industry)

#1: Doom. We all know why...and some of us when what we thought was Doom3 turned out to be a game called "Quake", were quite dissappointed, but left wanting more.
#2: Myst. One of the first games to bring huge realistic visuals to pc gaming, and such frustration that it created a orphan bastard child "PYST", because of the complexity of some of the puzzles. How many other games did you take notes for, and still have fun?
#3: PONG. One of the first videogames in the livingroom, thanks to Atari. Made games a leisure activity, and not just for geeks. Stand-up arcade machine form the original models still sell for thousands more than today's most sophisticated arcade machines.

My brother has PONG.

My brother actually has an entire retro arcade in his basement.

He has at least 22 games, 2 coin machines, a crane and 2 pinballs.

Its decked out with tons of retro posters and Original arcade perifanilia. Its cool, it has blacklights with reactive carpet.

He buys the games for a few hundred, and fixes them.

Check out if you don't believe me
Single player :
1. Deus Ex 1
2. Max Payne 1
3. Far Cry

Multi Player
1. Unreal Tournament
2. Unreal Tournament 2004
3. Unreal Tournament 2003
wilka91 said:
3. Far Cry
Not that I'd want to deride your opinion, but really!? Far Cry was good - well the first half was - but I can't imagine it even getting into my top 30 games, let alone 3. But then that's just my opinion, of course - yours just surprises me...

Personally, I'm not sure I have a top 3 games - there are too many I like for different reasons.
speaking of zelda OOT, when u were playin it oh so many years ago, when u had to fight the reborn in hyrule court (the living dead), was anyone else incredibly creeped out and even a little scared to go there? i know i was...
Perfect Dark
Soul Calibur 2
Opposing Force :P

TLOZOOT ties for first, MGS3 ties for second, and Super Smash Bros Melee ties for third.
#1 StarCraft
#2 (Top 3 FPS)
Theif: The Dark Project
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.s Way
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (THE best StarWars game yet to be created)
#3 Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle

Honorable Mentions:
DotA Allstars (not really a game on it's own but the only reason I have WC3)
Unreal Tournament 2004
Quake 3
The Sonic the Hedgehog series(Genesis)