Your top 5 favorite animations?


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Actually, you can do more than 5. Or less, for that matter.

I'll start.

1. "She (Or, The Final(Ultimate for you americans) Weapon" or "My Girlfriend, The Final Weapon"



Basically a anime about war and a guy, and that guy's girlfriend who's been turned into a "Final Weapon" by the military. Has too less war, and too much emo-romance, though.

Best parts? Japan getting invaded. :p

The first episodes start kinda as boring and slow, and suddenly the city gets carpet bombed. You see some of the battles, but you don't know much about them. It gets better at the end.

2. "Full Metal Alchemist"



Here you go: Fullmetal Alchemist is set in the early 20th century in a country called Amestris in an alternate-historical Earth with technology dating from early 20th century Europe. In this alternate world, the pseudoscience of alchemy is heavily used in conjunction with acretian soul wanderers, but takes on a further fantastic element not seen in real-life alchemy. Real-world alchemists attempted to transmute gold from lesser metals. In the fictional world of the series, alchemy becomes the science of transmuting matter into different matter through the use of transmutation circles?based on real-world science, yet also magical, with seemingly infinite uses. Talented alchemists may apply to take a State Alchemist test to join the Amestris military's State Alchemists.

Yep. :cheese:

Hmm, some sadness at some episodes where SPOILER Hughes gets killed /SPOLIER. Ending sucks shit. WHY YOU GIVE POWER TO PARLIAMENT? WRRRRRYYY?

3. "Elfen Lied"



As I've said in the other thread, FREAKIEST SHIT EVAR. At the first episode, the above girl walks nonchalently and slaughters 23 guards, all armed with MP-5s. However, as the story progresses, you can ignore the casual dismemberment, and begin to appreciate the social and humanity-realted topics the anime brings. And the ending made me cry, for god's sake. I've never cried at a movie/tv show/animation in 4 years, since I watched "Saving Private Ryan". ;(

Btw, those ****ers at the orphanage deserved to die. :p (episode... 8, 9?)


4. "Ghost In The Shell"

I'm not good with telling the story, so here:
Ghost in the Shell is a futuristic police thriller dealing with the exploits of Motoko Kusanagi, a member of the covert operations section of the Japanese National Public Safety Commission, Section 9, which specializes in fighting technology-related crime. Although supposedly equal to all other members, Kusanagi fills the leadership role in the team, and is usually referred to as "the Major" due to her past rank in the armed forces. She is capable of superhuman feats, and cybernetically specialized for her job; her body is almost completely mechanized, only her brain and a segment of her spinal cord are human.

Seriously, if you think about the movies, your head will explode. REEEEEALLY DEEEP topics. Unfortunately, the movies go: AWESOME ACTION SCENE - Talking - thinking(ARRGH MY HEAD!) - talking - ACTION! - thinking - ACTION! -talking + thinking.

They're still marvelous, however.


(No good images that I could find, I'm afraid)

Alfred Jodocus Kwak
It's about a duck, it's for kids but it deals with some pretty serious themes like fascism, racism, immigration, equality and many other stuff. It simply wonderful since it manages to deal with those themes in a responsible and mature way and yet still manages to be fun and appealing to kids.


Ovide and the Gang
A bunch of gang bangers on a island led by a platypus.

Spider-Man (1994 animated series)
Best of spider man imo, had some very good plot's.

The Tick
Absurdity at it's best.

Invader Zim deserves a special mention, it kick ass, just not enough to be in the top 5.
Same with South Park.

for now anyway.
Well if this is like a showcase, then I'll highlight one of my favorites: the criminally underrated and technically amazing CGI series known as SHADOW RAIDERS.

This series is nearly 10 years old, and it still holds up to today's standards in animation. In some ways it looks even better than the stuff coming out on TV these days.

SHADOW RAIDERS was developed in Canada by the same people who did REBOOT and BEAST WARS and contains some of the best writers and animators from both series. The dialogue is very professional for a children's show and the voice acting is top knotch.

The series focuses on the four planets of a solar system as they form an alliance against the threat of the Beast Planet. The planets Rock, Ice, Fire, and Bone have warred for years over their natural resources, Rock produces metals and minerals, Ice produces water, Fire produces energy, and Bone produces food. However, when an alien named Tekla comes from another solar system, she brings a warning: the Beast Planet is coming. Now Graveheart, a humble miner of Planet Rock, must convince the leaders of Rock, Ice, Fire and Bone to put aside their differences and fight the Beast, their new common enemy.

The first episode has finally been put up on Youtube and you can view the episode (in its 3 parts) here:

Does it have to be movies or tv shows?

If not then...

#1: Warhammer: Mark of Chaos intro.
High quality version can be found on here:


2: Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War intro:


And then in no particular order:

la marche des sans-nom

oh shi

I gotta go to class, ill post a couple more later haha.
I loved Reboot - Downloaded every single episode ever (over 7gb) to see 'em all again. Great series once it gets started.

My Top 5 animations? In no particular order:

Gunslinger girl:

Anime about a girl assassin unit. They'd find girls who were physically damaged, give them robotic parts for the bits that were broken, and trained them to be killers. Very good story if you watch it all.

Samurai Champloo:

Great anime about samurais. It's kind of like that new anime Afro Samurai, but in Japanese and about 10000x better.

Futurama probably... And some others. Can't really think of any.
Though the new series of Naruto is guaranteed to kick ass, and Death Note's also pretty decent. There, there's 5.
Samurai Shamploo
Outlaw Star
Ghost in a Shell
Cowboy Bebop

In no particular order.

honestly, watch this movie it's like amazing..

2. Monster

This has got to be the most intense anime i've seen, like there ae a lot of crazy twists and the final 5 episodes are

4. Death Note

Sweet anime about a guy who gets this death note where he can write the names of people he wants to kill and control their actions before death etc..really good.

5. DBZ

cool character design, good action lol.
1. Transformers: The Movie


Nothing will ever be more epic than this. This is the culmination of cinematic perfection...animated or otherwise.

2. Care Bears



I liked this series as a kid. I never appreciated it until I was an adult. Not only is it the kind of show that kids still need to watch in today's day and age, but also the subject matter--when viewed through grown-up eyes--possesses surprising depth. That second picture's from the second movie and it illustrates my point. If you don't remember it/have never seen it, go watch it. Talk about deep.

3. Little Nemo


A masterpiece in every sense of the word. Story about a boy who becomes the prince of Dreamland, and his battle against the Nightmare King.

4. The Great Mouse Detective


First movie I ever watched. :D It's about a mouse version of Sherlock Holmes who tries to stop his arch-nemesis from hatching a plot to overthrow the Mouse Queen of England. Basil of Baker St.'s the whole reason I started reading Sherlock Holmes in the first place. :LOL:

I can't think of a fifth.
Princess Mononoke - This seems to be a movie exactly tailored to my tastes. It's pretty, cutesy, and then peoples heads fly off in semi-comedy fashion. (So much AMV shit on youtube)
Grave of the Fireflies - *sniff* (Yes this video gives away the end, but it's the beginning and that's the point).
Kiki's Delivery Service - Estrogen in disc form.
The Lion King - 'Arsene Wenger... likes to piss in a bowl'
Zeta Gundam - Undecided about the movies. The animation needed 20 years of updates, but the story didn't.
Just finished watching grave of the fireflies, and i must say, that is damned sad
Well if this is like a showcase, then I'll highlight one of my favorites: the criminally underrated and technically amazing CGI series known as SHADOW RAIDERS.

This series is nearly 10 years old, and it still holds up to today's standards in animation. In some ways it looks even better than the stuff coming out on TV these days.

SHADOW RAIDERS was developed in Canada by the same people who did REBOOT and BEAST WARS and contains some of the best writers and animators from both series. The dialogue is very professional for a children's show and the voice acting is top knotch.


The first episode has finally been put up on Youtube and you can view the episode (in its 3 parts) here:


It's even got the same voice actors as Reboot. Damn I loved that show. At first I thought it was a sequal..I was stoked.
1.Ghost in the Shell
2.Wolf's Rain
4.Grave of the fireflies.
1.Apple Seed
2.Death Note (mentioned above)
5.Invader Zim
Hmm, decisions decisions...

1. Anything Studio Ghibli - Pick one, I can't :p. Princess Mononoke and Grave of the Fireflies spring to mind as favourites, but all that I've seen have been masterpieces, and I don't doubt the rest are pure quality aswell.

2. Akira - An example of what modern animation should be aspiring to. Trash all that 3D shit and go back to basics!

3. Full Metal Alchemist - Almost a tied second, but loses points on animation. The quality is pretty good for a series, but I'm not crazy about the style. Still, the plot and characters are what carries this series, and it delivers both with great care and a lot of heart.

4. Simpsons - Still the greatest comedy 'toon of all time. But that might be the nostalgia speaking at this point, as I never rewatch it anymore ^_^

5. Probably Invader Zim - Really need to find this on DVD, loved it when it was on TV but I missed alot and it didn't repeat once it was done.

Probably some others I'm forgetting, but that seems about right.
1.Eureka 7
2.FullMetal Alchemist
5.Ghost in a Shell
Anything Studio Ghibli ... all that I've seen have been masterpieces, and I don't doubt the rest are pure quality aswell.
Pom Poko and My Neighbour the Yamadas aren't so great IMO.
Pom Poko and My Neighbour the Yamadas aren't so great IMO.
Fair enough, haven't seen those. Guess it was the fanboy in me speaking :)

Princess Mononoke would probably be my all-around favourite of the bunch though. But I liked the animation of Spirited Away better, and Grave of the Fireflies for the plot.

Still trying to track down a proper, comprehensive boxset of the lot of them...
Fantastic Planet
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2
The Triplets of Bellville

This thread has got me noting that I don't watch enough animated stuff. Mainly because damn near everything north american outside of pixar is utter shite.

Thank god for Ralph Bakshi.
Schoolhouse rock

...conjuction junction what's your function


I watched that about 7 times in 2001 ~ 2002.