Your Weapon of Choice and why??

Which weapon will YOU use?

  • H&K USP Match (Pistol)

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • SPAS-12 (Shotgun)

    Votes: 9 9.7%
  • MP7/PDW

    Votes: 7 7.5%
  • M-29/OICW

    Votes: 18 19.4%
  • Rocket Launcher

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Gauss Gun

    Votes: 5 5.4%
  • The Manipulator/Gravity Gun

    Votes: 35 37.6%
  • Grenade Launcher

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Blargghfgujasf , or what ever your name is...since when Have Rifles, been small arms?!?!?!?!?!?!?

and the sniper rifle (in my opinion) is only a bore if you dnt know how to use it...and the max payne sniper rifle, was one of the worst I've seen in a game, and I always look for a good sniper rifle in a game... the best one in my opinion was the one in the original Delta Force game...

And a Cannon, is a gun :cheese:
It stands between the MP7 and M-29...
I chose them both because I like automatic weapons and to rain bullets on my enemies :D
And they "feel" good. Not that I've tried them, but I guess.
lets ask, say, what small arms equals.

"Small arms, muskets, rifles, pistols, etc., in distinction from cannon."

Yeah you know, I guess is wrong. My mistake (and's)

It wasn't just you Abom|nation, but a few different people said it in this thread, and lots of people have used it in various threads over time.

But don't threaten me like that either.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
lets ask, say, what small arms equals.

"Small arms, muskets, rifles, pistols, etc., in distinction from cannon."

Yeah you know, I guess is wrong. My mistake (and's)

It wasn't just you Abom|nation, but a few different people said it in this thread, and lots of people have used it in various threads over time.

But don't threaten me like that either.

I didn't threaten you, that would have been very hypocritical of me now, wouldn't it? I merely suggested something.

Instead of referring to here, let's use our common sense. Small arms. Small. Not large, which rifles are. I doubt guns that average about 1 metre in length and 3-4kg could be considered "small".
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Instead of referring to here, let's use our common sense. Small arms. Small. Not large, which rifles are. I doubt guns that average about 1 metre in length and 3-4kg could be considered "small".

Small arms is pretty much easily classified as hand carried weapons and some mounted weapons. Pretty much any small caliber weapon used by infantry.
Barney.....Oh hes not on there. Well i choose Brai....Oh wait nietzsche owns that. Hmmmmmmm Cro........This isn't going to well.

It depends what I'm fighting really. If its zombies then i would choose shotgun because the two go together so well. Manipulator for playing and a machinegun for anything else.
Hand Gun... I assume thats the gun I will almost always have ammo for. haha.
The OICW! Awesome weapon, lots of great things :)



I picked the USP Match - although I disagree with valve on this one and say they should have put the the USP 45 in there instead of this 9 x 19. But nothing can replace a pistol as my number one choice as a weapon ... NOTHING!
Maybe i can get them to make me my own special Half-Life 2 with a USP 45. YAY! :bounce:

Oh yea and whoever made this Post its not a MP7-PDW its a MP5k-PDW from the pics I've seen



As you can see the clear difference between the two. Heres a pic of the Ingame Mp5.
Originally posted by Pressure
I picked the USP Match - although I disagree with valve on this one and say they should have put the the USP 45 in there instead of this 9 x 19. But nothing can replace a pistol as my number one choice as a weapon ... NOTHING!
Maybe i can get them to make me my own special Half-Life 2 with a USP 45. YAY! :bounce:

Oh yea and whoever made this Post its not a MP7-PDW its a MP5k-PDW from the pics I've seen



As you can see the clear difference between the two. Heres a pic of the Ingame Mp5.

Yeah, somewhere in this thread I explained why i left the MP5 out of the list. Anyway, I left it out because in the videos, you never see the player use an MP5, however you do see the player use an MP7. if you check out you see that the MP7 is also called the PDW. er.....yeah...

In the video where the Player starts off with Barney making a remark about "Remember when we thought Black Mesa was bad..." You see the player use an MP7.. :) :thumbs:
Well PDW is not a model of a weapon its stands for Personal Defense Weapon. You can't really call one gun the PDW because there are serveral weapons that are considered PDW's.
You're right the mp7 is in the game but theres something wrong with it that I'll have to e-mail valve about. In the movie your MP7-PDW has a clip capacity of 30 rounds. This is not one of the clip sizes for the MP7-PDW, which has only two types of clips. The standard 20 round clip then the extend clip that holds 40 rounds. The extend clip is practically two clips stacked ontop of each other so it extends far below the pistol grip.
Pressure, it's a game. Don't expect total realism, the mp5 in HL1 had a 50 round clip even thought the magazine was a 30 round one, yet did it matter? Did it spoil the game? No.
I'l choose grenade launcher...i wanna see some corpses go flying!
i chose the manipulator.. i cant wait to pick up my fallen comrades and make them useful even in death - by flinging them wildly at the enemy. also picking up enemy dead from huge piles and throwing them at a huge enemy


Its a game thats why its not real. An MP5 can and does have a 30 round clip... and 50 round clip... infact they make even larger clips for an MP5. Clips come in all sizes in real life. I don't think you can say because they had a 50 round clip in hl1 it makes it not realistic, that is just not true.
Lol ok then, a SPAS 12 with double barrels? A laser cannon? Realism is for the most part irrelevent considering Half-Life's context.

I'm just saying that the most likely reason Valve chose 30 rounds over 20 or 40 for the MP7 was for gameplay reasons, and when you actually play the game, the last thing on your mind will be "Gee I wish this gun was more like real life..."

No flames though pressure, you still had a valid point :cheers:
I just had a thought. Will the Gluon gun be back in HL2?? I never used it much, but it was a powerful weapon....
I said the OICW cos its good, nut I'd use the MP5K which wasn't an option-the terrorist's favourite (apart from AKs) it's just damn cool.
Originally posted by Anthraxxx
I just had a thought. Will the Gluon gun be back in HL2?? I never used it much, but it was a powerful weapon....

Never thought about that. I hope so, it will probably look really cool, especially in the deformable terrain. :)
shotgun cause its a classic thats been used in nearly every game since doom
Gotta be the shotgun, the best sound in the whole of the first game was the *KROOCHUNG* (ahem) when u empty out two barrels. Hope they include that magnum again too.
Snarks rock.
Manipulator, becuz you can launch toilets.. yup you heard me toilets, =).. you see the toilet in the one broken down building in the movie, and i'm sure you can throw it with manipulator, why else would it be their? TOILET!
Throwing F U letters off of a store label at Striders is gunna be fun. :)
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
Manipulator, becuz you can launch toilets.. yup you heard me toilets, =).. you see the toilet in the one broken down building in the movie, and i'm sure you can throw it with manipulator, why else would it be their? TOILET!

ROFL, kill the enemy with a flying jon!!
Actually some companies makes both PDW and non PDW weapons, although they both are PDW's. But the non PDW have other stats, it might have some better equipment to make the RoF and CoF a lot better.

I must go with the Manipulator, else the gauss gun, else the MP7 PDW, else the OICW.
But i would rather use something as golden colts from Face Off. Especially in that coat :P
I was looking at the video and when Barney is talking to you he is holding an MP5k-PDW and so is the other guy but you have a MP7-PDW... Maybe you can use both but the person who made the demo like the MP7 more.
Oh! Yeah, you're right. I didn't notice that. Well, I left it out becaue there haven't been any vids of the player using an MP5, but i guess that its obvious that the gun will be used ingame....