You're all so depressing...

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Lighten up a little, there have been way to many posts about how bad the world is...what happened to the forum i joined a year ago where people would pretend fight in a thread called 'the arena'?

Everyone's got an opinion on the iraqi war that has to be made into some kind of law, we are all going to die in a horrible way, the US is a bad country....Can't you just talk about how nice chocolate is for once?

It seems like people are taking a side and going at each other....there is no need. We can all agree that needless death is a bad thing, that there are people with different agendas, some we view as good and some as bad...regardless of what side they are on.
I think as people get to know each other on these forums more and more they tend to realise that they dont neccesserally get along with everyone.

Its no longer so anonomous. (I cant spell :p)

But dont worry guys, I reckon that once HL2 is out and we all have somthing to agree on we will forget about all this brain numbing politics and debateing and have fun once more!!! :D :D :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
Lighten up a little, there have been way to many posts about how bad the world is...what happened to the forum i joined a year ago where people would pretend fight in a thread called 'the arena'?

Everyone's got an opinion on the iraqi war that has to be made into some kind of law, we are all going to die in a horrible way, the US is a bad country....Can't you just talk about how nice chocolate is for once?

It seems like people are taking a side and going at each other....there is no need. We can all agree that needless death is a bad thing, that there are people with different agendas, some we view as good and some as bad...regardless of what side they are on.
hear, hear.

all these iraqi threads have become so dull and rehashed, anything silly is deleted(*cough*) and offtopic has become overall rathe rbland recently =\

lets get some fun up in this piece.
chocolate is depressing.. it makes my puppyface sad. ^ see?
Go arena !
/me hacks farrowlesparrow :D

Well you can hardly say that things have been boring on the forums :)
Yeah, I also think its a side effect of the recent influx of members....they have yet to debate the crap outta these topics and continue to do so.
Lil' Timmy said:
chocolate is depressing.. it makes my puppyface sad. ^ see?

/me paints some chocolate yellow and offers it to the dog...

Actually, chocolate is apparently lethal to dogs.

I suspect you are right Direwolf....Hopefully it will all calm down soon enough.

That name oogof makes me thing of the I Feel Great Guy \o/ OOOOOF!
It's amazing how FarrowleSparrow is the one of the few mod with the guts to make a few personnal threads....

Ahem. No no!! Welcome to these wonderfull forums!!

Were still fun... honestly.... :rolling:
Sprafa said:
It's amazing how FarrowleSparrow is the one of the few mod with the guts to make a few personnal threads....

FarrowLeSparrow: The face of moderating

Thank you :)
At least Mods are part of the community here, unlike some other unmentionable forums.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually, chocolate is apparently lethal to dogs.
it's the theobromine, it's a a chemical similar to caffine, and it can be lethal to dogs. the amount of theobromine is related to the type of chocolate though.. white chocolate for example doesn't have much. also, the size and breed of your dog probably makes a difference. dark chocolate is the worst. chocolate poisoning is one of the most common causes of dog poisoning.

thanks for cheering us up farrow

Yeah, the forums do seem to have too much politics and non gaming/fun news on it. If i wan't news or politics, i can turn on the tv, read the newspaper, or go to a news website.

Hey! Lets start the arena again!
/me pokes people with a stick while insulting them
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually, chocolate is apparently lethal to dogs.
My dog ate an entire choclate cake once, didnt die but got run over by a car 3 weeks later. ;(
Ouch....My cats seems to eat everything. They especally did it a lot when they were younger.

A few of my past cats were run over...its quite sad really to getting up on a nice sunny morning only to see my dad walking over the road with a black bin bag that has a strange heaviness about it...without weighing that much.
Haha, look what this thread is turning into, a discussion on chocolate poisoning of animals :D

Ah well back on topic, I totally agree with you, Farrow. The times of countless fads, funny thread posts and HL2 delay jokes are but a memory these days. ;(

This is now replaced with no fads at all, complaint/arguing thread posts and Gabe-is-fat jokes.
I blame it on stiffer moderation *coughcough*

I say us working class forumites unite in a revolution of the proletariat against the bourgeois-capitalist moderators!
I loooove chocolate... don't tell my girlfriend, but i eat about two chocolate bars a day :O
CyberSh33p said:
I blame it on stiffer moderation *coughcough*

I say us working class forumites unite in a revolution of the proletariat against the bourgeois-capitalist moderators!

Nah, the moderators rock, they are all unique and it's always fun having conversations with them. This is a huge difference from moderators in other forums.
true, ahrij, hell I'm chatting with badger right now :p

but I'm still bitter that my thread got deleted :(
CrazyHarij said:
Nah, the moderators rock, they are all unique and it's always fun having conversations with them. This is a huge difference from moderators in other forums.

Sheep still cant get over his thread, and I think its really childish of him to write about it in every thread.

Sheep, You got PM.
HOW BLOODY KEWL!!! PPL USED TO PLAY FIGHT IN AN ARENA THREAD??? someone start one!!! arena thread!!! arena thread!!!

Suicide42 grabs Sulkdodds by the neck, flings him over and cracks him against the wall. After being knocked on the floor by craziharij, he slowly gets up and brushes himself down. He gathers hhios strength and runs full force at his opponent, smashing him off a building. Sexy women gather round and hug and kiss him.
"thats what you get for asking to have a bit of my chocolate bar", he says, but then he wakes up.

*LittleB knocks Suicide42 in a kneecap with his crowbar, and proceeds to give him a noogie

muhahaha! take that you nutty brit! :devil:
Pendragon said:
:) We try!

Social acceptance at last! This'll be news for the Lonely Folks Anonymous meeting. ;)
when are those meetings? I'd like to attend
The arena got closed and was started by badger, a mod. So you'd be lucky :p
/flying monkey kicks Farrowsparrow in the region of the nuts.
Fat Tony! said:
The arena got closed and was started by badger, a mod. So you'd be lucky :p
i guess it could get out of hand... but itdd be damn fun while it lasted!!

ok, so maybe its a bad idea. but are there any other threads we could start that involve imagination? like we could start a thread with a story, and each member could be a character in teh story, and we could have a leader who progresses the story and brings it forward, and all the other characters would choose what they do- even how they die. or meybe all the mods could tell the story (so we have some mature people leading it) and the average members choose their role, as long as it doesnt involve suddenly turning out to be a spy and slaughtering the other members.

what about that ;)
I would get involved in this...but i know one of the admins will close this.

/me takes out DarkStar with his trust glowstick

Suicide, thats not a bad idea but i still reckon the admins will call it spam.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I would get involved in this...but i know one of the admins will close this.

/me takes out DarkStar with his trust glowstick

Suicide, thats not a bad idea but i still reckon the admins will call it spam.
damn admins, eh? ;P /me makes the crycryface til lil'timmy's head explodes