Youth culture


Sep 18, 2005
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DISCLAIMER: Yes I did indeed copy paste this if you've already seen it on another website.

Anyone else sick of young culture nowadays?

It's either rap and whips and dubs and grillz and wiggers and stupid teen white girls who want to **** blacks and wiggers.

Or it's trendy mop top ****s singing about fruitcakes, cutting yourself, or other nonsensical bullshit.

What the **** is wrong with young people?
Wait. Young people have a culture? I thought they just waltzed around randomly and ate 50 caliber aspirins all day. :|
It does really feel like the kids are dumber nowadays. They don't have common sense
The dumb sh*ts you see on TV are not todays youth culture. They are there to entertain 12 year old girls, all the other kids are doing drugs and such fun stuff.
DISCLAIMER: Yes I did indeed copy paste this if you've already seen it on another website.

Anyone else sick of young culture nowadays?

It's either rap and whips and dubs and grillz and wiggers and stupid teen white girls who want to **** blacks and wiggers.

Or it's trendy mop top ****s singing about fruitcakes, cutting yourself, or other nonsensical bullshit.

What the **** is wrong with young people?

That's not what youth culture is restricted to. Stop being so petty and small-minded.
That's not what youth culture is restricted to. Stop being so petty and small-minded.
But that's what seems to be getting the upper hand nowadays (well, at least here). And there's no one around to tell these people that they're really not doing well. Hell, several people I know think it's actually completely normal to shoplift. As in, "wait, you can get arrested for that?"-normal. They gleefully pick fights and love to piss people off by zipping past queues and throwing profanities everywhere. Combine that with their combination of (at least here) French, Dutch and many colloquials, they sound like they don't even know one language. Just annoys me to no extent.
Nowadays? - there have always been little shits who think it's completely normal to shoplift and scrap. It's not a new thing. Same with slang.

There is so much more to being young than that, and it annoys the fk out of me that people always focus on the negative.
Don't worry, most of the kids these days will soon open their eyes and realise that everyone around them looks the same as they do. They'll stop caring what their friends think, what NME tells them to listen to, what's 'phitt' thesedays and they'll grow out of it. That's the only major concern I have with the youth I see across England - the sheepish behaviour that comes with being lumped into listening to a certain genre of music.

There is so much more to being young than that, and it annoys the fk out of me that people always focus on the negative.
I'm with you there, but at least here they've really grown in numbers. I mean, I've got quite an extensive network of people and only a few of those actually did those things. But now, I have to hear a new story every two weeks or so of a younger guy I know stirring shit up.

I just find it horrible that these people just can't have fun through normal youth activities and know their limits and respect the limits of others. Sure, spraying graffiti is fun, but don't do it on someone's house. And even if you do, try to make something nice out of it, not just "**** U". Sure, taking (certain) drugs is fun, but don't go ODing everywhere and don't go beat up friends for drug money. Sure, having physical prowess bets is fun, but when it ends up in you almost killing the guy with a ****ing crossbow, you should know you're one ****ed up person.

All this shit has happened, and more, and worse. Some youngsters need some goddamn sense put into them, because they're damaging the view society has of us in an incredibly negative way.
I just find it horrible that these people just can't have fun through normal youth activities and know their limits and respect the limits of others. Sure, spraying graffiti is fun, but don't do it on someone's house. And even if you do, try to make something nice out of it, not just "**** U". Sure, taking (certain) drugs is fun, but don't go ODing everywhere and don't go beat up friends for drug money. Sure, having physical prowess bets is fun, but when it ends up in you almost killing the guy with a ****ing crossbow, you should know you're one ****ed up person.

I know thats your personal experience, and the secret wall in the basement can be a tough place sometimes, but it's still the vast minority who are that screwed up. most will just one day realise that they don't want to steal stuff they don't need and grow up.
DISCLAIMER: Yes I did indeed copy paste this if you've already seen it on another website.

Anyone else sick of young culture nowadays?

It's either rap and whips and dubs and grillz and wiggers and stupid teen white girls who want to **** blacks and wiggers.

Or it's trendy mop top ****s singing about fruitcakes, cutting yourself, or other nonsensical bullshit.

What the **** is wrong with young people?

that time of month?

Unintentional hilarity.
(Thread complaining about rap under a thread wherein we rap)
Yeah there's normal people who don't act like douche's, but most people are what I described. At least where I live. I've never really told anyone how much I hate it when someone tries to act cool. I mean it doesn't bother me when someone does something stupid and fun, but when someone dresses up in wigger cloeths and I call them a stupid shit and that ~15 year old starts talking a bunch of crap like "I KNOW NHB (usually some made up gang that no one's ever heard of and apparently runs the whole city) KUNT U BETTA SHOW SUM RESPECT WE HAV GUNZ" then adds on a bunch of generic "UR GHEY" insults, typically I'll just be asking this middle class prick to start beating me seen as he thinks he's so damn black and gangster because he listens to 50cent and they never do, there all full of crap. Not everyone's like this, most of the time there unpopular but it depends on what school they go to sometimes and yes it's hard to beleive people actually buy into there lies and become popular (to be completly honest there usually schools that are either A. Full of aboriginals who think there tough just because there black or B.there school has a reputation for being full lot of stoners who'll take any drug they can get)
From experince generally the real tough people just act normal and listen to whatever they like and have like minded friends.
I don't know why but people who talk crap like that have always pissed me off for some reason. It's people who think there all high and mighty because of how they talk and not who they really are, specially when they can convince other people of it.
I mean for God's sake your 15 **** off with all your thug bullshit, it's allright if you do stupid shit for fun but your image crap just pisses everyone off.
Also it's damn annoying when you try talk to a mate about something you've done and some spaz walks up and is all like "OMFG UR 2 PUSSY 4 DAT" because he thinks that you have to be a wigger to have fun.
If you threw one of these guy's out in the ghetto they'd ring up Mummy and ask her to pick her up in her mini van.
Yes there are a large amount of youths that need a brick thrown in their face, but there also A LOT of decent youths too, im 18 now but when i was growing up in my secondary school through five years, most people there were really decent people, even most of the chavs there knew when to draw the line, its the brainless that need the kick up the arse.
So white guys actually want to look like and be called ******s today
what I am really starting to hate is emos

I dont like the look of emos,dont like the music of emos,dont like how emo talks

the rest is meh

but yeah the "fashion" and "hip" stuff are anoying
especially pink shirts!
lol @ rant about "youth culture" on a site who's members are predominately youths

soon you'll start saying "when I was young .." or "I remember when ..."

Unintentional hilarity.
(Thread complaining about rap under a thread wherein we rap)
Not only that, but the HL2 disclaimer was copy and pasted, Australian culture is crap, and Steven is a mop top emo.

lol @ rant about "youth culture" on a site who's members are predominately youths

soon you'll start saying "when I was young .." or "I remember when ..."

whell I am young but no like those
Theres some at my school, but they strange thing is that those people who act that way are mostly black. I dont know why but thats just how it is in my school. Dont get me wrong, there are very intelligent black people in my school too who are really awesome, but the rest is what you just described.
Send 'em all to military schools?

/ \
Everyone, if they are not a kid, always hates the youth culture. The youth culture is always changing, so when compared with your static nostalgic youth todays ever changing youth seems "misguided". This is true for every single generation. In the 20's and 30's, parents who grew up in the 1890s and 1900s thought their kids were oversexed and incredibly disrespectful. In the 40's and 50's, parents of the 20's and 30's viewed their kids in exactley the same manner. In the 60's and 70's the rock and roll generation was seen as lewd insane drug addicts by their parents. In the 80's, 90's and today parents feel their kids are zombified by TV and video games.

The point is, the youth culture is viewed through people who were young in the past, whose nostalgia gets the better of them. I can imagine that in spite of changing media and habit, kids have always been pretty much exactley the same: gullible, susceptible to trends and naive. As every generation grows older and grows out of this, they don't realize that they too were fairly stupid as children, and they view the next generation as inferior to their own, when in fact it is we who are getting older and more conservative while the young generation remains exactley the same.

EDIT: furthermore, I think hiphop and rap will become somewhat of the same caliber as rock as time goes on and the rap generation grows up, to be replaced by something else which all of us will detest, even the former rappers of today. The exact same thing happened when jazz came into the picture, then rock&roll, then hard rock, then grunge, etc. Every single new version of music people hate as something that is "corrupting the youth", but then 20 years later its accepted as a classic part of american culture.
Well, I'm not a social outcast, because I'm fairly popular, but I don't think I'm all that mature either :O
They're not your friends anymore! (Stab them through the heart).
Do you guys not realize that a few short years ago most of you were just as dumb and arrogant as the teenagers you see today? And no matter what generation you are teenagers have always been annoying throught all of history.
Do you guys not realize that a few short years ago most of you were just as dumb and arrogant as the teenagers you see today?

I wasn't, and I know I wasn't.
From experince generally the real tough people just act normal and listen to whatever they like and have like minded friends.
I don't know why but people who talk crap like that have always pissed me off for some reason. It's people who think there all high and mighty because of how they talk and not who they really are, specially when they can convince other people of it.
I mean for God's sake your 15 **** off with all your thug bullshit, it's allright if you do stupid shit for fun but your image crap just pisses everyone off.
Wait, what?
Being normal is doing what you want, what you like, and having friends who like to do the things you like to do, thus, forming a gang (The Scooby Gang always seems happy) with your friends because you all have the same likes is a great idea.
So, if you think your awesome, if you have confidence, its bad? To think your cool in your mind is bad? I think not.
How a person talks is how they should be judged by? I say Eh? very confidentaly sometimes, I must be a horrible 15 year old.
Convincing other people? Dude, its called sharing your feelings.
If they enjoy the thug shit, then let them enjoy it. There are drawbacks to it, and in the end, to them, its just stupid shit for fun.
And your image? Who the hell cares what other people thinks about your image? Its you, and if they can't accept it, then just ignore them. Likewise if you hate someone's image, just avoid them.
Oh, and please don't insult the Youth's Culture smartness when you can barely write a proper sentence.
Wait, what?
Being normal is doing what you want, what you like, and having friends who like to do the things you like to do, thus, forming a gang (The Scooby Gang always seems happy) with your friends because you all have the same likes is a great idea.
So, if you think your awesome, if you have confidence, its bad? To think your cool in your mind is bad? I think not.
How a person talks is how they should be judged by? I say Eh? very confidentaly sometimes, I must be a horrible 15 year old.
Convincing other people? Dude, its called sharing your feelings.
If they enjoy the thug shit, then let them enjoy it. There are drawbacks to it, and in the end, to them, its just stupid shit for fun.
And your image? Who the hell cares what other people thinks about your image? Its you, and if they can't accept it, then just ignore them. Likewise if you hate someone's image, just avoid them.
Oh, and please don't insult the Youth's Culture smartness when you can barely write a proper sentence.

Jeesus Christ, I wasn't talking about people actually doing stuff it's when they make it up and think that there awesome for it. Or do it just to look cool.
I diden't once menmtion "smartness" (actually a word?) either so go away with your "Can't even form a proper sentance"
Do you guys not realize that a few short years ago most of you were just as dumb and arrogant as the teenagers you see today? And no matter what generation you are teenagers have always been annoying throught all of history.

Yes. Four years ago I was as smart as today's teenagers.
I'm a junior in high school and I resent stereotypes.
Most of the people like that piss me off and I stick my 12 1/2s up their asses. People don't mess with me now, though.
Last time when someone tried to fight me he grabbed my collar and I grabbed his neck. He ended up 6 inches from the ground against a locker.