Youth culture

Frankly, in my school... dipshits are the majority, not the minority. Apparently it's cool to act like a 2 year old, smoke, wag, do moronic things ("hey, I'm going to throw a pepsi can in a public bus, then when the bus driver stops and tells me to get off I'm going to call him a ****ing old bastard who overreacts") and generally be an idiot and a plague on society.

I get the same vibe from people in the malls around here, where the vast lot of them are stereotypes to the extreme, including the racial sort.
And that's why I'm at a selective school, where the 'toughs' smoke, drink, and play DOTA. :D
My friends tell me that I'm always predictable and rational :(

I feel so left out. *goes to try emo wrist-cutting*
My friends tell me that I'm always predictable and rational :(

I feel so left out. *goes to try emo wrist-cutting*
/me ignores everything said in this thread

Quickly, shoot up your school! Mad respectz + OVER 9000

Fliko said:
If they enjoy the thug shit, then let them enjoy it. There are drawbacks to it, and in the end, to them, its just stupid shit for fun.
I think everyone understands that, but when the "stupid shit" they do involves harming people (through words or physically), they should be punished for it and not just go "meh it's puberty let them be callous pieces of shit lol"
Do you guys not realize that a few short years ago most of you were just as dumb and arrogant as the teenagers you see today? And no matter what generation you are teenagers have always been annoying throught all of history.

yes but atleast I realized that,and some people dont