

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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I was wonding if anyone on here knows any decent websites for buying YoYo's in the UK. I have been looking at yoyoplay.com but its got a $12.95 shipping fee which is more then the damn yoyo in the first place. :(
Who remembers the yoyo fad, that was awesome, but that was some time ago now, my green xbrain will never see the light of day again.
Well i remeber having alot of fun with it when there was that fad, and well i got nothing better to do over my 5 month summer holiday so i thought i would get one and a trick book. But like a say havnt had much luck finding a website that sells um. Dunno if i wanna play 8 quid on P+P.
I tried to reignite the fad in school a few months ago. Didn't catch on again.

Can't you just buy them from toy shops somewhere around there? Have you looked around?
I'm trying to start a ball in cup fad at school. It's actually working pretty good.

holy crap, 5 months summer vacation? wtf? do you ever go to school?
Hectic Glenn said:
Who remembers the yoyo fad, that was awesome, but that was some time ago now, my green xbrain will never see the light of day again.
I remember that! oh wow, talk about being 10 or 11.
Uni, no exams, all practical work. Hand in is the 4th of may :) And then gunna start work on my 3rd year game project. UT 2004 mod here we come! :) Just started texturing the first model woop wooop!
Hectic Glenn said:
Who remembers the yoyo fad, that was awesome, but that was some time ago now, my green xbrain will never see the light of day again.

Haha, legendary. I remember it - everyone suddenly had a Yoyo, and then a few months later, everyone forgot about it.

My little brother KOed himself one morning by trying to do an "Around the world". he actually struck himself unconcious. The school principal (a real ultra-conservative Christian who banned horror novels for being "Satanic") made him stand up in front of the entire school (strange, as the accident happened at home) and used it as justification for condemning Yoyos as the tool of the devil and banning them outright at the school.

Strange times. I also remember when he allegedly "Executed" a load of those little Tamagotchi things (tools of the devil) by dumping them in a bucket full of water. We were all horrified - surely that was murder?

-Angry Lawyer
AL, get the Lawyermobile. We have an old man to sue.
*Angry Lawyer starts the engine to the Lawyermobile, and puts on sunglasses*

Lets roll.

-Angry Lawyer
Your headteacher was cool. My one just replaced the christian story about the shepard with 100 sheep who lost one and went looking for it, with a kid with 100 tamigotchis.
Hectic Glenn said:
Who remembers the yoyo fad, that was awesome, but that was some time ago now, my green xbrain will never see the light of day again.
Yeah, yoyos were big in 2000 or something. It was awesome making them spin at the bottom for ages.

I wanna yoyo again :farmer:
Haha, Tamagotchi's, I remember them. I had a Dog one that I got from ASDA. I think it lasted like 3 weeks then it died while I was taking a shit in Mothercare's toilets.

I cryed. ;(

I had a YoYo too, although I had a tendency to break them. I bought one from the corner shop and broke it before I got home.