YUPPI!! Mythica is cancelled!!


Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
Mythica is no more

Microsoft cancels its forthcoming Norse-mythology-based MMORPG.

I was really looking forward for this MMORPG, with supposedly a "story" and even better, about Vikings myths.

See the full article here
Damn....That would have been a nice MMORPG:(

Oh btw, why "YUPPI"? Sarcasm?
Good MMORPGs get canned all the time. One of the more suprising ones was the fully 3D sequel to Ultima Online, called "Origin"... or was it "Origins"?
I thought it was Ultima Online 2.

That one with the Meer and Lizard people?
I meant the Ultima Online series (if there is more than one, I never got into them)... not the first Ultima Online.
bah, i hate these games. 1.money issues
2.theyre not to my style, i preferr violent/futuristic games, not elvish games
Whatever happened to the Ultima Online 2? It looked really cool... then it just seems to have disappeared...
There are some violent/futuristic MMORPGs... but most of the people that would spend all that time and money on a character are more interested in medieval/fantasy themes.
nonono, i didnt explain properly, i mean i prefer to have a gun in my hands running through corridors shooting people in the head, then having a top-down view and doing it. not as exciting for me.
again, Neocron, however with RPG base, has FPS view.

edit - OcybrOman beat me to it...... :rolleyes: