Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Resurrected!


Jul 9, 2003
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Ever wanted to play Zelda: Ocarina Of Time in higher res Cel shaded graphics? Well now you can. A guy name Djipi took the N64 rom and updated the graphics. You can download the graphics pack in one of the following links:

ftp://emutalkdl:[email protected]/






You will need an N64 emulator and the Zelda: Ocarina Of Time rom in order to play this. You can download the best emulator here.

I am not aloud to post a link to the rom so you will have to find in on Google or on Bittorrent or something. Here are some pictures of what the new graphics look like:

Some Screenshots:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-144.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-146.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-147.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-148.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-149.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-151.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-152.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-153.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-155.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-156.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-158.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-159.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-160.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-162.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-163.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/Tjalian/OoT/THELEGENDOFZELDA-164.jpg

You can view the original release thread here.

Nintendo has said that older games may have newer looks on the Revolution. I wonder if we will see stuff like this? That would be pretty cool if you had the option to play the N64 Zelda games in Cel Shaded or with higer resolution graphics.

If you want much more Revolution related news visit my site here: http://theboard.zogdog.com/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=11&
Kschreck said:
Nintendo has said that older games may have newer looks on the Revolution. I wonder if we will see stuff like this? That would be pretty cool if you had the option to play the N64 Zelda games in Cel Shaded or with higer resolution graphics.

If you want much more Revolution related news visit my site here: http://theboard.zogdog.com/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=11&

yes! thats what I'm talking about! Upgrade the graphics when you re-release older games.

Whatever happend with Twilight princess? I still want that game did it come out?
VirusType2 said:
yes! thats what I'm talking about! Upgrade the graphics when you re-release older games.

Whatever happend with Twilight princess? I still want that game did it come out?

It's been delayed till next year :(

And the cel-shaded OOT doesn't really work... just looks like a badly textured game to me.
And to think I once thought this game looked amazing. :O

BTW the cel-shading does not work. At all.
Absinthe said:
And to think I once thought this game looked amazing. :O

BTW the cel-shading does not work. At all.
I always despised Zelda when it came out on the 64. I just can't tell you the hate I have for those 3d adventures. Bah, gimme the top down view good ol' fasioned style any day. That's why I can't play any of the new marios, even though I'm sure they are awesome..I hate the camera/gameplay/everything...

And I hate cel shaded too. AAHHH
You hated OOT? Wow. You're the first person I've ever met who has said that.
I myself don't hate OOT, nor do I see its awesomeness. Its a good game, but like many, its far far overrated for its own good.

And I think the cell shading thing looks great. A huge step up from the dark ugliness that plauged most N64 games.
Dumb Dude said:
And I think the cell shading thing looks great. A huge step up from the dark ugliness that plauged most N64 games.

That dark ugliness you referred to actually does a good job of disguising the simplistic bland look as evidenced by these screenshots.
Nah. I don't like it. I preferred the original OoT graphics.
I quite like it, but i'm a sucker for anything cell shaded.

The bummer is my N64 pad to pc adapter doesn't work with XP :/
CyberPitz said:
I always despised Zelda when it came out on the 64. I just can't tell you the hate I have for those 3d adventures. Bah, gimme the top down view good ol' fasioned style any day. That's why I can't play any of the new marios, even though I'm sure they are awesome..I hate the camera/gameplay/everything...
I couldn't agree more! Im right there with you on that.

Although I hate platform games, there was something about the sidescrolling Zelda2 that i thought was the best one.
SNES version of Zelda was the last one i could get into.
SNES version of Mario World was the best and only great Mario game ever IMO

Although Twilight Princess looks to change my mind about 3D rpg/adventure games. I gotta have this game.

I love cell shaded graphics, but definately not for a Zelda game.
I still have the Gamecube adaptation of OOT...so I'm all set. :D
It looks cool in places, but the hyrule field grass texture looks almost flat. Ew.

You can upgrade the graphics yourself for other N64 games. The emulator project64 lets you grab all the textures from the game, then edit them and place them into a high-res folder and it'll change the texture in-game. It doesn't mean you can have 512x512 textures though, I don't think.
OH EM GEE! As a zelda fanatic, I can say without a doubt that that looks FANTASTIC!
Looks nice in the screenshots...
But when you play it... Ugh.
Cel-shading worked with Wind Waker, but for some reason it just doesn't with that :(
I never even played OoT. But, I have played Majora's Mask. Can anybody PM me a link to the rom?
Jangle said:
Cel-shading worked with Wind Waker, but for some reason it just doesn't with that :(

Correction: Cel-shading never worked with any Zelda title.

...****ing muppets in Wind Waker...
NO!!! Cel shading and Zelda do not mix!! Remember the Zelda: Wind Waker game?? Horrid graphics!! Please do not spoil the best Zelda game ever made!...Correction...possibly the best game ever made!
Man, didn't know that people were still touchy about Wind Waker's graphics. That was a hell of a game, and pretty one to boot. Why the heck is there still grief over it?
I LOVE Wind Waker, the graphics don't bother me one bit, I thought it all worked remarkably well
Direwolf said:
Man, didn't know that people were still touchy about Wind Waker's graphics. That was a hell of a game, and pretty one to boot. Why the heck is there still grief over it?

Because I don't want my good gaming memories as a child to be sodomized by toon town.

Why the HELL they decided to ditch this:


For this:


Makes no kind of sense to me. Why you'd go from the fantasy, mature, albeit realism-based look of OoT to muppet Link is insanity. I am beyond thankful that an uproar was made over this horrid transition and the new Zelda game will have look similar to OoT.
God forbid they ever try anything different with Zelda. I'm not all that convinced that one look was more "mature" than the other. Both have little elf boys with huge eyes running around with fairies and whatnot.
What makes this
more mature than this.
I liked that they tried something else once in a while.
But I personally like Minish Cap Link the most. But not how he is displaed in the art itself but in the game.

It's like the link absinthe posted is of a sexually confused link, you know who wares panties and skirts, but still thinks his hetro, and alwasy looks very angry because of that.

While the minish cap link, is like a cool kicking ass dude. Confromtable with his sexuality, even walking in a funny gay way, like he is hoola hooping. You just don't want to mess with him.

In short,
Minish Cap link = Mature
Normal Link = Myspace Emo
Absinthe said:
Correction: Cel-shading never worked with any Zelda title.

...****ing muppets in Wind Waker...

Bah humbug!

Wind Waker is one of the most visually stunning games of this generation. Fighting the dragon over the lava, or the big bird on the prison island, or returning colour to Hyrule, or ..... etc So many moments that have stayed with me long after completion.

Simply stunning :)

You probably hate orphans and wish christmas was cancelled!

(As for the people that complained - they're what's known as the vocal minority. Many of them live on the internet, they hate orphans too)
I prefer the darker and more mature visual style of zelda games as well. Wind Waker was pretty good but I felt it was missing some elements and items that I liked in other zelda titles.

I didn't really like the cell-shaded graphic style for WW but I must say they were very clean and nice looking. Just to clarify, just because they look good doesn't mean I have to like the style (before somebody points out that I'm contradicting myself :P).
I always prefer the OoT style graphics over Cell shading but I certainly didn't mind Wind Waker. It was a style decision to make it cell shaded and to a degree it worked for what they were trying to do.

Not really on the graphics themself but still an interesting and short read. It especially means a lot to me since I have studied Celtic religion, culture and history.
The King of Hyrule and Ganondorf both understand that their world is ending. Nowhere in Celtic culture is this sense of loss clearer than in the emigration of many people from their land; some historians have even interpreted Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings as being concerned with the decline of the Celtic peoples. And here the parallel doubles back on itself, as fantasy such as The Legend of Zelda is undoubtedly influenced by Tolkien and Middle-Earth.
Absinthe said:
Because I don't want my good gaming memories as a child to be sodomized by toon town.

Why the HELL they decided to ditch this:


For this:


Makes no kind of sense to me. Why you'd go from the fantasy, mature, albeit realism-based look of OoT to muppet Link is insanity. I am beyond thankful that an uproar was made over this horrid transition and the new Zelda game will have look similar to OoT.
What? Are you insulting Wind Waker? That was the best game ever, well, next to OoT (On a console that is, other then Halo 2 Multiplayer... When playing with your friends on a system link)