Zelda: Twilight Princess will will be 100+ Hours

I'm skeptical, but that's definitly a comfirmation that its longer than Ocarina of Time. Which is more than I need. :D
Sweet news... I want this even more now! :O
This is great news. I love any RPG that is loaded with cool optional side quests that yield special items and gold, etc. If they can manage to throw that much in there and keep the graphics/framerate/gameplay up to par with the best of the Zelda franchise(insert your opinion here), then this could be the best game of all time! Well...potentially. :)
So it's not even coming out for the gamecube?

*waits forever*
It is coming out on the GC, just not this Christmas :/

At least my 360 will get a look in now.
VirusType2 said:
So it's not even coming out for the gamecube?

*waits forever*
It's being released primarily for the Gamecube, however since the Revolution can also play all Gamecube games straight from the disk and since it sounds like Nintendo is implementing new "game play features" people are speculating it means they are addings special stuff that, when played on the Revolution can be used. Stuff like utilizing the new controll for combat was one thing people are speculating.
The Mullinator said:
It's being released primarily for the Gamecube, however since the Revolution can also play all Gamecube games straight from the disk and since it sounds like Nintendo is implementing new "game play features" people are speculating it means they are addings special stuff that, when played on the Revolution can be used. Stuff like utilizing the new controll for combat was one thing people are speculating.

I don't doubt it. Nintendo loves making things work like that. interconnecting game boys and game cubes, connecting all kinds of things together to make a bigger, better thing. It's like one of their main selling points
Wow. One hundred hours? I wish all games were like that. Imagine Prince of Persia or Ninja Gaiden at one hundred hours. I kind of want this game now. Is there a PC equivalent to this game (probably not, but it would be nice)?
I've never seen any game(pc or console) that even comes close to doing the whole zelda thing right.
Yeah, its a weird mix of RPG and action/adventure game, with ten tons of polish. You just don't see that much.
Zelda: Twilight Princess will will be 100+ hours :P
That may seem awesome at first, but I'd imagine it'd get boring after the first 60+ hours.
Not to be the negative nancy, but most game developers are way off on their estimates for how long it'll take a player to go through the game. I remember the dev for God of War said it'd take a good 20+ hours to get through the game once. I beat it in 8-9.

I'm all for the 100+ hours...god knows I love a good time sink... but I just don't see it taking that much time. That'd be like Ocarina, Majora's Mask, Link to the Past and Wind Waker combined.
Well...now you've made me excited over something other than the X360. I'll take Zelda anyday. 100HRS!!?? looks like a 4 nights of staying up.
I don't know FFX said 40 hours didn't it? I spent about 38 and there were some things i left un-done. Then i went back and played it again, upgrading my characters differently more than once.

I figure 100 hours is a pretty good estimate of how much time you could spend playing through once if you don't head straight for the exit

this game is going to be so good
so who's going to try and get through this in one sitting?
carrera said:
so who's going to try and get through this in one sitting?
Not me for one. This will be a game for gently progressing through the story, while taking in as much of the world as possible.
carrera said:
so who's going to try and get through this in one sitting?

Whod want to?

Zelda games are meant to be savoured :)
AmishSlayer said:
Not to be the negative nancy, but most game developers are way off on their estimates for how long it'll take a player to go through the game. I remember the dev for God of War said it'd take a good 20+ hours to get through the game once. I beat it in 8-9.

I'm all for the 100+ hours...god knows I love a good time sink... but I just don't see it taking that much time. That'd be like Ocarina, Majora's Mask, Link to the Past and Wind Waker combined.

Too true. You could construe that it can take 100+ hours to explore every nook and cranny.

I could also easily double the playtime of HL2 by walking all the way through. :P
I would say that in all probability Twilight Princess' story line will have 20-30 odd hours of play in it.

Hopefully Nintendo can some original side quests that can add to the play time a great deal. At a push up to 50 hours play possibly?

100 hours is too grand a scale to try and imagine, unless Nintendo have delayed this for a very, very good reason.
if its half as good(and twice as long) as wind waker i'll be happy
The worst that can happen, as with all the Zelda games, is that it'll just be very good. Hopefully it'll do a 'OoT' or 'LttP'.

There's no safer bet in this hobby :)
Cormeh said:
Not me for one. This will be a game for gently progressing through the story, while taking in as much of the world as possible.

Same, i'm gonna take my time with this and just enjoy the experience... just like i did with Ocarina of Time... God, i loved OoT so much, can remember my first play, i was so excited! :D
OoT is a shining beacon in my history of gaming. Nothing since has quite captured its magic.
Ren.182 said:
Same, i'm gonna take my time with this and just enjoy the experience... just like i did with Ocarina of Time... God, i loved OoT so much, can remember my first play, i was so excited!

Absinthe said:
OoT is a shining beacon in my history of gaming. Nothing since has quite captured its magic.

Ditto on both counts. I've already forgotten about WW, I certainly hope that Twilight Princess can produce the same result as OoT.
If if it's just half the projected 100 hours... I'll be ecstatic!
Same. 50 Hours of gameplay is a lot... 100 hours on the other hand :|

I haven't forgotten about WW... I also enjoyed that game too! I loved how vast the ocean actually was. And without loading times everytime you entered a new land (not dungeon) it really was vast.
Great, now I'm glad I bought a GC. Actually I was glad when I got Resident Evil 4.