Zeno Clash 66% off - worth it?

It was first released for download through Valve's content delivery service, Steam, on April 21, 2009.

Game just came out 8 months ago and it's already $5. I'd say you can't beat that deal if the game is any good.
The game is a little indie gem, I strongly suggest anyone who likes to try different things to get it. The art is excellent and the combat is surprisingly fun once you understand it's mechanics. The story is not complex, but interesting and fun enough like a twisted fairytale.

After beating the story, you also have access to several challenge maps which are also quite addicting and fun.
The dialogue is pretty hilarious. I don't know if it meant to be, but I greatly enjoyed it. It also contains the best line ever written (also a spoiler):

Father-Mother is neither your father or your mother.
Great game, I bought it full price and didn't regret it for a second.
I'm tempted also, how long is it? What games does it compare to, or is it one of those unique games?
I'm tempted also, how long is it? What games does it compare to, or is it one of those unique games?
The setting has an Oddworld atmosphere to it; very bizarre in a way that's a little creepy. I would say it's worth it for the visuals alone. A shallow perspective, I know, but there's some truly spectacular creativity, especially concerning enormous fauna. Gameplay-wise, I've never played anything like it, though I'm sure there must've been another attempt at first-person brawling.

Edit: It's worth noting the game avoids being repetitive by introducing you to new weapons and arenas regularly. The boss battles are especially varied, for example, one contains explosive squirrels. I'll leave it at that.
The dialogue is pretty hilarious. I don't know if it meant to be, but I greatly enjoyed it. It also contains the best line ever written (also a spoiler):

Father-Mother is neither your father or your mother.
Great game, I bought it full price and didn't regret it for a second.

Voice acting is unfortunately very poor :p
Certainly, its a bally good game, what?

Nothing better than beating the life out of a bird-man fellow with ones fists, I should say.
It's bloody great so it is.

I mean really surely you could only expect good things from a game that could be described as "YOU ARE A THUG WHO BEATS UP BIRD MEN"?
Everyone should enter the comic competition on the new page first though. The winner will be announced before the sale ends apparently. :dozey:

I say this just because I want to read more hilarious/hilariously awful comics.
picked it up for $3.75 today!
been waiting for an Ultimate Edition on PC but it's looking doubtful...
plus I couldn't really pass it up at that price
I forgot, saw Zeno Clash Ultimate Edition on XBLA the other day. Hadn't heard it was already on it.
Game just came out 8 months ago and it's already $5. I'd say you can't beat that deal if the game is any good.
Is was at least that cheap in the xmas sale last year. :3

Still need to get around to playing it. ****ing Steam back catalog will be the death of me.
Just bought it, better be good after all this praise.
It cost you less than lunch bro
I guess I am in a diferent way here but

I didnt liked it that much

why? well will not try to spoil things

it was very repetitive,think that what you will do most of the time will be to fight some 4 guys at the same time and pass the next level where you....will fight some other 4 guys,sometimes even the same as before,and some parts you fight a big like boss characters that have its mechanic,but when you encounter other boss its the same again
there is part like one when you use some torch thing to fight some shadows creatures which is cool,since is not repetitive,but those are just some few ones

but the repetitives was so much allways fighting against the same characters that I just got annoyed at it and didnt finished it and was near the ending

art style and everything else was good but sorry the repetitiveness was so much