Zerg have been unveiled

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score







Same links as above for your convenience.

Hmm, I'm not sure I like blizzard's cartoony-style art direction in sci-fi games.
That makes me want to find my starcraft cds now.
They did a great job converting the sprites into 3D, but the semi-gritty feel and charm was completely lost in translation. It's too bright now, and the gameplay just looks like they took Starcraft 1 and gave it the 3Dz... which really isn't what I wanted at all. Oh well.
The reapers remind me of Heinlein's Mobile Infantry (the book version)

I came a little.
I don't like the way it looks. Too cartoony I guess... and also, I think we're past the days of RTS games where you have large units in small numbers. RTS games need to be more epic like Sins and Supreme Commander.

I'm sick and tired of the RTS formula of the old days. It's so overdone.
cool vid thanks for sharing

i personally don't mind the way everything looks
the pictures definitely don't do it justice though; it's so much more impressive in motion
To this day, I still don't understand what the appeal of Starcraft was. True, at the time it came out, I didn't care for the RTS Genre, (Even though I did play the game) but I still didn't see what was so special. I did like the ingame cinematics, but other than that.. As for the above screenshots, thanks for posting them, but I feel the same as most here, they look way too cartoonish, at least for ones that i'm interested in playing.

I didn't like the first & more so now for the second.

I don't have a problem with the way it looks. True, some of that grit has been lost, but I won't lose sleep.

I was smacked of how much the Zerg looked like and reminded me of WoW's Qiraji and Silithid. But then I remembered they were pretty much ripped right out of the Zerg book any way.
I like the way it looks, but I don't like the fact that its a bit too much of a 2d view.
I like the way it looks, but I don't like the fact that its a bit too much of a 2d view.

I expect it'll have zoom and rotation options at least equivalent to WC3, it's still in early beta there could be issues there still, performance or whatever.

I like the way it looks, and I'm loving everything!
I came.


I don't really like the cartoony look either, but I'm sure once I play for awhile it'll grow on me.
Man that looks sick! Cant wait! I might go and finally beat StarCraft.
I don't know why you people don't enjoy the way the looks are. It's awesome looking! I love the extra level of detail to things. I really do hope we have full range control of the camera, though.
I don't mind the design of it so much as the colour, a bit too bright like some have already said. I have a feeling it's going to look roughly 100x better in motion, though, especially since they seem to have upped the scale considerably (which will make for some epic zerg rushes).
Yuck, cartoonish and polygonal.

The zerg rush looks pretty awesome though.
This game makes me want Dawn of War 2 even more.


If there aren't Tyranids in DoW2 from the moment it is announced, there will be some skulls to crack.

As for Starcraft 2, it doesn't impress me that much at the moment. I imagine I'll play the demo to death but won't have the inclination to buy the full game.

If there aren't Tyranids in DoW2 from the moment it is announced, there will be some skulls to crack.

As for Starcraft 2, it doesn't impress me that much at the moment. I imagine I'll play the demo to death but won't have the inclination to buy the full game.


We're not lovers anymore.
I'll probably give this a miss. Is there really anything to set this apart from Starcraft besides the new units and graphics? Calling SC outdated would be pretty charitable... although if that's what the fanbase wants, who are Blizzard to deny them.
Changing the gameplay would incite an invasion from South Korea. It's in the interest of National Security.

Not really looking forward to this game... I don't like 'fast' RTS games much.
Looks great to me... I just know I'll never be able to pull off anything cool in the game like they're showing happen, though (and for the person who does pull it off, it doesn't look so cool because their screen is bouncing around all over the place while they give orders), so I'm not really that excited...
Cartoony style does not fit Starcraft.
I'm sure the replay system will work a lot like it does for SC, except adding all the nifty camera angles and such, so it CAN look like the videos.
I came...

Looks like theyve gone Warcraft 3 on our asses, cartoony graphics, but I still think it looks awesome, and hey its Starcraft!

We can cry and moan, but I can guarantee itll be one of the greatest selling games of all time considering the current Starcraft's community size, its still played loads today so..
Hl2.net Starcraft II clan, much?

Luckily we only have one Korean in these forums (that I know of), which spells hope for the rest of us who doesn't want our ass handed to us on a silver platter.

Starcraft never did it for me. This doesn't either. That battle at the end of the vid was like watching paint dry. In the rain. What the hell was it about Starcraft that was just sooooo amazing?

Starcraft never did it for me. This doesn't either. That battle at the end of the vid was like watching paint dry. In the rain. What the hell was it about Starcraft that was just sooooo amazing?


The fact that it's extremely fun if you actually get into it. Back when it was released, there were only a handful of decent RTS games (Warcraft 2, C&C, Age of Empires), and Starcraft had some very unique concepts with a well detailed and deep story to go with it. It has 3 completely unique races that each cater to a plethora of varied play styles, all the while remaining very simple to jump into. At that time, it was also the fastest paced RTS available, and it still is in many respects. It's definitely not for people who prefer a slower RTS, with more advanced city building and unit systems.

We're not lovers anymore.

Not through any hatred towards Starcraft, but RTS games are always too difficult for me. Hence I always play the demo and play it to death trying to win the first level. Then I feel utterly content.

also the estyle looks to warcraft

just look at the protoss no mechanic units and you can place them in a warcraft game and will fit