Zero bugs?

KingPing_NOR said:
In the email( that jb55 got from Valve he said that they would be down to zero bugs in 16 days.

0 bugs? is that even possible?
Does he mean that when we get the game we wount encounter any bugs at all?! No patches(not to be comfused with updates)?
No, it'll just be the bugs that they have found. There'll probably be a few small bugs left that were missed, no game comes out perfect.
Well it will be Zero of the bugs they found during their inhouse testing, VU games might find some more which they will have to fix. The game will probably still be released with bugs that werent found during any testing, but that'll be corrected via patches.
And even if it's 99% bugfree, patched will still come out that fix balance issues and introduce new features. Thanks you Steam :).
I think Valve is too ambitious. I mean, you can always fix those little, tiny bugs later (say it with me: "Steam"). Then again they want to deliver the best game since HL1 and that is REALLY hard.
when they say bugs they mean show stoppers which ive explained before. a show stopper is a bug that occures during gameplay or sometime after the user double clicks the icon to start playing and causes the game to crash out of the game.

its also little things like texture alignment.
As Abom has said, the Valve team will be happy once they've fixed the bugs that they know about and will personally be ready to release the game. That means they'll put a release candidate through to Vivendi. It's almost certain that Vivendi will find more bugs with their extensive play tests and quality control and assurance tests (whether it be a certain crash on a certain system or something smaller like a misaligned texture on a model) and then report them to Valve. Valve will then work off all of those bugs and send another RC to Vivendi. The process repeats until both Valve and Vivendi are happy enough to release the game, which is when a gold master is sent to Vivendi for duplication.

For the few that don't know, that's what "going gold"

Then obviously it's released.
Strifer said:
I think Valve is too ambitious. I mean, you can always fix those little, tiny bugs later (say it with me: "Steam"). Then again they want to deliver the best game since HL1 and that is REALLY hard.

St.. Ste... Stea- I CAN'T SAY IT!

No way they will have zero bugs. They will never have to patch it then? All the patches will be for content, not fixes? Suuuure. :smoking:

Within a week a few bugs will be found online, and possibly in SP. Mainly because the number of 'testers' goes from (no idea) [valve + beta testers] to [# of copies sold in the first week].
Chris_D said:
As Abom has said, the Valve team will be happy once they've fixed the bugs that they know about and will personally be ready to release the game. That means they'll put a release candidate through to Vivendi. It's almost certain that Vivendi will find more bugs with their extensive play tests and quality control and assurance tests (whether it be a certain crash on a certain system or something smaller like a misaligned texture on a model) and then report them to Valve. Valve will then work off all of those bugs and send another RC to Vivendi. The process repeats until both Valve and Vivendi are happy enough to release the game, which is when a gold master is sent to Vivendi for duplication.

For the few that don't know, that's what "going gold"

Then obviously it's released.

It sounds as if valv has done this bug fixing for some time and they'w got 16 days left. so will the testing at vivendi take as much time?

That would mean that we'r garanted(speeeeeeling?) not to get the game in like 50 days(16 valve testing, 16 vivendi testing, 18 shipping/etz)
I'm expecting the game in late September to late October personally.
I agree with Chris_D. I'm hoping for late september/early october. However, I won't even start to get my hopes up this time till i hear the magic words... "GONE GOLD!"
I hope Valve f*cks up somewhere along the line so I can point and laugh. Frankly I dont care anymore when HL2 comes out.. I wasted countless years on it already (well actually you could count it on one hand but thats not the point).
Poor, poor Xbox owners. No patches for them ;) . Valve will iron out the main glitches and bugs before release, and thats all I need to know.
i dont think vivendi will playtest more in depth than valve, i'd be surprised if they find any bugs.
Andy018 said:
when they say bugs they mean show stoppers which ive explained before. a show stopper is a bug that occures during gameplay or sometime after the user double clicks the icon to start playing and causes the game to crash out of the game.

its also little things like texture alignment.

Not just that, also regular bugs like the bug that made the game start up really slow according to some playtesters, Valve said this would be one of the last bugs to be fixed.
Dr0ndeh said:
i dont think vivendi will playtest more in depth than valve, i'd be surprised if they find any bugs.

Vivendi will find bugs. They have a much larger quality assurance team than valve would have in-house. There will be multiple release candidates.. probably 2-4 RC's.
Strifer said:
I think Valve is too ambitious. I mean, you can always fix those little, tiny bugs later (say it with me: "Steam"). Then again they want to deliver the best game since HL1 and that is REALLY hard.

STA............STA......MMM MMM UHHHHH...........STA............GGG GGG ...........STA..........STA......mmmmm..........STA........STEAM......gggg......GGGGG........gunit. :dork:
Some_God said:
I hope Valve f*cks up somewhere along the line so I can point and laugh. Frankly I dont care anymore when HL2 comes out.. I wasted countless years on it already (well actually you could count it on one hand but thats not the point).

dude, liek not even one year has passed (around 10 months). so liek your pwned. :afro:
Chris_D said:
As Abom has said, the Valve team will be happy once they've fixed the bugs that they know about and will personally be ready to release the game. That means they'll put a release candidate through to Vivendi. It's almost certain that Vivendi will find more bugs with their extensive play tests and quality control and assurance tests (whether it be a certain crash on a certain system or something smaller like a misaligned texture on a model) and then report them to Valve. Valve will then work off all of those bugs and send another RC to Vivendi. The process repeats until both Valve and Vivendi are happy enough to release the game, which is when a gold master is sent to Vivendi for duplication.

For the few that don't know, that's what "going gold"

Then obviously it's released.

I'm not sure if this is true but someone posted that Half Life 1 went from RC to gold in 1 or at least a few days, due to the extensive play testing performed by VALVe. Is there any chance that this will happen again you think?
Indeed. They've prosponed the release for almost a year now, what did you think they were doing during that time? I mean really...
RoyaleWithCheese said:
I'm not sure if this is true but someone posted that Half Life 1 went from RC to gold in 1 or at least a few days, due to the extensive play testing performed by VALVe. Is there any chance that this will happen again you think?

With all the time and work valve have been putting in it, I doubt there will be more than one release candidate. In my opinion.
i dont think any software in the world is bug free....there always some bugs in the software.
Yeh, but the kinda bugs Valve are going to be running into and fixing are going to be the kind of bugs you never see in commercial software. You know, you don't expect to see bugs in released games that make it crash if you, for example, pull out the manipulator, pick up something three times, then switch to another gun without putting the thing down. That's more the kinda bugs Valve will be squishing.

The bugs that make it out to retail are the subtle ones that are hard to find, until the installed base goes through the roof, and more bugs surface just because of the sheer numbers of people.
I wasted countless years on it already

Um, sorry but how did you waste time by being excited for a video game?
CreedoG said:
I agree with Chris_D. I'm hoping for late september/early october. However, I won't even start to get my hopes up this time till i hear the magic words... "GONE GOLD!"

Doom 3 has "GONE GOLD" :LOL:
Also, you have to think, some people don't have STEAM, and they'll just buy the game, and play it without steam. Like with CZ. You can play it on STEAM, or off steam.
RoyaleWithCheese said:
I'm not sure if this is true but someone posted that Half Life 1 went from RC to gold in 1 or at least a few days, due to the extensive play testing performed by VALVe. Is there any chance that this will happen again you think?

Indeed. Seems as Valve are playtesting much more than other developers. So I think it'll go RC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Gold quicker than with other games. Thats one of the resons they'r considerd one of the(or the) top developer teams, and they know it so they are deffinently trying to prove it right.
This is a normal procedure in a application ... if you have all the things that the Software need, the state no more features will be implented you will search for bugs, fix bugs and mostly you will find more bugs when you try to fix the older bug ...nobody can say when exactly the game has zero bugs, maybe they are playtesting since a 2-3 months @ Valve .. maybe first time they tested they find 124 bugs .. then they made some corrections, next time they find 128 bugs ... then they think :WTF ;)
but yeah. I think by Valve Software more bugs were fixed than finded :) They are better programers then I ever will be I think ...

Btw: Yeah maybe I'm finished with my little '2 months work project' in 2 weeks too :)

By the way2: hmm 'cool' Page @ the one who sends the mail .. and you really sends this to Gabe? LOOOL :)
Valve has bugs? Maybe they should call their local Orken man or something. I hate bugs =/
Some_God said:
I hope Valve f*cks up somewhere along the line so I can point and laugh. Frankly I dont care anymore when HL2 comes out.. I wasted countless years on it already (well actually you could count it on one hand but thats not the point).

Then why are you posting here?
Andy018 said:
a show stopper is a bug that occures during gameplay or sometime after the user double clicks the icon to start playing and causes the game to crash out of the game.

its also little things like texture alignment.

A showstopper bug is quite simply a bug that prevents gameplay from advancing every time.
Andy018 said:
when they say bugs they mean show stoppers which ive explained before. a show stopper is a bug that occures during gameplay or sometime after the user double clicks the icon to start playing and causes the game to crash out of the game.

its also little things like texture alignment.

No they mean bugs, any bug they find. If they meant show stoppers they would have said so.

HL1 was released on 1 realease candidate and was mostly bug free I fail to see why they would change their methodology here.
HL1's engine was a modified Quake engine, so most of the engine had had the bugs massaged out of it long ago. Source is brand new, so there will likely be some bugs that VU finds.

I don't think Steam is going to affect the release process in any way, though. VU for obvious reasons doesn't like Steam, and they can't rely on it to supply patches. Remember, every bug that gets into the release is one more support headache for them, so it's in their interest to kill as many as possible BEFORE accepting Valve's RC.
Some_God said:
I hope Valve f*cks up somewhere along the line so I can point and laugh. Frankly I dont care anymore when HL2 comes out.. I wasted countless years on it already (well actually you could count it on one hand but thats not the point).
Go 'way.

I just realized that we're the most hardcore fan community on the planet other than those poor DNF fools.
I think Valve is putting so much effort finding and fixing bugs because they know if Vivendi spot bugs in the release candidate, the game will be delayed at least additional one or two weeks; If Vivendi thinks the first RC is enough good to be gold then they just have to release to manufacturing, else they will report bugs to valve, valve will fix it, and then Vivendi will test the entire game again, etc.
its funny when someone says they "wasted time" waiting for a if they decided several weeks/months/years ago that all they were going to do from that day forth was wait for X if they quit their job, unplugged their phone, locked the door and sat in one place and stared at a calander for however amount of time.
..alphablu, you mean.. you didn't.. do that!? :O :O :O