Zero Punctuation: Grand Theft Auto IV

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I like everything about my PS3 more then the 360. Better games, better interface and functionality. It wasn't always like that for a year i liked the 360 but ya its a thing of the past now. I just started to like the PS3 more.
I know it's not really the topic for this but since it's brought it up I want to say something. One of the big reasons I just got a 360 over a PS3 is the... controller! Why the hell does the PS3 still use that same old ancient pos thing that was used for the PS1?! I mean it still has the ****ing d-pad in the main left thumb position for god's sake! What could possibly be the reasoning behind that?!

The best one, however, is the Gamecube controller. Love it!
I hope Yahtzee does Spore when it comes out.

Also, Asuka is as crazy as ever, back in ye olde times he used to call every unreleased game for "AWESOME!!" or "AMAZING!!", and now he turns out to be a PS3 fanboy, he's genetically inferior I say.

Also smwScott probably disliked the review because of Yahtzees recommends avoiding the PS3 version, it's a shame fanboys can't see past their moronic fanboy fanboyistic fanboyism.
Also smwScott probably disliked the review because of Yahtzees recommends avoiding the PS3 version, it's a shame fanboys can't see past their moronic fanboy fanboyistic fanboyism.

That must be it.
I believe his comments regarding the PS3 were simply down to its joypad. Whilst i love the PS3 the one thing it doesn't have right over the xbox360 is the design of its controller which sticks with the shape of the original PS1 controller designed a decade and a half ago. Theres nothing really wrong with the PS3 controller it just doesn't feel as superb in the hands as the excellent 360 controller.
I hope Yahtzee does Spore when it comes out.

Also, Asuka is as crazy as ever, back in ye olde times he used to call every unreleased game for "AWESOME!!" or "AMAZING!!", and now he turns out to be a PS3 fanboy, he's genetically inferior I say.

Also smwScott probably disliked the review because of Yahtzees recommends avoiding the PS3 version, it's a shame fanboys can't see past their moronic fanboy fanboyistic fanboyism.

yeah it's a shame :( damn fanboys :P
"Systematically alienating every kind of fanboy"

I reckon he reads
yeah it's a shame :( damn fanboys :P

I love how people are automatically labeled "fanboys" without any substantial information regarding their situation (they could have access to all three consoles for all you know). Notice how this phenomenon only occurs against anyone who has non-negative PS3 bias, I don't even remember the last time I've seen a knee-jerk reaction from Sony owners to accuse people of being Wii or 360 fanboys.

That alone speaks volumes about not just the maturity of people but also who are actually the real "fanboys".

Please note:
Asuka and his comments are an exception.
I've seen plenty of knee-jerk reactions from Sony owners to accuse people of being Nintendo or Microsoft fanboy, especially on the GameFAQs/GameSpot forums.
I've seen plenty of knee-jerk reactions from Sony owners to accuse people of being Nintendo or Microsoft fanboy, especially on the GameFAQs/GameSpot forums.

Well theres your problem.

Pretty funny review, I'm sure I'd enjoy it more if I had GTA 4 which I will tomorrow hopefully.

Jason Who documentaries?
I've seen plenty of knee-jerk reactions from Sony owners to accuse people of being Nintendo or Microsoft fanboy, especially on the GameFAQs/GameSpot forums.

I haven't seen much here.
I love how people are automatically labeled "fanboys" without any substantial information regarding their situation (they could have access to all three consoles for all you know). Notice how this phenomenon only occurs against anyone who has non-negative PS3 bias, I don't even remember the last time I've seen a knee-jerk reaction from Sony owners to accuse people of being Wii or 360 fanboys.

That alone speaks volumes about not just the maturity of people but also who are actually the real "fanboys".

Please note:
Asuka and his comments are an exception.

Hey I was only kidding right :P besides I own a PS3 and i like it
I liked the review and I like my PS3 and my Wii better than my 360. He is right about the controller to an extent: the sixaxis functionality is useful for almost nothing. The only time I have ever used it and enjoyed it was the 'After Touch' in Heavenly Sword. Very well-implemented. Otherwise, it always feels tacked-on and useless.

That said, the Dualshock design is my favorite of any controller for any system EVER.
That said, the Dualshock design is my favorite of any controller for any system EVER.

That's because your hands have deformed over the years into horrible Sony claws!!

"nurse, I need a GC pad and some super glue, stat"!
"I won't rest untill this poor guys hands are the right shape"
:laugh: I find it so hard to use the sixaxis now after coming of a PS2 controller to a 360 pad and a mouse and keyboard. I actually can't do it.
I believe his comments regarding the PS3 were simply down to its joypad. Whilst i love the PS3 the one thing it doesn't have right over the xbox360 is the design of its controller which sticks with the shape of the original PS1 controller designed a decade and a half ago. Theres nothing really wrong with the PS3 controller it just doesn't feel as superb in the hands as the excellent 360 controller.

I do agree that the 360 overall has a better controller, its just im a fan of the classic feel. Ill admit any day that the 360 has a better controller tho. The only problem i see with the PS3 controller are the 2 lower back bottoms, they don't feel right, its like your not pushing them but are, that and the weight but the weight is nice with the dualshock3 version.

I love how people are automatically labeled "fanboys" without any substantial information regarding their situation (they could have access to all three consoles for all you know). Notice how this phenomenon only occurs against anyone who has non-negative PS3 bias, I don't even remember the last time I've seen a knee-jerk reaction from Sony owners to accuse people of being Wii or 360 fanboys.

That alone speaks volumes about not just the maturity of people but also who are actually the real "fanboys".

Please note:
Asuka and his comments are an exception.

I have all 3 consoles and a PC, iv had them since launch. When the 360 came out i was all about it, thought it was the shit. PS3 came i had nothing to use it for it collected dust i was still a fan of the 360. Once i saw the potential of HOME and the virtual world with the trophies and the games coming out on it, i started to slowly get interested. What really did it for me was the interface the PS3 has. Once i started using it, i started to see the little things like controller settings, how it saves data, the new store. EVERYTHING is better about it compared to the 360. 360 has the worst ****ing clunky, cant find anything interface, worst controller settings, batteries that don't charge and not to mention its one hell of a unstable system. Luckily i still have my launch 360 and it works fine!
The Wii is the consoel PS3 and xbox players pull out on the rare occasion they want to get along and have some fairly lightweight fun together.
Until you guys have played a LAN game of CS with 8 friends in the same room while drunk or high, quit talking about how much fun the Wii is ;P

P.S. I like the PS3/PS2/PSX controller a lot more than the 360 one, I am not sure why.
I neither drink or smoke pot so that won't happen.:)

P.S. you Sir are worse than Stalin.
Until you guys have played a LAN game of CS with 8 friends in the same room while drunk or high, quit talking about how much fun the Wii is ;P

P.S. I like the PS3/PS2/PSX controller a lot more than the 360 one, I am not sure why.

I agree, cept, I neither drink or smoke...

Until you guys have played a LAN game of CS with 8 friends in the same room while drunk or high, quit talking about how much fun the Wii is ;P

P.S. I like the PS3/PS2/PSX controller a lot more than the 360 one, I am not sure why.

Many times. LAN parties are great, but a bunch of guys staring at monitors is not the social experience that, say, something like Wii Bowling is. You're also stuck in a room with a bunch of nerdy guys, as opposed to jiggling females.

The novelty of gaming with weed wares off after about 15 years - it's then the joys of sobre gaming suddenly smack home ;)
Until you guys have played a LAN game of CS with 8 friends in the same room while drunk or high, quit talking about how much fun the Wii is ;P
Replace weed & booze with red bull & kebabs and you just described the entirety of my high school years. :P
I have newfound respect for both Bad^Hat and highlander.:)
I have newfound respect for Bad^Hat, highlander and Gargantou :D
I lost respect for you all, you bunch of straight-edge fags!
Wii + alcohol + friends > *

Funny man.

Until you guys have played a LAN game of CS with 8 friends in the same room while drunk or high, quit talking about how much fun the Wii is ;P

Funny man.

You both fell into the same trap of claiming one needs alcohol to have "fun" with either system. Well done.